AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK DACON SYSTEM COUNSULTANTS USER GUIDE 1. General Recommend Actions.................................................................................................2 1.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................2 1.2. A Word Of Caution .......................................................................................................2 1.3. Requirements For Registration .....................................................................................2 1.4. Tips On Data Entry .......................................................................................................2 1.5. How To Submit The Registration Request....................................................................3 2. Registration Of An Individual Consultant............................................................................4 2.1. Identity ..........................................................................................................................6 2.2. Profile............................................................................................................................6 2.3. Specialization................................................................................................................7 2.4. Facilities........................................................................................................................9 2.5. Experience.....................................................................................................................9 3. Firm Registration..................................................................................................................11 3.1. Identity ........................................................................................................................13 3.2. Specialization..............................................................................................................13 3.3. Affiliates......................................................................................................................13 3.4. Facilities......................................................................................................................14 3.5. Permanent Staff...........................................................................................................14 3.6. Composition................................................................................................................14 3.7. Experience...................................................................................................................15 4. Update information as an individual consultant ................................................................16 4.1. Identity ........................................................................................................................16 4.2. Profile..........................................................................................................................16 4.3. Specialization..............................................................................................................17 4.4. Facility ........................................................................................................................18 4.5. Experience...................................................................................................................18 4.6. Change password ........................................................................................................20 4.7. Change email...............................................................................................................21 5. Update as a consultant firm .................................................................................................23 5.1. Identity ........................................................................................................................23 5.2. Specialization..............................................................................................................23 5.3. Affiliates......................................................................................................................23 5.4. Facilities......................................................................................................................24 5.5. Permanent Staff...........................................................................................................24 5.6. Composition................................................................................................................24 5.7. Experience...................................................................................................................26 5.8. Change password ........................................................................................................26 5.9. Change email...............................................................................................................26 6. Forget Password....................................................................................................................27 DACON System Consultants User Guide 1/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 1. General Recommend Actions 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1. The Bank maintains information concerning the capabilities and experience of a large number of consultants, which enable it to judge the acceptability of consultants registered in the system. The information is used in preparing short list for the Bank as well as assisting Borrowers in preparing their short list if requested. The information is stored and managed in the Bank’s Data on Consultant System, which is referred to as DACON. 1.1.2. The purpose of this User Guide is to assist Consultants with their registration process in the DACON System by means of the Web Site. 1.1.3. It is recommended that users should print this guide, and follow the step by step instruction. This will enable them to save time in completing and submitting the registration. 1.2. A Word of Caution 1.2.1. The term ‘Consultant’, as used in this guide, refers to Consultant Firm as well as Individual Consultant. 1.2.2. The fact that the Bank has been supplied with information about a Consultant does not indicate that the Bank has verified the accuracy of the information provided, nor endorsed the Consultant’s qualifications in general, or that it will approve the consultant’s appointment for any specific project. 1.2.3. Furthermore, the fact that a Consultant has been registered in DACON is not a guarantee of the award of contracts in the short, medium or long term. 1.3. Requirements for Registration 1.3.1. To register as an Individual Consultant, you must have available at hand, an electronic copy of your personal CV. 1.3.2. To register a firm, you must have the electronic copies of the CVs of 3 permanent staffs of this firm available at hand. 1.3.3. Certain fields marked by * or YELLOW color on the various forms you will have to fill are mandatory. If you do not fill them, you will not be able to submit your request. You must ensure that all information necessary for your registration request are provided. 