Tossam Naomy 37 Dr Leisur Streets Beau Bassin, Mauritius Phone number: 58400417
Tossam Naomy 37 Dr Leisur Streets Beau Bassin, Mauritius Phone number: 58400417 / Parents phone number: 58287492 or 52530692 Email address: Academic resume A well presented, self motivated and dynamic student who has extended knowledge in informatics devices. Possessing good communication, counseling and listening skills, which are imperative when working as a web designer. Imaginative and organizing person who can translate what a customer want in an interactive and dynamic numerical platform. Now looking for a concrete professional experience in a company ambitious as yours. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Brevet des colleges 2014-2015fdr B2i certificate graduation 2013-2014 ACADEMIC AWARDS & DISTINCTION B1+ level English certificate October 2015 Award of best internet website creation of Indian Ocean April 2013 RESEARCH ACTIVITY & PRESENTATION 2nd place award of basket competition of Reunion Island February 2013 PROFESSONAL EXPERIENCES Your enterprise will get the honor to be my first professional experiences. Hoped it will be constructive. REFERENCES Available on request AREAS OF EXPERTISE Informatics devices Creation of software Numerical design PERSONAL SUMMURY “I am ready to give the best of myself to prove that my lack of experience will help me to be the best learner you’ll never get!” T ossam Naomy uploads/Geographie/ 37-dr-leisur-streets-beau-bassin-mauritius-phone-number-58400417-parents-phone-number-58287492-or-52530692-academic-resume.pdf
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- Publié le Sep 18, 2021
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