ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide Note: LMB stands for Left Mouse Button and RMB for R
ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide Note: LMB stands for Left Mouse Button and RMB for Right Mouse Button. MWU for Mouse Wheel Up and MWD for Mouse Wheel Down. The rest should be self- evident. Commanding— Command Bar— The command bar displays information about subordinate units. Each unit under your command shows: - ID: 1,2,3… - Rank - Specialization - Vehicle Occupation - Vehicle Role - Combat Mode - Current Orders: ‘Move!’ Command Responses— As a subordinate unit, in need of a quick response, press [-] to open the quick command menu. Here you can select one of the responses to your incoming commands: - Copy - Repeat - Done - Fail - One less - Where are you? - Radio – used for more complex conversations such as support requests Complex Commands— Assign Complex Commands from the command menu - Open the Quick Command menu [-] - Press [Backspace] to open complex commands Alternatively access specific categories via predefined keys [0-9]: - Move - Target - Engage - Mount - Status - Action - Combat Mode - Formation - Team - Team - [Backspace] always returns you to the root menu. Page 1 of 22 ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide Group Type Marker— Various unit types are indicated by an icon. The most common symbols are: Marks are further labeled by size: High Comm. Waypoints— Give units multiple waypoints: - Switch to High Command mode [Left Ctrl + Space] - Select the unit - Hold down [Left Ctrl] while setting waypoints - Edit the waypoint properties, click on it with [RMB] and change the group’s formation or combat style. High Command— High Command enables commanding squads in the same way the squad command works for subordinates. If you are allowed to take the role of a high commander, switch to high command using [Left Ctrl + Space]. Units are represented by NATO markers that vary according to group types and size. You can assign commands either in 3d view or on a map. Map offers more possibilities. Move!— When in command mode you can issue move orders to your subordinates. To issue a single waypoint without entering the map: - Select units with [F2-F10] keys - Open Commands [-] - Select Move Issue a waypoint (pie icon) using the map: - Open the map [M] -Select the units with the [F2-F10] keys - Click anywhere on the map Page 2 of 22 ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide Quick Commands— As a commander, you have access to quick commands via the quick command menu [-]. The menu is context sensitive - commands change according to the objects you point at. - Click on a position to issue a move command - Click on a target to issue an engage command - Click on a vehicle to order mount - To change the direction your units are facing, click a position while holding [Left Alt] - To hold fire click while holding [Ctrl] When you open quick commands the whole squad is selected by default. Selecting— - Select your subordinates with [F2-F10] keys - Use [F1] and [F12] to cycle between groups - Hold [Shift] while click units to select the entire team - Select all subordinates with [Left Ctrl + -] Alternatively, select the unit by pressing [F2] and moving the cursor over the unit - Hold [Right Ctrl + F2] and point at several units to make a group selection Side Markers— Units are marked according to their side. Target Assignment— As a team leader, you can assign targets to your teammates. Report a target for the whole team by [HOLD RMB] You can also assign the targets individually: - Select a teammate [F2-F10] - Point at the target - Press [-] - Choose Attack Teams— Units can be organized into teams for a quick selection. This is useful when commanding a large number of units. - Select units - Choose assign [9] - Choose a team color from the menu To select entire team: - Hold [Shift] and press [F#] key of any team member White team is used for any unassigned units. Page 3 of 22 ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide Explosives Info— APERS Bounding Mine— The anti-personnel bounding mine is designed for open areas. When tripped, a small propelling charge launches the body of the mine one meter into the air. The explosion covers a close area with fragments, killing the whole group. APERS Mine— A classic pressure activated anti-personnel mine. When dug-in, it is very hard to detect without the help of a mine detector. AT Mine— An AT mine is the strongest ground mine manufactured today. It is triggered only by vehicles. Claymore Charge— A Claymore fragmentation charge is one of the deadliest anti-personnel charges available. One a timed or remote-triggered detonation, the claymore sends deadly steel balls in a frontal direction. Effective kill radius is up to 50 meters. Unlike dug-in mines the Claymore is placed on the ground and is easier to spot. Explosive Charge— Explosive charge can be placed on the ground. It could set to detonate either by the built-in timer or a remote detonator. Explosive Satchel— Explosive Satchel can be placed on the ground. It could be set to detonate either by the built-in timer or a remote detonator. It is stronger than an Explosive Charge, capable of destroying whole buildings but it is easier to spot. M6 SLAM Mine— This mine is a next generation Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition. It is very effective against light armored vehicles, penetrating 40mm armor from up to eight meters. Unlike dug-in mines, SLAM is placed on the ground and is easier to spot. Naval Mine (Bottom)— Naval mines sitting on the bottom of the sea are used in depths of up to 200 meters. Deployed by ships and airplanes, a single mine carries a large load of explosives and variety of sensors to punish every ship which sails too close. Naval Mine (Moored)— Moored Naval Mine is the most used naval mine. Deployed by ships and airplanes, a single mine carries a large load of explosives and variety of sensors to punish every ship which sails too close. PDM-7— PDM-7 is an amphibious mine used in shallow waters agains light assault boats and amphibious vehicles. Fuse placed on the base serves to discourage handling with the armed mine. Page 4 of 22 ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide General— Action Menu— The action menu is a context sensitive list of available actions. It changes depending on the object pointed at with the cursor. Icons (various) near the weapon cursor indicate a new default action. - Execute the given action directly with [Space]. Other actions are listed in the action menu. - Open the menu with [MWD] or [MWU]. - Select an action. - Execute the selected action with [Space]. Binoculars— There are specific slots for special items in your inventory. You can equip and use Binoculars [B], Night Vision Goggles [N] and others to improve your tactical awareness. You can have only one hand mounted display equipped. Clothes— You can change your uniform and bags in Inventory [I]. Different items have different attributes. Thus replacing uniform, vest and bag will result in a different visage, load capacity and armor. You can only wear uniforms of your own side. Containers— Uniforms, vests and backpacks work as a container in your inventory. To exchange a container: - Open Inventory [I] - Point the cursor at a container with this equipment. - Drag the replacement on the specific position. Each container has a limited capacity indicated by a load bar underneath its icon. It is possible that some items may not fit into one bag. Doors— Most doors can be opened. - Point the cursor at the door until the icon appears. - Press [Space]. - You can also open/close doors through the action menu. Fast Equip— When in the inventory, [RMB] click on any item will fast equip/unequip it. - Fast equipping anything from the ground will move it to its slot or one of your containers. - Fast equipping anything from your slots or containers will move it to the ground or an opened ground container. Page 5 of 22 ARMA 3 (Alpha) Field Guide GPS— Your GPS keeps track of time, your location, direction and also contains a detailed map of your surroundings. - Activate the GPS [Right Ctrl + M] to gain instant awareness of your surroundings. Inventory— - Activate your Inventory by pressing [I]. - Use drag and drop to move items between slots and containers. - Close the Inventory by pressing [I] again. This hint also applies to searching vehicles, bags, corpses or just piles of items on the ground. Looting— To loot a dead body: - Get close and point the cursor at the body. - Press [I] to open the inventory. - Drag and drop desired item into your inventory. - Use double-click [LMB] to open a bag/vest/uniform on the ground. It will open to a new tab. uploads/Finance/ arma-3-field-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Jui 08, 2021
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
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