angela mar- zullo born 08.11.1971 in Zurich rue Liotard 71 / 1203 Genève 076 51
angela mar- zullo born 08.11.1971 in Zurich rue Liotard 71 / 1203 Genève 076 517 05 82 / 022 344 71 76 festivals 2011 Arcipelago, 19° Festival Inter nazionale di Cortometraggi e Nuove Immagini, Rome 2010 Eternal Tour, Khalil Sakakini Center, Ramallah 2010 Mapping Festival, Geneva 2009 ImpaKt, Sorbonne Paris 1, Paris 2008 Internationale Kurzfilmtage, Winterthur 2008 Les Etats généraux du film documentaire, Lussas 2008 Eternal Tour, Institue Suisse, Rome 2007 Point Impact, Performance Festival, Geneva 2007 Biennale de l’image en mouvement, concours international, Geneva 2007 Passion de l’engagement et des films de Carole Roussopolos, Cinématheque Paris 2005 Nondeleted 2, Kunsthaus Glarus 2004 Version 2004, Centre pour l‘image contemporaine, Geneva solo shows 2011 Congrès de Libellules, White Cube, Biennale d’art des Libellules, Geneva 2009 Blutgeil, Rodeo 12, Geneva 2007 Makita Strikes Back, Salle Crosnier,Classe des Beaux-Arts, Palais de l’Athénée, Geneva group shows 2011 Satin Blanc, l’ov, CAN, Neuchâtel 2011 Minigolf du développement dura ble, Parc des Bastions, Geneva 2010 (re-) : un-historical documents, Chapman University, Los Angeles 2010 Imagining Equality : Women’s Art and Activism, The Guggenheim Gallery, Los Angeles 2010 Don’t open that door, Istituto Svizzero, Rome 2010 Accademia delle Accademie, The road to contemporary art, Rome 2010 Gelato, s. t. foto galleria, Rome 2010 Spazi Aperti, Accademia di Romania, Rome 2010 The dark side of the pink, Galerie Forde, Geneva 2010 The Swiss Cube 2, Istituto Svizzero, Rome 2010 L’accumulation primitive, Les Halles, Porrentruy 2010 Performances au féminin, La Comédie, Geneva 2009 I am by Birth a Genevese, Vegas Galerie, London 2008 Dark Design, Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon 2008 Art Chêne, Biennale d’art en ville, Geneva 2008 L’effet papillon, Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva 2008 Art cannot be unthought, La Rada, Centro d’arte contem poranea, Locarno 2008 Touriste, Fondation d’entreprise Ri card, Paris 2007 Home Cinéma 1.7, Trafic, Lausanne 2006 Open Houses, Musée Rath, Geneva 2006 Orchard, New York artist residency 2009-10 Institut Suisse, Rome 2007 Utopiana, Erevan, Armenia prizes / awards 2009 Grant for geneva artists, Département des affaires culturelles, Geneva 2009 Grant for film production, Département des affaires culturelles, Geneva 2008 Grant for the collectif art laboratory duplex, Geneva 2007-10 Grant for an artist’s studio, l’Usine, Fonds d’art contemporain, Geneva competitions with exhibitions 2011 Aeschlimann + Corti Stipendi um, Kunstmuseum Thun 2009 Concours fédéral d’art, Messe Basel 2005 Bourse Lissignol, Centre d’art contemporain, Geneva publication 2011 HIC 4, speciale Italia, édition dasein, Paris 2010 Accademia delle Accademie, The road to the contemporary art, Sahra Wasserman, Rome 2010 Artistes à Genève du XVe au XXIe siècle, Karine Tissot, Editions Notari, Geneva 2010 Flux News n. 51, “Sur les traces de Carole Roussopoulos”, Julia Hountou, Rome 2010 Turbulences vidéo n. 66, “Sur les traces de Carole Roussopoulos”, Julia Hountou, Rome 2008 Cahiers du cinema n. 630, “Image activiste”, Nicole Brenez, Paris 2007 Salle Crosnier, poster, Geneva 2007 Les filles et les croûtes, Tissu, Geneva 2006 RADIO, édition dasein, Paris 2005-06 Start, journal junior d’art contemporain, Geneva education and training courses 2004 Postgraduated studies, Haute école d’arts appliqués, E. Fontanilles, Geneva 2001-03 Postgraduated studies, Haute école d’arts appliqués, J.-L. Boissier, Geneva 1999 Diploma dissertation, Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts esba, Geneva 1998 Diploma, Anselm Stalder, esba, Geneva 1994-98 Studies, Mixed Media, Sylvie Defraoui, Stanley Brouwn, esba, Geneva Concettina Concettina is a video based on Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Lutheran Letters, and on its ped agogical treatise Gennariello in particu lar. Through the adaptation of some of its excerpts, the work tells of the uncer tainty surrounding the life of two teen agers. The video was entirely shot in the parking lot of the Villa Borghese in Rome, which hosted a historical Contemporary Art exhibition in 1973 (Contemporanea ‘73), and is also a tribute to Luigi Moretti’s architecture. dv video, 10’, roma, 2010 Gelato The protocol for this series of imag es consists in preparing a different ice- cream each time, in order to overpaint the photographic self-portraits. ice-cream in different tastes, digital photography, inkjet printing, pearled photographic paper, 92 cm x 122.5 cm, rome, 2010 Bodybuilding Bodybuilding presents a romantic-por nographic performance, rhythmed by the sound of a remixed traditional piz zica which drives Makita, the performer, into a trance. Bodybuilding is a perine um