Survival Reference List (Prices in some cases are approximate or from a number

Survival Reference List (Prices in some cases are approximate or from a number of years ago) ***Means publication should be in your library Look for publication source on the WEB at,, or even Book title Author Publisher Pub. date Price 98.6 Degrees - The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive *** "Real practical!" Cody Lundin Gibbs Smith Publisher, 1st Edition 2003 $16.95 A Pilot’s Guide to Rescue Kerry J. Sullivan 2000 A Practical Guide to Lifeboat Survival*** The Center for the Study & Practice of Survival Naval Institute Press 1997 Acute Mountain Sickness - Type R Larry Penburthy Mountain Safety Research 1977 $3.00 Adrift*** Steven Callahan Ballentine Books 1986 $5.95 AFR 64-4 Survival U.S. Air Force US Gov Printing Office 1985 Air Rescue Carroll V. Glines and Wendal F. Moseley Ace Books 1961 Alaska Wilderness Medicines Eleanor G. Viereck Alaska Northwest Books 1990 $7.45 Albatross- Woman at Sea Deborah Scaling Kiley Houghton Mifflin Company Alive Piers P. Reid Lippencot Press 1974 All About Lightning Martin A. Uman Dover 1986 Almost Too Late Elmo Wartman Random House 1981 Altitude Illness - prevention and treatment Stephen Bezruchka Mountaineers 1994 $6.95 American Desert Rowe Findley National Geographic Society 1972 American Man Killers Don Zaidle Safari Press 1997 $24.95 And I Alone Survived Loran Elder Thomas Congdon Books 1978 Backcountry Bear Basics Dave Smith Mountaineers 1997 $10.95 Basic Essentials of Desert Survival Dave Ganci ICS Books 1991 $4.95 Basic Essentials of Hypothermia William W. Forgey ICS Books 1991 $5.99 Basic Essentials of Map and Compass Cliff Jacobson ICS Books 1988 $5.95 Basic Essentials of Survival James E. Churchill ICS Books 1989 $4.95 Basic Essentials of Trailside Shelters Cliff Jacobson ICS Books 1992 $4.95 Basic Essentials of Weather Forecasting Michael Hodgson ICS Books 1992 $5.99 Be Expert with Map & Compass Bjorn Kjellstrom Charles Scirbner's Sons 1976 $7.95 Bear Attacks Stephen Herrero Lyons and Burford 1985 $9.95 Bear Attacks - The Deadly Truth *** James Gary Shelton Shelton Productions, Canada 1998 $13.00 Bear Aware Bill Schneider Falcon Press 1996 $6.95 Book of Camping Knots Peter Owen Lyons Press 2000 1 Book of Climbing Knots Peter Owen Lyons Press 2000 Book of Outdoor Knots Peter Owen Lyons Press 1993 Bush Craft Mors Kochanski Lone Pine Publishing 1987 $12.95 Cacti Frank D. Venning Golden Press 1974 $1.75 Camping and Woodcraft Horace Kephart Mcmillian 1970 Camping Forgotten Skills Cliff Jacobson ICS Books 1993 $11.95 Camping Healthy - Hygiene for the Outdoors Buck Tilton & Rick Bennett ICS Books 1995 $8.95 Camping Wilderness Survival Paul Tawrell Paul Tawrell 1996 Capsized James Nalepka and Steven Callahan Harper Paperbacks Cheating Death*** Larry Kaniut Epicenter Press 1994 $19.95 Cold Comfort*** Glenn Randal Lyons & Burford 1987 $10.95 Color Atlas of Mountain Medicine Frederic Dubas & Jacques Vallotton Moseby Year Book 1991 Compass and Map Navigator Michael Hodgson ICS Books 1997 $14.95 Danger Ben East Outdoor Life Press 1970 $6.95 Death by Exposure - hypothermia*** William W. Forgey ICS Books 1984 $9.95 Deep Survival - Who Lives, Who Dies and