Please prepare a list of minimum 15 references about the topic ‘Women and Gende
Please prepare a list of minimum 15 references about the topic ‘Women and Gender in Ancient Sudan’. Follow the guidelines as indicated below. Citation rules for the bibliography: Titles and abbreviations of series, journals, lexica etc. should normally be italicised. These abbreviations should be conform to the already existing systems, e.g. Lexikon der Ägyptologie, Archäologische Bibliographie, Fasti Archaeologici and Abréviations des périodiques et collections en usage à l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2010 by B. Mathieu ( In the Bibliography all authors/editors of the work should be quoted (also if their number exceeds three names). A separate short list detailing the abbreviations universally used in the research field concerned, as well as in the present article should be attached at the end of the Bibliography, e.g. for Egyptology: Wb – Erman, A., Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, Leipzig-Berlin Urk. – Urkunden des ägyptischen Altertums, Leipzig-Berlin Suggested system of bibliographical entries: BOOKS: Szymańska, H. 2005: Terres cuites d’Athribis, MRE 12, Turnhout ARTICLES IN JOURNALS/PERIODICALS: Carlye, R.M., Allen, A.L., Speece, M.A., El-Werr, A.-K., Link, C.A. 2005: Land Streamer Aided Geophysical Studies at Saqqara, Egypt, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 10/4, 371–380 ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE ACTS, COMMEMORATION VOLUMES, INDIVIDUAL CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND ENTRIES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS & LEXICA Welc, F., Trzciński, J. 2013: Geology of the site, [in:] Welc, F. et al., Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 2: Geology, anthropology, finds, conservation, Saqqara V, Ed. Myśliwiec, K., Varsovie, 323–343 Vernus, P. 1975: Athribis, [in:] LÄ I, 519–522 TRANSLATIONS AND/OR COMMENTARIES OF SOURCE TEXTS Plin. Nat. Hist 1949: Pliny Natural History, Preface and Books 1–2, transl. H. Rackham, Loeb Classical Library 330, Cambridge Mass.-London 1949 ELECTRONIC SOURCES When the Author of an internet source is known, the publication should be quoted according to the rules accepted for paper publications with the URL address and access date (in brackets) added, e.g. Bieliński, P. 2007: Mugheira/Al-Sabiyah 2007. The Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Project, PCMA Newsletter 2007, near-east/al-sabiyah-kuwait/ (accessed July 17, 2013) Please prepare a list of minimum 15 references about the topic ‘Women and Gender in Ancient Sudan’. Follow the guidelines as indicated below. Citation rules for the bibliography: Titles and abbreviations of series, journals, lexica etc. should normally be italicised. These abbreviations should be conform to the already existing systems, e.g. Lexikon der Ägyptologie, Archäologische Bibliographie, Fasti Archaeologici and Abréviations des périodiques et collections en usage à l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2010 by B. Mathieu ( In the Bibliography all authors/editors of the work should be quoted (also if their number exceeds three names). A separate short list detailing the abbreviations universally used in the research field concerned, as well as in the present article should be attached at the end of the Bibliography, e.g. for Egyptology: Wb – Erman, A., Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, Leipzig-Berlin Urk. – Urkunden des ägyptischen Altertums, Leipzig-Berlin Suggested system of bibliographical entries: BOOKS: Szymańska, H. 2005: Terres cuites d’Athribis, MRE 12, Turnhout ARTICLES IN JOURNALS/PERIODICALS: Carlye, R.M., Allen, A.L., Speece, M.A., El-Werr, A.-K., Link, C.A. 2005: Land Streamer Aided Geophysical Studies at Saqqara, Egypt, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 10/4, 371–380 ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE ACTS, COMMEMORATION VOLUMES, INDIVIDUAL CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND ENTRIES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS & LEXICA Welc, F., Trzciński, J. 2013: Geology of the site, [in:] Welc, F. et al., Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 2: Geology, anthropology, finds, conservation, Saqqara V, Ed. Myśliwiec, K., Varsovie, 323–343 Vernus, P. 1975: Athribis, [in:] LÄ I, 519–522 TRANSLATIONS AND/OR COMMENTARIES OF SOURCE TEXTS Plin. Nat. Hist 1949: Pliny Natural History, Preface and Books 1–2, transl. H. Rackham, Loeb Classical Library 330, Cambridge Mass.-London 1949 ELECTRONIC SOURCES When the Author of an internet source is known, the publication should be quoted according to the rules accepted for paper publications with the URL address and access date (in brackets) added, e.g. Bieliński, P. 2007: Mugheira/Al-Sabiyah 2007. The Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Project, PCMA Newsletter 2007, near-east/al-sabiyah-kuwait/ (accessed July 17, 2013) Every abbreviation of electronic source requires the URL address and access date (in brackets), e.g. British Museum: (accessed June 28, 2014) REMAINING Abbreviation of works and sources which cannot be quoted in a modified Harvard system (as e.g. some exhibition catalogues) have to be expanded in the following way: Tanis 1987: Tanis. L’or des pharaons, Paris 1987 Every abbreviation of electronic source requires the URL address and access date (in brackets), e.g. British Museum: (accessed June 28, 2014) REMAINING Abbreviation of works and sources which cannot be quoted in a modified Harvard system (as e.g. some exhibition catalogues) have to be expanded in the following way: Tanis 1987: Tanis. L’or des pharaons, Paris 1987 uploads/Geographie/ bibliography-guidelines.pdf
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