muscle training through the use of a dancing spider device. Pizzica is tradition al Salento dance, of the tarantella family. edition 15 copies, centre d’art contemporain, porrentruy, 2010 video, 2’, geneva 2010 Taranta Taranta centres around the myth of the Tarantula bite which is particularly vivid in Southern Italy’s Puglie region. A pa gan resurgence which has survived un til the second part of the 20th century, this myth claims that the spider’s bite provokes a mental illness that can be re lieved, and even cured, through music and dance. video tape, 15’, hd, taranto, 2009 “ Les devenirs animaux ne sont pas des rêves ni des fantasmes. Ils sont par faitement réels. Mais de quelle réalité s’agit-il ? Car si devenir animal, ne con siste pas à faire l’animal ou à l’imiter, il est évident aussi que l’homme ne devi ent pas réellement autre chose. Le deve nir ne produit pas réellement animal, pas plus que l’animal ne devient réellement autres chose. Le devenir ne produit pas autres choses que lui-même. C’est une fausse alternative qui nous fait dire : ou bien l’on imite ou bien on est. Ce qui est réel, c’est le devenir lui-même, le bloc de devenir, et non pas des termes suppo sés fixes dans lesquels passerait celui qui devient. ” deleuze et guattari, Mille plateaux “ The tarentulated becomes spider. She becomes the spider within her. Her thoughts become pure rhythm and from her almost mechanical move ments come out liberating figures, shot through with desperate shadows. She stands now fighting the spider, imagin ing herself squashing it, killing it with her dancing foot. Step by step, she searches for balance, getting closer to vertigo fol lowing a musical curve that gets more and more vibrant, until total loss of the senses. ” salvatore quasimodo, Notes on La Taran ta de Gianfranco Mingozzi, Italie 1962 New York 2007 A parody of John Carpenter’s New York 1997, this video questions a contemporary feminism that seems to have no other al ternatives than media-unfriendly activism and dead-end extremism. More and more often criticized for its moralistic positivist and puritanical tendencies the feminist movement fails to reclaim its past pug nacity. In a context in which extremism only provokes media attention, is there only one option left : martyrdom ? video tape, 3’, dv, geneva , 2008 The Witch In the video we see a witch, flying around on her broom. Through a game of mirrors, the Witch is reflected on the walls and ground. This multiplication of reflections is increased in the installation which recaptures the structure of the decor. The purpose being that the pro jection surface then dissolve into the in stallation, and that everything becomes reflection. Even the spectator looses his glance in this animated labyrinth video installation, geneva 2008 Congress The statuette (bottom) from 1920 belongs to the ethnographic museum’s collection in Geneva. A mold was created from the original. Copies were made with plaster mixed with the artist’s urine. device plaster, urine. height : 13,5 cm. variable installation, number and dimensions editon 150 copies , centre d’édition contemporaine, geneva, 2008 mi scappa la pipi 01 The Popess introduces a gender theme. The act of urinating in a public space is for me a symbol of that theme as for the same action, the two different positions give it out. In this small lost corner of the way, home to the most feminist of tarot cards, I present The Pee-er a sculp ture by belgian artist René Julien. installation, bronze sculptur, ge neva, 2008 Makita pulls the strings The performer presents herself with her penis hidden between her legs. Then she takes it out… The performer moves her arms along her body, making the penis move up and down. The performer dips her penis into the paint and starts the action-painting. When the painting is finished, the per former opens the bottle of champagne. She sprays it over the work and drinks the end. device a white canvas (50 cm x 70 cm) fixed to the wall ; five pots of paint (red, green, yellow, blue, white). the pots lay on a white pedestal in front of the wall. a hook fixed to the ceiling, with a string connecting the performer’s left hand to her penis-panty. a bottle of champagne. live-performance in the villa du parc, annemasse, 2006 Short pedagogical treatise This is a staging of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Lutheran Letters, Short Pedagogical Trea tise, My Suggestions regarding School and Television. The video was shot in Lecce’s country side, where the author wrote the text in 1971. video tapes, 6 ‘, dv, taranto, 2008 Stella, proletarian theatre for children As a starting point, this video takes one of Goethe’s plays, in which the protago nists share the same name as the actors playing in the video : Lucie uploads/Finance/ angela-marzullo 1 .pdf
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