Why *** "A real winner!" Laurence Gonzales W.W. Norton & Company 2003 $25.50 Desert Hiking Dave Ganci Wilderness Press 1993 Desert Survival Dick and Sharon Nelson Tecolote Press 1977 $5.00 Desert Survival Handbook Charles A. Lehman Primer Publishers 1988 Desert Survival Skills*** David Alloway University of Texas Press 2000 Down But Not Out Canadian Govt. Publishing 1980 $6.30 Eat to Win Robert Hoss MD. Signet Press 1985 $4.50 Emergency Survival Charles A. Lehman Primer Publishers 1979 $6.95 Endurance Alfred Lansing Adventure Library 1994 Environmental Emergencies Charles E. Stewert Williams & Wilkens 1989 Essential Wilderness Navigator David Seidman McGraw Hill 1995 Essentials of Sea Survival*** Frank Golden, MD, PhD & Michael Tipton, PhD Human Hinetics 2002 $24.95 Experiment in Survival*** George Sigler Viro Technical Support 2001 $12.95 Field Guide to Edible and Useful Plants Myron C. Chase Nature Study Inc 1965 Field Guide to NA Mushrooms Gary H Lincoff Chanticleer Press 1981 Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wild Flowers Craighead, Craighead and Davies Houghton Mifflin & Co 1963 Field Guide to Wilderness Survival Tom Brown Berkley 1983 $10 Finding Your Way in the Outdoors Robert L. Mooers Jr. Outdoor Life Books 1990 GPS Made Easy - 2nd edition Lawrence Letham Mountaineers 1998 $14.95 2 Handbook Of Land Survival Lars Falt Swedish Army 1988 Heartbreak and Heroism John Melady Dundurn Press 1997 High Altitude Illness and Wellness Charles Houston ICS Books 1993 $6.99 High Altitude Medicine Herb Hultgren Self published 1997 $59.95 How to Crash an Airplane Mick Wilson Self published 1996 How to Shit in the Woods Kathleen Meyer Ten Speed Press 1994 $5.95 How to Stay Alive in the Woods Bradford Angier Collier Books 1973 Hypothermia William W. Forgey, M. D. The Globe Peqout Press 1999 $7.95 Hypothermia, Frostbite & other Cold Injuries*** Wilkerson, Bangs and Hayword Mountaineers 1986 In the Land of White Death Valerian Albanov The Modern Library 2000 $21.95 Indian Uses of Desert Plants James W. Cornet Palm Springs Desert Museum 1995 $10 Into The Wild Jon Krakauer Doubleday 1996 $12.95 Into Thin Air Jon Krakauer Villard Press 1997 $24.95 Jungle Travel & Survival John Walden Lyons Press 2001 $19.95 K2 the Savage Mountain Charles S. Huston & Robert H Bates Adventure Library 1994 Killer Bears Mike Craymond Outdoor Life Press 1981 $5.00 Knots for the Outdoors Cliff Jacobson The Globe Peqout Press 1999 $7.95 Land Navigation Handbook W. S. Kals Sierra Club Books 1983 $8.95 Let Me Survive Louise Longo Sheridan House 1996 $17.95 Lost on a Mountain in Maine Donn Fendler Egan & Wells 1939 $4.00 Man on a Raft Kenneth Cooke Berkley Medallion Books 1960 Management of Wilderness and Environmental Emergencies - Fourth Edition*** *** Paul S. Auerbach & Edward C. Geehr The C.V. Mosby Company 1989 $180+ Map, Compass and Campfire Donald E. Ratliff Binfords & Mort 1974 Maps & Compasses - a users handbook Percy W. Blandsford Tab Books 1984 $6.48 Medicine for Mountaineering - 2nd edition James A. Wilkerson Mountaineers 1975 Medicine for Mountaineering - 3rd edition James A. Wilkerson Mountaineers 1990 $12.95 Medicine for the Outdoors Paul S. Auerbach Lyons Press 1999 $22.50 Miracle on the Mountain