Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 27 Phone: 30

Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 27 Phone: 304-267-9983 • Web: www.yourbg.com • E-mail: ads@yourbg.com July 2, 2014 The Fourth of July has been a federal holiday since 1941. Though that may seem like a long time for the country to wait to celebrate the independence it declared in 1776, the tradition of the Fourth of July, often referred to as Independence Day, dates back to the dawn of the American Revolution and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Since then, July 4th has been recognized as the dawn of American independence, and celebrations that included fireworks and parades can be traced back to the 18th century. On July 4, 1777, the city of Philadelphia, which would become the first capital of the United States of America, held the first annual commemoration of American independence, and exactly one year later George Washington ordered that all of his soldiers be offered double rations of rum to commemorate the anniversary. In 1781, Massachusetts was the first state to make July 4th an official state holiday, and the day was actually declared a federal holiday by the U.S. Congress in 1870. However, that declaration did not grant a paid holiday to federal employees. That benefit came in 1941, which is why that year is now recognized as the first year when the Fourth of July officially became a federal holiday. Did you know? Great Prices, and We Install everything we sell! VALUABLE COUPON 2330 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG, WV 25405 MON. & FRI. 9-8 • TUES.-THURS. 9-6 • SAT. 9-5 304-263-6957 www.carpetworldofmartinsburg.com Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less! $ 100 OFF $ 100 OFF Any Special Order Over $1,000 Not valid with any other offers. Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale. Expires 7/31/14 Britt • Reed Law Offices 263-5000 INJURED? Page 2 Buyers Guide 304-267-9983 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 Community Calendar Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- com- mercial $175 donation. Air conditioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304-264-8411 for in- formation. Ruritan Hall Tomahawk Ruritan Club Rentals available for Birthday parties, wedding receptions, reunions, seminars and workshops. Small dining room $100 and Large Dining Room $150. Please call 304- 754-3860 for reserva- tions. BCHS Benefit Join us at Hillybilly Daylil- ies in Bunker Hill, WV on July 12th for our 6th Annual Bloomin’ Bash to benefit the Berkeley County Hu- mane Society. This event will showcase a spectac- ular display of daylilies in peak bloom. The Bash of- fers educational gardening workshops for adults and fun garden projects for kids. The Bash includes live bluegrass music by Drymill Road, Mountain ride, and Marv Ashby & High Octane. Enjoy great food from BIg Daddy’s BBQ and Rock Hill Cream- ery. Vendors will be selling handcrafted items and a variety of plants. We will also have a large display of antique tractors and steam engines. A fun filled day for the whole famlly!! For more info visit www.HillbillyDay- lilies.com or call 304-229- 6698 Hillbilly Daylilies 1105 Giles Mill Rd. Bunker Hill, WV 25413 Bingo WEEKLY Bingo at the Shepherdstown Fire Dept. on Wednesday Evening. Doors open 5:30, Bingo starts 6:30pm. 50 Game Money Bingo Saturday, July 19th for the benifit of the Shepherd- stown Fire Dept. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 2pm, advance tickets not required. $3,550 total prize money, $35 to play (must have 100 players). Admis- sion includes a comlimen- tary meal. Dinners/Suppers CRAFT & VENDOR SHOW July 19 - 9am to 4pm. Free Admission. In- dependent Fire Company, 200 W. 2nd Ave, Ranson. Crafters/Vendors - re- serve your table by July 12 - $20 each. Call Su- san 304-535-2600. Food Sales/Bake Sale provid- ed by event Sponsor IFC Auxiliary. 4TH Annual Pulled Pork Barbeque Dinner- Satur- day, July 19th, 2014, 3pm- 7pm, Greensburg United Methodist Church, 2171 Greensburg Road, Mar- tinsburg. Dinner Includes: Pork BBQ Sandwich, Cole Slaw or Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, Chips and Drink $9.00. Kids Meal In- cludes: Hot Dog (instead of Pork BBQ) for $3.50. Eat there and Enjoy the fellowship or TAKE OUTS ARE AVAILABLE.. For more information, Call Ed at 304-261-2513 or Mike at 304-839-3316. Events FREE HORSE CAMP- Girls learning about life themselves and God through the love of horses. Horse Camps designed to teach life, critical thinking, and communication skill through horses and ba- sic horse whispering technique.Work schol- orships available