Resume Guide Muhlenberg College Career Center Lower Level, Seegers Student Unio

Resume Guide Muhlenberg College Career Center Lower Level, Seegers Student Union 484-664-3170 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Resume Guide S Characteristics of a Good Resume B ince no two people have the exact same career-related experiences, no two individual resumes are fully alike. However, there are guidelines we should all follow so that our various accomplishments are featured in the best possible way. Brief Consistent Dynamic rief (depending on field and experience level). Keep your resume to one page. Unless you have considerable work experience and/or advanced degree(s), one page is appropriate. Later in your professional career, your resume can expand to two pages. High school information should be removed after your first year at Muhlenberg. Consistency is important. For example, if you abbreviate Pennsylvania (PA) in your contact information, continue to do so throughout the resume. Use action verbs to describe your duties and how you accomplished them when addressing your experiences. Spelling and/or grammatical errors should be non- existent in a resume. It is important that you carefully organize the information so that it demonstrates your strong points at-a-glance, while emphasizing your achievements and skills. Meticulous Well Organized Targeted Accounting Record Assess Audit Prepare Maintain Forecast Calculate Estimate Figure Appraise Examine Measure Verify Action Verb List Administration Monitor Track Assess Coordinate Organize Requisition Access Receive Process Serve Furnish Analysis Qualify Clarify Quantify Infer Discover Conceptualize Discern Interpret Dissect Review Observe Assess Consulting Troubleshoot Problem Solve Assess Assist Arrange Guide Counsel Survey Serve Contribute Motivate Train Counseling Facilitate Listen Sense Intuit Assess Analyze Assist Align Help Understand Inform Design Organize Explore Formulate Sketch Draw Draft Layout Create Plan Style Pattern Build Editing Review Analyze Check Compare Comment Correct Rewrite Revise Rework Amend Improve Initiate Investigate Finance Analyze Invest Budget Inventory Evaluate Appraise Construct Develop Acquire Deploy Manage Project Human Resources Assess Survey Screen Analyze Interview Select Train Mediate Appraise Coordinate Align Information Appraise Program Link Coordinate Manage Process Document Categorize Design Structure Inventory Analyze Innovating Create Modify Change Upgrade Improve Design Activate Restructure Establish Stimulate Implement Transform Investigate Pursue Interrogate Question Analyze Intuit Seek Search Probe Coordinate Explore Leadership Create Lead Encourage Manage Organize Compare Inspire Represent Govern Direct Advise Management Coordinate Facilitate Plan Schedule Delegate Mediate Evaluate Strategize Develop Listen Counsel Marketing Review Assess Survey Analyze Quantify Identify Announce Promote Advertise Advance Boost Improve Mechanical Analyze Construct Craft Troubleshoot Create Design Engineer Repair Align Coordinate Manipulate Examine Organizing Simplify Classify Organize Prioritize Maintain Liaison Assist Support Arrange Persuading Present Articulate Clarify Challenge Negotiate Inquire Reason Influence Convince Program Development Analyze Design Construct Develop Prepare Strategize Coordinate Formulate Public Relations Assess Prepare Coordinate Present Negotiate Publicize Strengthen Promote Research Identify Evaluate Review Assess Test Compare Analyze Critique Explain Teaching Educate Tutor Stimulate Inform Instruct Facilitate Awaken Explore Advise Technical Conceptualize Design Troubleshoot Inspect Locate Edit Analyze Implement Construct Writing Conceive Construct Craft Integrate Interpret Capture Abstract Express Inform Resume Template Y our resume is usually your first impression with an employer. When viewed this way, it is crucial to make a positive impact with your document. A resume is used to show that you have the knowledge, experience and skills relevant to a particular job and to entice the employer to interview you. Since most employers spend just a few seconds scanning a resume, the information must stand out. The basic resume format is below along with additional samples. NAME Address Phone Number ● Email ● LinkedIn URL EDUCATION Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA Graduation Month & Year Major (track or emphasis if applicable): Minor: GPA: (3.0 or above ONLY) OPTIONAL SECTIONS (AWARDS, STUDY ABROAD, RESEARCH, CLASS PROJECTS, ETC.) List accomplishments and dates. WORK EXPERIENCE Company/Institution/Organization Name, City, State Month Year - Month Year Title of position • Job description 1 (start with an action verb and highlight skills, achievements and results). • Job description 2. • Job description 3. OPTIONAL SECTIONS (CAMPUS ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY SERVICE, LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE, ETC.) Company/Institution/Organization, City, State Month Year - Month Year Title of position • Job description 1 (start with an action verb and highlight skills, achievements and results). • Job description 2. • Job description 3. SKILLS (OPTIONAL) List specific computer, language and technical skills. First Year Student Education Resume Education Resume Finance Resume General Resume Senior Resume Science Resume Alumni Resume Performance Resume Resume Checklist I Appearance & Format Header t's a document that is your first impression. It is important that it has key elements that show your background in a way that's informative and professional. Use this checklist as a guide to make sure your resume is on the right track. No spelling or grammatical errors! Use space between sections, making it easy to read. Use standard font styles such as Ariel, Cambria, Verdana (not cursive), Calibri and Times New Roman. Use 10-12pt size font. Have consistent and balanced margins on all sides - between .5 and 1 inch wide. Name (larger font size and bolded). Contact information (use one phone number and one professional email). Physical address and LinkedIn URL are optional. Education Section List full name of institution(s) and city, state. Spell out degree fully and accurately (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) and Major(s), Minor(s). List month and year of expected graduation. Optional: Include your GPA if 3.0 or above. If you studied abroad it should be listed with explanation of what you did. Work Experience List company/organization name, city, state, job title and dates (month and year to month and year). Start each job description with an action verb in proper tense; never use personal pronouns “I” and “my”. When using bullets, be consistent with periods or no periods at the end. Be specific with relevant skills and accomplishments — these statements answer: How? What? For whom? Arrange each experience in reverse chronological order. Resume Checklist T Campus Involvement Skills Section he last sections of your resume should be well built and highlight other areas you want an employer to know about. These sections are also critical as they highlight many keywords that companies' applicant tracking systems will pick up. Can be listed as community service, leadership experience, etc. Format and arrange these sections similarly to “Work Experience” for consistency. Include “hard” skills like specific computer, language (with level of fluency) or technical skills. “Soft” skills like communication, organization, teamwork, etc. should be demonstrated through your experience sections — not listed here. Muhlenberg College Career Center Lower Level, Seegers Student Union 484-664-3170 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00p.m. uploads/Finance/ resume-full-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Mai 24, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 9.3728MB