Mike & Mary Couiliad Avon Books 1998 $20 Modern Survival Dwight R. Schuh Mckay Press 1979 $5.95 Moseby Outdoor Medical Guide David Manhoff Moseby Year Book 1996 $12.95 Mountain Flying*** Sparky Imeson Airguide Publications 1994 Mountain Lion Alert Stephen Torres Falcon Press 1997 $6.95 Mountain Navigation Peter Cliff Bookmag 1986 $4.50 Mountain Search and Rescue Techniques W. G. May Rocky Mtn Rescue Group 1972 $3.50 3 Mountain Sickness Peter H. Hackett American Alpine Club 1993 $8.50 Mountain Wilderness Survival Craig E. Patterson And/Or Press 1979 $2.50 Mountaineering First Aid Dick Mitchell Mountaineers 1980 New Way of the Wilderness Calvin Rutstrum MacMillan 1958 $10.00 Nights of Ice*** Spike Walker St. Martins Press 1997 $20.95 NOLS Wilderness First Aid Todd Schimelpfenig & Linda Lindsey Stackpole Books 1992 $12.95 Northern Bushcraft Morse L Kochanski Lone Pine Press 1987 Okpik: Cold Weather Camping Boy Scouts of America 1997 One Was Left Alive Jenny Tripp Raintree Publishers 1980 Outdoor Emergency Care*** Warren D. Bowman National Ski Patrol 1993 $30.00 Outdoor First-Aid Robert J. Koester dbS Productions 1992 Outdoor Living Eugene H. Fear Tacoma Mountain Rescue $2.50 Outdoor Safety And Survival Paul H. Risk Wiley Press and Sons 1983 Outdoor Survival Skills Larry Dean Olson Brigham Young Univ. Press 1973 Outsmart Field Guide Ron Dawson Integrity House 1998 Physiology of Man in the Desert*** E .F. Adolph and Associates Hafner Publishing Company 1969 OOP Post True Stories of Courage & Survival Selected by Editors of Saturday Evening Post The World Publishing Co. 1966 $6.50 Practical Guide to Lifeboat Survival*** Naval Institute Press 1990 Practical Outdoor Survival Len Mcdougall Lyons & Burford 1993 $11.95 Practice Guidelines for Wilderness Emergency Care Edited by William W. Forgey, M.D. Wilderness Medical Society 2001 $13.95 Primitive Outdoor Skills Richard L. Jamison Horizon Press 1985 Ray Mears' World of Survival*** Ray Mears & Jane Hunter Harper Collins 1997 $22.50 Rough Water- Stories of Survival at Sea Edited by Clint Willis Thunder's Mouth Press Running the Amazon Joe Kane Adventure Library 1995 Safe Travel in Bear Country Gary Brown Lyons and Burford 1995 $10.95 SAS Encyclopedia of Survival Barry Davies BEM Virgin Publishing Ltd. 1999 $37.50 SAS Jungle Survival Barry Davies BEM Virgin Publishing Ltd. 2001 $9.50 Scorpions & Venomous Insects of the Southwest Erik D. Stoops & Jeffrey L Martin Golden West Publishers 1997 $9.95 Scotts Last Voyage Edited by Ann Savours Preger Publishers 1997 Search and Rescue Fundamentals Cooper, LaValla, Stoffel ERI Publications & Training 1996 $30.00 Secrets of Warmth*** Hal Weiss Cloudcap 1992 Snow Caves for Fun and Survival Ernest Wilkerson Johnson Books 1992 $9.95 Snow Sense Jill Fredston & Doug Fesler Alaska Mountain Safety Center 1994 4 Sole Survivor*** Ruthanne Lum McCunn Design Enterprises of San Francisco 1985 $6.00 Staying Alive Maurice & Maralyn Bailey Ballantine Books 1974 Staying Found 2nd edition June Flemming Mountaineers 1994 $12.95 Survival Xavier Maniguet Facts on File Press 1994 Survival James E. Churchill The Globe Pequot uploads/Geographie/ er-i-survival-reference-list.pdf

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