Trelleborg Marine Systems | Takes the pressure off The Bollard Guide How we Mak
Trelleborg Marine Systems | Takes the pressure off The Bollard Guide How we Make Certain Trelleborg Marine Systems | Takes the pressure off ASIA PACIFIC Trelleborg Marine Systems Australia Tel: +61 2 9285 0200 Trelleborg Marine Systems Asia Tel: +65 6268 8005 Trelleborg Marine Systems China Tel: +86 1351 532 29988 PT Trelleborg Indonesia Tel: +62 21 797 6211 Trelleborg Marine Systems Japan Tel: +81 3 3512 1981 Trelleborg Marine Systems Docking & Mooring/Offshore Integrated Mooring, APAC & Main Office Tel: +61 3 9575 9999 INDIA, MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA Trelleborg Marine Systems Dubai Tel: +971 4 886 1825 Trelleborg Marine Systems Docking & Mooring/Offshore Integrated Mooring, Middle East Tel: +971 4 886 1825 Trelleborg Marine Systems India Tel: +91 79 4001 3333 Trelleborg Marine Systems South & East Africa Tel: +971 4 886 1825 Trelleborg Marine Systems North & West Africa Tel: +33 1 41 39 22 20 Trelleborg Marine Systems Docking & Mooring /Offshore Integrated Mooring, Middle East Tel: +971 4 886 1825 EUROPE & MEDITERRANEAN Trelleborg Marine Systems Benelux Tel: +31 180 43 40 40 Trelleborg Marine Systems France & Spain Tel: +33 4 73 99 01 16 Trelleborg Marine Systems Scandinavia Tel: +46 410 51730 Trelleborg Marine Systems Germany Tel: +49 410 51067 Trelleborg Marine Systems UK Tel: +44 1666 511770 Trelleborg Marine Systems Eastern Europe & Russia Tel: +46 410 51088 Trelleborg Marine Systems other parts of Europe Tel: +31 180 43 40 40 Trelleborg Marine Systems Docking & Mooring /Offshore Integrated Mooring, Europe Tel: +44 7624 462776 SOUTH AMERICA Trelleborg Marine Systems Brazil Tel: +55 11 2802 9114 Trelleborg Marine Systems Docking & Mooring /Offshore Integrated Mooring, South America Tel: +55 11 97211 9556 NORTH AMERICA & CANADA Trelleborg Marine Systems USA (Main Office) Tel: +1 540 723 2520 Trelleborg Marine Systems USA (West Coast) Tel: +1 540 723 2520 Trelleborg Marine Systems USA (East Coast) Tel: +1 540 723 2553 Trelleborg Marine Systems USA (Gulf Coast and South East) Tel: +1 540 723 2553 Trelleborg Marine Systems Melbourne Docking & Mooring Group North America Tel: +1 720 299 5506 The Bollard Guide Make Certain Introduction Trelleborg bollards come in a range of sizes and designs to suit any dock, jetty or wharf. The standard material is SG or ductile Iron, which is both strong and resistant to corrosion, giving a long and trouble free service life. The shapes of Trelleborg bollards have been refined to optimize their geometry and anchor layout. Even at full working load, they remain highly stable providing a safe and secure mooring. B O L L A R D R A N G E / T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N 1 2 . 1 T E E B O L L A R D S 2 . 2 H O R N B O L L A R D S 2 . 3 K I D N E Y B O L L A R D S B O L L A R D M A T E R I A L S A N D M A N U F A C T U R E 5 3 . 1 D E S I G N 3 . 2 M A T E R I A L S 3 . 3 M I C R O S T R U C T U R E 3 . 4 S G I R O N V s c a s t S T E E L B O L L A R D S 3 . 5 M A T E R I A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N 3 . 6 Q U A L I T Y A S S U R A N C E 3 . 7 C O A T I N G S Y S T E M S B O L L A R D S E L E C T I O N 7 4 . 1 S E L E C T I O N 4 . 2 M O O R I N G L I N E A N G L E S I N S T A L L A T I O N 9 5 . 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N 5 . 2 C O N C R E T E R E C E S S 5 . 