A NO-HOLDS-BARRED GUIDE FOR THE UNEMPLOYED BUT NOT HELPLESS You have lost your job. You may have lost your house. Along with these losses came something worse: You lost status and respect. You became “jobless,” “homeless,” and left the “respectable” category. That hurts, and we're sorry. Most people in the West, and especially America, spend their lives working very hard in hope of getting ahead. The system makes it almost impossible to actually get very far ahead, but everyone believes that this is a worthy way to live, so we just keep moving forward, usually without thinking much further than “everyone else does this, so it must be right.” That was your big mistake. Yes, being productive is a good thing – a superb thing – but the system in which you worked was never the noble cause it was advertised to be. If it was, would it have spit you out, and left other people (often much worse than yourself) ensconced in their positions? You see, being in the “unemployed” position was probably not your fault. Your error was to believe that the system was able to deliver for you. It isn't and it never really was. If you have lived by productive work, the system abused you. If you spent years doing construction, or factory work, or nursing, or any of a hundred other productive things, you got a raw deal, and have now been dumped off the side of a corrupt system that promised more than it could deliver. So, the fantasy has ended and here you are. The system has shrugged you off. Now it's time for you to shrug them off. Once you lose everything, you're free again. 1 This small tract has two purposes: 1. To make you understand that your situation is primarily not your fault. 2. To show you how to rebuild better. For reasons that should be obvious, we the authors are not revealing our names. You'll have to trust us (or not) that we've been unemployed and desperate, and that we know what it feels like to start over from nothing. We're taking the time to write and distribute this because we do understand and because we do give a damn. What you do with it is up to you. The Authors 2 1 The Real Horror Story Let's face it, most people don't independently plan their lives; instead, they watch what others are doing, then try to find a slot in their game and fit in. Once they secure that slot, they may try to advance within it, but it is unlikely that they'll ever leave it entirely. They find a boy or girl they like, get enough to eat and a place to live, then continue on with the usual scripted life. Then, when they're old and worn out, they have a few quiet years. Then they die, wondering what it was all for. If you think about it, it's crazy. But, everyone seems to live this life without question. There are reasons, of course, why people never question the script, and the big one is this: Respected “authorities” made you feel vulnerable and inferior all your life. When you were young, they told you that only the rich, handsome prince really mattered, and that only the prettiest girl really mattered. At school, they made you fear stepping out of line, disobeying teacher or being called out in class. They also turned learning into an ordeal and embarrassed you when you failed to learn something. And this abuse continued for a long time. When you were older, they told you that the only important people were those who ordered everyone else around. All others were “employees” and “consumers.” There were only a few slots for people who ordered everyone else around and you weren't in one of them. You felt less. It was all bullshit. The system is designed to use you as a tool. Isn't that what it has done to you? You worked and they took the money. Then they told you that you were morally inferior. The purpose of the system was to keep you compliant and to grab bigger and bigger percentages of whatever you made. All the rest was propaganda. 3 It is the job of political types to make people afraid. It is an industry of its own. As a result, people have become paranoid. Their leaders fill the TV channels with reasons to fear, then funnel that fear into convenient causes. We all know that politicians are thieves and liars. So, how could a system controlled by thieves and liars produce anything better than theft and lies? Garbage in, garbage out. It was all illusion and fraud. When they quoted great men from the past, it was to make you believe that their system had something to do with those men... and it doesn't. Illusion and fraud. The system has already spent all the money it took from you, your children's money and your grandchildren's money. Now it is grinding to a halt because its monetary fraud has reached its limit. You were among its early victims; more will be coming. How many people do you know who pay gladly taxes because they think the government does wonderful things with them? We know the truth: People pay because they are terrified of the state's enforcers – and that we're afraid to say so. And if we do say something like that, we instinctively lower our voices. What does that tell you? Now, think of the non-monetary wastes: People in the system have enough money to do a lot of cool things, like, for example, traveling to interesting places. (If you look hard, you can still find round-trip tickets to the far side of the world for $1,000.) The problem is that they almost never do anything very interesting. Maybe one trip when they're young; after that, their soul stagnates and withers. Instead, they blow their money on piles of birthday presents for one year olds, lottery tickets, moving to an ever-bigger and newer house, getting a shiny new car, the newest, hottest accessories, draperies, dish towels, and so on, endlessly... as their souls slowly die. In the system, people don't follow their own desires, they follow desires that they pick up from television, and mostly from commercials. They live as others tell them they should live, they want what others tell them they should want. Professionals are rewarded for finding better ways of getting everyone to desire what they want you to desire. Get yourself a copy of a movie called They Live, and watch it. It was not a great film, but it illustrates this foolishness very well. And, yes, it is that bad. 4 2 Starting Over The system isn't our friend, and it never was. It used us mercilessly. We believed that following the script would give us happiness; after all, those are the images we watched on TV a hundred hours per month. We spent all of our time either working or recovering from work. And all the while, the state took half of everything we made. We scraped to have a little left over. Were we crazy? Maybe so, but here we are now, and the solution is simple: Start building again, this time from your natural state. Think of it this way: You are “in society,” with your immediate family, some members of your extended family, your neighbors, people you've worked with, people you may have worshipped with, people you've traded with, played sports with, and so on. You are in natural society with these people. You have been in forced society with politicians and tax men and policemen. This is your chance to start over, this time building from natural society, not forced society. And being in society means a lot of things: To love, to trade with, to support, to encourage, to commune with. Your “social group” is not “everyone,” it is people you can trust, people you can rely upon, people you can confide in. These are much deeper and much more gratifying relationships than any that forced society can offer. 5 Sure, you should be nice to every decent person, but they are not all “in your society.” If they are good people, you'll want to bring them in, but they are not in until you bring them in. There is only one real rule to living with others: Live with integrity. If you wouldn't like someone to do something to you, don't do it to them. Honest men and women have known this rule for thousands of years, and it has never been successfully challenged. Do this and you'll be one of the best people on the planet, far above all politicians, 'celebrities' and CEOs. They pretend to be good; you can actually be good. And, interestingly enough, being good isn't all that hard, once you get the system out of your head. So, start over and do it better. uploads/Geographie/ 0008-unemployedguide.pdf

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