A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook March 2011

A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook March 2011 A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Just a few years ago, Facebook used to be a closed network for college kids. Its value for business was unclear. But a lot has changed since then, as the network opened up to become what is now arguably the most important social networking service on the planet for audiences of all ages, and a good communications opportunity for brands. In this guide, we will look at how your hotel can benefit from Facebook as a way to create community, cultivate loyalty, and ultimately, increase revenue. 1 A Hotel’s Guide to Facebook A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Facebook today What does (and doesn't) work on Facebook Five different approaches to Facebook New developments Designing an engaging brand page Moving beyond setup: integrating Facebook with your website Promotions on Facebook Case studies outside the hotel industry Action steps: Planning your Facebook strategy Bonus: Reputation and Facebook What's next? 2 3 5 6 11 14 17 18 19 24 25 26 Table of contents A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 As I write this, in March 2011, Facebook has exploded in popularity past 600 million active users, and shows no signs of slowing down. Every 20 minutes: • More than 1 million links are shared • More than 1.8 million status updates are made • More than 2.7 million photos are uploaded • More than 10 million comments are posted The Facebook press page shares more statistics as of March 2011: • 50% of active users log on to Facebook • in any given day • The Average user has 130 friends • Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events • Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month • More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) are shared each month • More than 70 translations are available on the site • About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States • There are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices • People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users But perhaps more important than these impressive numbers is the fact that Facebook is becoming more than just a social network: it is becoming a platform for social communication (something we will discuss in more detail later). From a marketing standpoint, the fact that people share more personal details about their identity on Facebook than anywhere else offers unique advantages. As brands, we have access to a depth of demographic information, providing opportunities such as ad campaigns targeted to employees at selected companies, or specific university graduating classes. When it comes to return on investment, we have evidence - both anecdotally and through research - that Facebook can be more powerful than Twitter and other social networks for generating sales. 3 Facebook today A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Dan Sherman of Ski.com attributes a $70,000 sale to Facebook – but it was not from a special offer. It was simply a photo of a beautiful fresh snowfall. “In my opinion, Facebook is all about engagement - allowing you have more of a dialog with more people in one place. If I post a sales message, I donʼt get a lot of action. But if itʼs just relevant information for our business, like a photo of a fresh snowfall, people like to engage with that.” “The great thing is that when people comment on anything on Facebook, all their friends see it. Because of this, we received a $70,000 booking from someone who had never heard of us before.” A number of studies have been done to quantify the value of Facebook activity. Recently, ChompOn tried to determine the value of a tweet compared to a piece of content shared on Facebook. According to them, a tweet was worth $5 in sales, while Facebook shared content was worth $14. Clearly, the value of a referral will depend on what you are selling, but research like this suggests Facebook drives more transactions. The caveat? Selling directly to your Facebook fans rarely works. Facebook is all about reaching people through people. Reaching your fansʼ friends. This concept is called “Transitive Trust.” Your job is to create material fans will pass along, introducing that brand to their network. 4 Facebook today (continued) Facebook is all about reaching people through people. Reaching your fansʼ friends. “ A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 "I think people are just on Facebook to relax, have fun, and chat with their friends.” Some variation of that sentiment has been shared with me over and over again from hotel executives. As someone who uses Facebook extensively for both business and personal reasons, it seems to be a fair assessment. Successful businesses on Facebook understand and respect this reality, creating communication that fits the mindset of people using it. Why do people become a fan of companies on Facebook? A recent report released by ExactTarget and CoTweet found the two primary reasons why consumers ʻlikeʼ brands on Facebook: for discounts and as a ʻsocial badge.ʼ Nearly 40% of Facebook users become fans to receive special discounts and promotions. 39% do so to show their friends they support a brand - it is an identity statement for them. Seventh Art Media conducted some more interesting research into what works best on Facebook. They found that it is content which conveys a unique sense of brand and place and makes a personal connection with followers. Photos are the clear winner. Facebook users like the quick-hit satisfaction of a witty post or a beautiful or clever picture. Some of the highest performing photo content was not necessarily professional level quality but connected on a personal level. A quick snapshot of the first snow of the season and a giant pumpkin are examples of connective content that required little effort. All of this comes back to adding value. How can you use Facebook to make your fans happier, better informed, and rewarded financially? 5 What does (and doesn't) work on Facebook How can you use Facebook to make your fans happier, better informed, and rewarded financially? “ A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Hotel Seven in Paris uses Facebook as the exclusive source of both hotel news and the lowest available room rate. By focusing attention here, they have attracted an audience of over 12,000 fans: significant for a single property of their size. This is undoubtedly an extreme approach, but the results are hard to argue with. If you want to make building your follower numbers on Facebook a priority, think about what exclusive content you can deliver through this site. 6 Five different approaches to Facebook ! Approach 1: Facebook as an exclusive source A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Poetʼs Cove Resort & Spa uses Facebook not only to connect with guests, but also to engage with the local residents of Pender Island, British Columbia. While local residents may not be interested in staying at your hotel, they could be a valuable source of revenue for your restaurant or spa. Positioning your property as a local hotspot can be an effective strategy for your Facebook page. 7 Five different approaches to Facebook (continued) ! Approach 2: Facebook as a local community hub A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 Distrikt Hotel in New York City uses Facebook to update their community on what is happening in the city. This is helpful because by becoming a resource for visitors to the city, Distrikt Hotel increases the likelihood of people passing the page along to others. 8 Five different approaches to Facebook (continued) ! Approach 3: Facebook as a local guide A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 The Beacon in South Beach focuses on making sales by creating and promoting a special offer on their welcome tab: 2 free mojitos and a 15% off discount. As you saw from Hotel Seven, delivering an exclusive offer is a powerful way to focus attention. This does not have to be just discounts or coupons. Put together a value-added Facebook package that is compelling and only available through Facebook. Not only does this draw traffic to the page, but it gives you another way to measure results. Ecommerce is likely to become an increasingly important part of Facebook activity, with powerful integrated booking engines now available. We will look at this topic in more detail later in the guide. 9 Five different approaches to Facebook (continued) ! Approach 4: Facebook as a sales tool A Hotelʼs Guide to Facebook, March 2011 One & Only Palmilla uses advanced design to create an experience like browsing their website. (This will become easier in the future because of some new changes to the page structure, which we will discuss later.) Experiment uploads/Finance/ guide-to-facebook.pdf

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  • Publié le Nov 24, 2022
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