1.4. Tips on Data Entry 1.4.1. At the time of entering the data into the forms on the web site, it is essential that you are not in a hurry. After each action, always leave time for the screen to refresh itself completely, before moving to the next action. 1.4.2. The refreshing time of the screen is a function of the flow of your Internet DACON System Consultants User Guide 2/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK connection. If you have a connection with high flow, you will experience a greater fluidity than in the case of a standard connection. 1.4.3. The data seized in the fields ‘Description’ (description of profile, facilities, affiliates, experience….) will have to be very short. It should not in any case to comprise more than 128 characters. 1.4.4. Upon completion of your data input, you should log out of the system by clicking on the "logout" link on the top right-hand. This would avoid others from tempering with your personal data. 1.4.5. Click ‘Registration Guide’ for help on the forms fields. 1.5. How to Submit The Registration Request 1.5.1. When you finish filling all the fields of the forms, kindly click on the button and your request will be automatically transmitted to the African Development Bank. 1.5.2. You can contact us by email at the address or at our Hotline TEL (216)71-10-33-16. 1.5.3. Consultants must update their data at least every 2 years. DACON System Consultants User Guide 3/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 2. Registration of an Individual Consultant ◆ Click on ‘Register yourself as an Individual Consultant’ to register information. Enter necessary information in the fields of this form by typing them directly or by selecting the suitable values from the dropdown lists. ◆ ‘Select a country’ in the dropdown list to reflect your nationality. ◆ ‘Select a degree’ in the dropdown list which is equivalent of your highest level of degree. ◆ ‘Select a number of years’ in the dropdown list to describe how many years of work or consulting experience you have. ◆ Check the statement of ‘I certify that all the statements I made here are true. The African Development Bank is authorized to verify the correctness of all statements and declarations made in this application form. I understand that any misrepresentation made in this form will invalidate my application.’ ◆ Click on to continue. DACON System Consultants User Guide 4/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ◆ Enter necessary information in the fields of this form by typing them directly. ◆ Click on ‘Submit’ button: Once you have submitted the information, you will get the above message. Click on “OK” to return to the home page. The System will send you an email with your Web Code and Password to the email address you have provided above. You can use the Web Code and Password to login from the home page to activate your account, or you can click on the link provided in the Bank’s email to you in order to activate your account. The email sent to you should be in the form below: : DACON System Consultants User Guide 5/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Once you login, either from the home page or email, your registration process starts, and you are required to fill up all 5 forms successively: Identity, Profile, Specialization, Facility, Experiences. 2.1. Identity 2.1.1. Enter all necessary information in the fields of this form by typing them directly or by selecting the suitable values from the dropdown lists. 2.1.2. Click on to continue. 2.2. Profile 2.2.1. Enter all necessary information in the fields of this form by typing them directly or by selecting the suitable values from the dropdown lists. DACON System Consultants User Guide 6/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 2.2.2. Click on ‘Browse’ to display the files selection window. 2.2.3. Select the directory of the hard disk, diskette or disc USB on which your CV file is stored. 2.2.4. Select the CV file and click on ‘Open’. 2.2.5. Click on to continue. 2.3. Specialization You will have to choose a maximum of 3 specializations among a list of approximately 1900 DACON System Consultants User Guide 7/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK specializations divided into 56 categories. 2.3.1. Click on ‘Add Specialization’ then select a specialization. Your selection will be saved automatically once you have picked one from the tree list. Repeat the process to input up to 3 specializations. 2.3.2. Click on to continue. 2.3.3. You can click on to edit or click on to delete. DACON System Consultants User Guide 8/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 2.4. Facilities Facility is any convenience in a country which can be useful to you within the framework of your job. (Computers, laboratories, warehouses, cabinets medical….). 2.4.1. Select a country and type a short description of the facility. 2.4.2. If you do not have any, click on the ‘Next’ button. 2.5. Experience 2.5.1. Click on ‘Add Experience’, a pop-up a window will appear with detail information to be filled up. DACON System Consultants User Guide 9/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 2.5.2. Enter all necessary information in the fields of this window by typing them directly or by selecting the suitable values from the dropdown lists. 2.5.3. After filling all the mandatory fields, click on the ‘Save’ to save this particular experience. 2.5.4. Once you have saved the data, you can commence inputting the data of a new experience and save it. 2.5.5. For every experience you have saved, you can click on to edit and click on to delete. 2.5.6. When you have finished inputting your data on experience, you can click on for complete consultant registration. Then you will get a message as below: 2.5.7. Click on , then you will return to the home page. DACON System Consultants User Guide 10/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 3. Firm Registration ◆ Click on ‘Register a Consultant Firm’ to register information. ◆ The firm must meet the following four Eligibility Criteria: ◆ Then click on to continue. DACON System Consultants User Guide 11/28 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ◆ To enter necessary information is the same as individual registration. ◆ Click on ‘Submit’ button, you will get a message as following: ◆ Click on ‘Ok’ button to return back to the home page. The uploads/Finance/ guide-en 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Aoû 21, 2022
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
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