3 F I X I N G O P T I O N S M A I N T E N A N C E 10 B O L L A R D I N F O R M A T I O N 11 R E F E R E N C E M A T E R I A L 12 8 . 1 C O D E S A N D G U I D E L I N E S Contents Range / Technical Information 1 Range / Technical Information 2 2. Bollard Range / Technical Information 2.1 Tee Bollard Trelleborg bollards come in many popular shapes and sizes to suit most docks, jetties and wharves. Standard material is spheroidal graphite (commonly called SG or ductile iron) which is both strong and resistant to corrosion, meaning Trelleborg bollards enjoy a long and trouble free service life. The shape of Trelleborg bollards has been refined with finite element techniques to optimize the geometry and anchor layout. Even at full working load, Trelleborg bollards remain highly stable and provide a safe and secure mooring. 1 Tee bollard 2 Horn bollard 3 Kidney bollard Features High quality SG iron as standard Strong and durable designs Very low maintenance Large line angles possible Standard and custom anchors Features General purpose applications up to 300 tonnes Suitable for steeper rope angles Dimension Bollard capacity (tonnes) 15 30 50 80 100 150 200 300 A 40 40 50 70 80 90 90 125 B 235 255 350 380 410 435 500 670 C 340 350 500 550 600 700 800 980 D 410 450 640 640 790 900 1000 1200 E 335 375 540 550 640 750 850 950 F 80 100 150 160 175 200 225 200 G 155 175 250 250 325 350 375 475 ØI 160 200 260 280 350 400 450 550 J 205 225 320 320 395 450 500 600 K 130 150 220 230 245 300 350 350 L1º 30º 30º 30º 15º 10º 10º L* L* L2º – – – 45º 40º 40º L* L* L3º 60º 60º 60º N/A 80º 80º L* L* Anchors M24 M30 M36 M42 M42 M48 M56 M56 Qty 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 10 Anchor length 500 500 500 800 800 1000 1000 1000 P* 60 60 70 90 100 110 110 140 P* =bolt protrusion = recess depth L* PLease contact Trelleborg Marine Systems for corrosponding anchor locations [units: mm] 4 3 Range / Technical Information 2.2 Horn Bollards 2.3 Kidney Bollards Range / Technical Information Features General purpose applications up to 200 tonnes Suitable for steep rope angles Two lines may share a single bollard (subject to bollard capacity) Features General purpose applications up to 200 tonnes Avoid steep rope angles where possible Suitable for warping operations Dimension Bollard capacity (tonnes) 15 30 50 80 100 150 200 A 40 40 50 70 80 90 90 B 370 410 500 520 570 585 660 C 400 440 600 660 750 850 930 D 410 480 640 650 800 920 1000 E 335 405 540 560 650 770 850 F 80 100 150 160 175 200 225 G 155 175 250 250 325 350 375 ØI 160 200 260 300 350 400 450 J 205 240 320 325 400 460 500 K 130 165 220 235 250 310 350 L1º 30º 30º 30º 15º 10º 10º 0º L2º – – – 45º 40º 40º 36º L3º 60º 60º 60º N/A 80º 80º – L4º – – – – – – 36º Anchors M24 M30 M36 M42 M42 M48 M56 Anchor length 500 500 500 800 800 1000 1000 P* 55 55 65 85 95 105 105 Qty 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 P* =bolt protrusion = recess depth [units: mm] Dimension Bollard capacity (tonnes) 15 30 50 80 100 150 200 A 40 40 50 70 70 80 90 B 260 280 320 330 350 405 435 C 340 370 480 530 550 728 800 D 320 360 540 560 590 760 1000 E 320 360 540 460 490 660 850 F – – – – 175 250 300 G – – – – 175 250 300 F+G 220 260 400 320 350 uploads/Geographie/ bollard-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Oct 02, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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