Welcome to the Mallorca Pass, your travel guide that will give you what you nee
Welcome to the Mallorca Pass, your travel guide that will give you what you need to know about Mallorca. The Mallorca Pass provides a basis for a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation, in which you can enjoy free admission into top attractions, save money at selected shops and providers, as well as profi t from tipps about the island and free activities/of ers. This sightseeing package was compiled with a travel guide to ensure an optimal stay on Mallorca. Whether you prefer visiting museums, going on sight-seeing tours, learning more about the history of Mallorca, or interested in leisure ac- tivities (whether on land or in water), the Mallorca Pass has something to of er for everyone. Along with your travel guide, you will get helpful information: This travel guide is organized according to the 8 re- gions of the island. A small introduction to the history of the island and a helpful map of Mallorca is also provid- ed. After short introductions and tipps for each respec- tive region, this guide will summarize the attractions and sights (along with their respective locations on the island) that you can see. For more information about the opening hours and terms of conditions of these attractions, please see the ticket appendix of your booking. Other useful information can also be found on our website: www.turbopass.com/mallorca-pass. You will be able to easily look up maps and further informa- tion. Show your Mallorca Pass to providers that require admission fees, and you will be able to enter either for free or with a discount! The attractions that are includ- ed as “tipps” in this travel guild can also be visited at reduced prices on certain days (see the annotation for every attraction). Please take note about the require- ments for your attraction of choice (ex. reservations). Some attractions may also be closed during the winter or only of er limited opening hours during of -seasons. Although all of the opening hours mentioned in this guide were carefully and thoroughly researched, they can also change. Please inform yourself about any possible changes of the opening hours of your attraction of choice using the website of the provider. We thank you for your understanding. In order to improve our service and our of erings, we would welcome any feedback from you. MALLORCA Your travel guide to the attractions on the island • Useful information • Maps • All attractions • Island tipps 1 As a holiday paradise, Mallorca has been impressing visitors for hundreds of years through its multifaceted and touching history. The fi rst people found their home on the largest island of the Balearic Islands 6000 years ago. Around 1300 BC, there were seafaring people from the eastern Mediterranean area who had discov- ered Mallorca and deeply shaped the Talaiot culture. Even today, impressive towers, defense walls, and other constructions that were built at that time still exist. In 600 BC, Mallorca was one of the most important trading post in the Mediterranean region, which was later occupied by the Romans, who eventually found- ed the cities, Palma and Pollentia. The short reign of terror of the Vandels in the 5th century BC signifi ed a turning point in the history of Mallorca in which a large part of the island was destroyed, residents of Mallorca were decimated, and valuable objects were stolen. The Balearic Islands were conquered by the Moors in 902. During the reign of the Moors, cities in Mallorca had palaces, mosques, and huge gardens were built and fertile fi elds were cultivated. Under the leadership of King Jaume I, the Balearic people were conquered by Christians in 1229. Subsequently, Mallorca then eco- nomically and culturally blossomed through its active trade relations. Due to Christian sovereignty of Mallorca, churches and monasteries were built onto the foundations of mosques that were destroyed. An example of this is the gothic church in Palma. The island’s prosperity continu- ally attracted pirates, which lead to villages and towns being plundered and destroyed. As a result of this, the Mallorcans relocated their settlements more inland and also built watchtowers (Talais) along the coastlines in order to protect the island from invasions. At the end of the war of succession in 1715, Mallorca was fi nally under the rule of the Spanish kingdom. After the discovery of America and through shift in sea trade routes to the Atlantic, Mallorca gradually lost its role as an important place of commerce. The civil war (1936-1938) also made much damage to the island. After the death of General Franco (and at the same, the end of dictatorship leader- ship) in 1975, a parliamentary democracy system start- ed its roots in Mallorca under the leadership of King Juan Carlos. In 1983, Mallorca became autonomous and earned their independence back from Spain. Since the 60s, tourism overtook the island by storm and has been the most important development in the history of Mallorca in the 20th century. History of Mallorca Mallorca is considered to be one of the most popu- lar holiday island in the European region. With over 800,000 residents, Mallorca is the most population dense island among all of the Balearic Islands. Mallorca was discovered to be a fantastic vacation destination since the beginning of the century. Initially, vacation- ers from Great Britain, Scandinavia, and (especially) Germany predominately visited Mallorca, but over time, tourists from all over the world started coming to this beautiful island. Mallorca enchants its visitors through its beauty, quietness of their countryside, purity, breathtaking beaches and bays, and last but not least, its wonderful climate. Fincas of ers cozy holiday accommodations and numerous other hotels allow you to have a relaxing holiday sometime during the 300 Palma is the capital city of the Balearic Islands and is special for its huge variety. It has many opportunities to learn about the culture of Mallorca, such as monuments and an impressive old-town district that is distinctive for its shopping areas, numerous restaurants, inviting cafes, and popular night clubs. Every type of holiday-goer will be able to fi nd something to do in Palma. Enjoy the special fl air of this city and take in the sights. Sit on the terrace of Palma’s impressive cathedral and enjoy the view of the harbor, the open sea, and of the old town district. Walk along the famous Paseo Maritimo in the evening, or take a stroll at the yacht harbor. You will be magicked by this fantastic city, which is full of history, numer- ous & dif erent activities, and memories that will last a lifetime. days of sunshine in Mallorca. Leisure activities on this island has been gradually developed to include sports like golf, hiking, and bicycle rides, as well as numerous cultural activities. Over time, tourism became Mallor- ca’s primary source of income, in which up to 10 million visitors come to the island every year. Many people of dif erent nationalities live on the island, and because of the mix of cultures, the atmosphere on the island is both special and popular to tourists. The of cial lan- guages spoken in Mallorca are Catalan and Spanish. With this in mind, you will either hear the words “Bien- venido” or “Benvingut a Mallorca” when people greet you “welcome” on Mallorca. Mallorca now Palma 2 3 big map The cathedral, La Seu, is the most famous building and landmark of Palma, which was fi rst built by King Jaume II in 1300. Over time, many expansions were made to the main façade, as well as renovations to the inner rooms, and it was not until the 19th century that the ca- thedral obtained its current appearance. With its inner dimensions measuring to be 109 m long, 39 m wide, and 43 m tall, La Seu is one of the largest and most important Gothic cathedrals. Visit the rooms of this ca- thedral, as well as its museum and its many extensions. The Hop-on-Hop-of bus tour of ers you the possibility to see all the top attractions in Palma. Stops along the route of this bus tour include the King’s palace, the Palma Cathedral, and the city’s historic wall. The tour is narrated by an audio guide, which comes in 7 dif erent languages that you can choose from. With a day ticket to ride the Hop-on-Hop-of bus, you can get of and on whenever and as often as you like at 18 dif erent stations and explore all of Palma’s sights at your own leisure. The King’s Palace, La Almudaina, serves as the of cial residence of the Spanish king when he comes to the island. The King’s Palace has over 1000 years of history in its walls — over time, this imposing palace was con- tinually changed, which has resulted in that few of the original Moorish structure of the palace can be seen today. With the exception of the Moorish baths and magnifi cent Gothic halls, which can be admired during the tour of the palace. The Es Balaurd uploads/Finance/ mallorca-travel-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Apv 02, 2022
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