now. Summer registration now. 304-754-4414 or eagleswingsgirls.org Reunions ABSHIRE Reunion- The Annual Abshire Reunion will be at War Memorial Park in the Norwalk Pa- vilion on Saturday, July 12th, 2014. Dinner will be- gin at 5pm. Drinks and Ta- bleware will be rpovided. Following dinner, an auc- tion and business meeting will be held. Bohrer Family Summer Picnic will be held on Sunday, July 20th, at the Berkeley County Youth Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. Eating at 1:00 sharp!! Please bring a covered dish, salad or dessert. Meat, plates/flatware and soda will be provided. To help offset costs there will be a raffle table set up for donated items. MHS Class of 1952- The Martinsburg High School Class of 1952 will have an indoor picinic on July 18th, 2014, at 4pm at the South Berkeley Baptist Church, Inwood, WV across from Musselman High School. Please reply by July 3rd to Betty M. Grove 304-267- 6745. MILLER Reunion- The An- nual A.J Miller Reunion will be at War Memorial Park in the State Farm Pavilion on Sunday, July 20th, 2014. Lunch will begin at 1pm. Drinks and Tableware will be provided. THE 24th Annual Markley/ Hottel Family and Friends Get-Together will be held Sunday, July 20th, 2014 at “Hotteltown” home- stead of the Markleys and Hottels, 463 Hotteltown Lane, Edinburg, Virginia. Refreshments and Snaks will be provided starting at 10:30am. Lunch is sched- uled for 1pm. For additional info. call 304-886-6741. THE Descendants of Frank Ross and Fannie Pearrell LeMaster will hold their Annual Reuinion on Satur- day, July 12th, 2014 at Be- dington United Methodist Church at 5pm. All table- ware is provided, so bring your own tablecloth, drink, ice & favorite picinic foods. No auction this year. The descendants of William “Bill” and Katie Crawford Cole will be held at Camp Frame 4-H Camp west of Hedgesville, WV Sunday, July 6, 2014. The facilities will open at 11:00 AM with lunch being served at 1:00. All family members and friends are invited to bring their covered dishes and share in a day of fellowship and fun. Drinks and paper products will be provided. Please remember to bring an item for the fundraiser. THE family of John & Ivy Adams will be having their annual family reunion July 5th at War Memorial Park down by the creek. Please bring a covered dish and a wraped gift for the auction. We will be eating at 1pm. For more info call 304-263- 9282 or 304-995-1160. THE family reunion for the relatives and friends of William and Mabel Butts Myers will be on Satur- day August 9th, 2014 at War Memorial Park the Main Pavilion 12:00 noon. Please bring a covered dish and something to drink, also if you can bring something for the gift table that would be great. For more info call Susie Myers Bonnet at 304-229-0931. Community News, Meetings, Church News & More... Call for details at 304-267-9983 Editorial Courtesy of UNIVERSITY HEALTHCARE BERKELEY MEDICAL CENTER IMPLEMENTS TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS POLICY MARTINSBURG, W.VA. - Univer- sity Healthcare Berkeley Medical Center is going tobacco-free on July 1. By order of the Berkeley County Health Department, no tobacco use of any kind including e-cigarettes will be permitted — inside or outside — on hospital property af er this date. T is new policy also applies to Univer- sity Healthcare satellite campuses on Tennessee Avenue in Martinsburg and the Inwood Medical Building cam- pus. T e 2014 Clean Air Regulation prohibits smoking on the property of all health and medical facilities in Berkeley County as of July 1. T is in- cludes sidewalks, parking lots and in- side vehicles parked on the campuses. “ As a healthcare organization, we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, patients and visi- tors,” stated Teresa McCabe, vice pres- ident of marketing and development. “We fully support the Health Depart- ment’s tobacco-free campus initiative.” “University Healthcare has a respon- sibility to take a leadership role on this major health issue as the Eastern Panhandle’s regional health system. So, later this summer, our Jef erson Medical Center will also become a to- bacco-free campus,” McCabe added. More details will be announced once the ef ective date has been determined. T e US Surgeon General has conf rmed that exposure to secondhand tobac- co smoke is a serious health hazard and that there is no risk-free level of exposure. Tobacco use in and around hospitals poses health and safety risks for patients, employees and visitors. University Healthcare’s decision to go tobacco-free as a system uploads/Geographie/ did-you-know-injured.pdf

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