Cheque Deposit Bag Deposit Bags No charge* Minimium Deposit 20 cheques per depo

Cheque Deposit Bag Deposit Bags No charge* Minimium Deposit 20 cheques per deposit Cheque Book Replenishment No charge Cheque Clearing Fees (S$) Free for fi rst 30 cheques per month S$0.50 for subsequent cheques Direct Marking (S$) S$100 per cheque Returned Cheques Stop Cheque for SGD accounts Over the counter S$30 per cheque (max S$60) Phone banking S$15 per cheque (max S$30) DBS IDEAL™ electronic banking S$5 per cheque Stop Cheque for Foreign currency accounts Cheque Retrieval Cheque Image - within 1 year of clearing S$20 per copy - between 1 & 3 years of clearing S$30 per copy - more than 3 years of clearing S$50 per copy Cheque Deposit Advice With cheque details S$50 per month Without cheque details No charge SGD 40 NOK 180 AUD 40 GBP 35 CAD 40 SEK 200 EUR 35 CHF 40 HKD 240 THB 1,000 JPY 3,200 USD 40 NZD 55 AUD 30 NOK 150 CAD 30 GBP 30 EUR 30 SEK 150 HKD 180 CHF 30 JPY 3,000 THB 750 NZD 45 USD 30 CHEQUE SERVICES *The bank may impose a charge of S$0.50 per bag if the minimium deposit is not met. For enquiry only No charge 2 free security devices at point of registration For transaction & enquiry S$30w/GST per set-up (Electronic submission of GIRO / S$30w/GST per month Payroll / FAST / Account Transfer / 5 free security devices at point Telegraphic Transfer / of registration Demand Draft / Trade Finance) Additional / replacement S$20w/GST per security device security device DBS IDEAL™ ELECTRONIC BANKING Notes: 1. Terms and conditions apply. 2. Information is correct as at time of printing. 3. For more information, please call DBS Business Care at 1800-222-2200. Deposit Account & Services for Corporates Pricing Guide DBS BANK LTD Co. Reg No. 196800306E Mar 2016 Account Information & S$8.00 per user^/month Trade Finance (GST Inclusive) Reports and Alerts DBS IDEAL™ eREPORTS ^ This service subscription is not applicable for existing/new DBS IDEALTM Corporate Internet Banking customers. CROSS BORDER REMITTANCES DBS Branches or DBS IDEAL & ™ g n i k n a B c i n o r t c e l E s n o i t c u r t s n I l a u n a M Telegraphic Transfers / Demand Drafts** Commission 1/8% (min S$10, 1/8% (min S$10, max S$120) max S$120) S$2 discount In lieu of exchange 1/8% 1/8% (not involving Foreign (min S$10, max (min S$10, max Exchange) S$120) S$120) Cable Charges S$30 S$20 Inward Telegraphic Transfer Handling Fee $10 per transaction Fees imposed by Agent Banks and Overseas Banks are not reflected above. **Charges apply for each amendment (S$30), cancellation/ recall (S$35) and tracer (S$20). S$10 per transaction *The bank may impose a charge of S$1 per transaction if volume exceeds 30 per month. **Charges apply for each amendment (S$30), cancellation/ recall (S$35) and tracer (S$20). ***S$1 per transaction to DBS account. LOCAL TRANSACTIONS DBS Branches or DBS IDEAL & ™ g n i k n a B c i n o r t c e l E s n o i t c u r t s n I l a u n a M Account Transfer S$5 per No charge* GIRO Payment, Collection & S$0.20 per Payroll transaction - E-mail Advice Standing Instruction - Application S$10 - Amendment Payroll over counter S$5 per Cheque Express Commission (exclude postage) - additional Advice S$0.10 per advice MEPS S$20 per S$18 per FAST (Fast and Secured Transfer) transaction transaction ™ L Manual Instructions Electronic Banking S$5 per transaction No charge* S$10 S$5 S$5 per transaction S$5 per cheque S$0.80 per cheque S$0.10 per advice S$20 per S$18 per transaction transaction S$20 per transaction S$5 per transaction*** No charge ** OTHER ACCOUNT SERVICE FEES Account Closure Fee S$50 (within 6 months from date of opening) Referral Letter S$20 per request Certificate of Balance S$20 per certificate Audit confirmation S$50 Corporate ATM Lost/Stolen Card S$5 per card FOREIGN CURRENCY NOTES *All other currencies except THB, where the notes are converted to S$ and re-converted. Deposit & Withdrawal Involving Foreign Exchange No charge Not involving Foreign USD 1.5% CHF 1.5% Exchange (min S$10) GBP 1.5% AUD 2.5% % 0 . 3 D K H % 5 . 1 Y P J % 0 . 5 * s r e h t O % 5 . 1 R U E COIN DEPOSIT & EXCHANGE Coin Deposit DBS Branches S$1.50 per 100 pieces or part thereof Coin Deposit Machine S$0.012 per piece (total fee rounded to the nearest one cent). Coin Exchange S$1.50 for every multiple of S$50 Coin services are available every Tuesday and Thursday during branch operating hours. The minimum sum to exchange is S$50. CASH SERVICES [2] [1] For first five deposits per day. Every additional deposit will be charged at 0.05% (subject to min S$5). [2] No coin deposit allowed. An additional S$10 fee will be levied if coins are deposited. If multiple bags are deposited within a day, the charge imposed will be based on the cumulative total amount deposited per account per day. Note: Different rates may apply for customers in different industry segments. CASH DEPOSIT DBS Branches First S$20,000 Subsequent $10,000 or part thereof Cash Acceptance Machines First S$1,000 Subsequent amount Cash Deposit Bags First S$30,000 Subsequent amount Waived S$10 Waived[1] 0.05% Waived 0.03% uploads/Finance/ pricing-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 01, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0886MB