LINGUA POSNANIENSIS 2013 LV (1) DOI: 10.2478/linpo-2013-0007 SOME BERBER ETYMOL

LINGUA POSNANIENSIS 2013 LV (1) DOI: 10.2478/linpo-2013-0007 SOME BERBER ETYMOLOGIES X GÁBOR TAKÁCS Aൻඌඍඋൺർඍ: Gábor Takács. Some Berber Etymologies X. Lingua Posnaniensis, vol. LV (1)/2013. The Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences. PL ISSN 0079-4740, ISBN 978-83- 7654-273-7, pp. 99–110. My series “Some Berber Etymologies” is to gradually reveal the still unknown immense Afro-Asiatic heritage in the Berber lexical stock. The fi rst part with some miscellaneous Berber etymologies was published back in 1996. Recently, I continued the series according to initial root consonants1 in course of my research for the volumes of the Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian (abbreviated as EDE, Lei- den, since 1999, Brill)2 with a much more extensive lexicographical apparatus on the cognate Afro- Asiatic daughter languages. As for the present part, it greatly exploits the results of my ongoing work for the the fourth volume of EDE (analyzining the Eg. lexical stock with initial n-). The present part contains etymologies of Berber roots with initial *n- followed by sibilants. The nu- meration of the entries continues that of the preceding parts of this series. In order to spare room, I quote those well-attested and widespread lexical roots that appear common Berber, only through a few illustrative examples. The underlying regular consonant correspondences between Berber vs. Afro-Asiatic agree with those established by the Russian team of I.M. Diakonoff and summarized by A.Ju. Mංඅංඍൺඋൾඏ: (1991, 242–243). Gábor Takács, Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 1 “Some Berber Etymologies II: Berber Lexical Roots with *b-” appeared in Lingua Posnaniensis 45 (2003), 93–119; “Some Berber Etymologies III: Berber Lexical Roots with *b-” was published in Nൺඩඍ-Zൾඋඋൺൽ K., Iൻඋංඌඓං- ආඈඐ D. & Vඈඌඌൾඇ R. (eds.). 2004. Nouvelles études berbères, Le verbe et autres articles. Actes du “2. Bayreuth- Frankfurter Kolloquium zur Berberologie”, Berber Studies vol. 8. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 191–204; “Some Berber Etymologies IV: Berber Lexical Roots with *f-” in Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 10 (2005), 173–201; “Some Berber Etymologies V: Berber Lexical Roots with *m-” appeared in Folia Orientalia 44 (2008), 89–105; “Some Berber Etymologies VI: Berber Lexical Roots with *m-” was published in Journal of Linguistic Relationship (Moscow) 2 (2009), 91–113; “Some Berber Etymologies VII: Berber Lexical Roots with *-r/l/w/y-” is forthcoming in Mൾඍඍඈඎർඁං A. (éd.). 2011. “Parcours berbères”: Mélanges offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet et Lionel Galand pour leur 90e anniversaire. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 97–115; “Some Berber Etymologies VIII” appeared in Sൾඋඋൺ L., Tඈඅඅൺ A.M. di, Gඁൺ඄ං M. & Hൺൻඈඎඌඌ A. (éds.). 2011. Pluralità e dinamismo culturale nelle società berbere attuali, Studi Africanistici, Quaderni di Studi Berberi e Libico-Berberi 1. Napoli: UNIOR (l’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”), 79–90; “Some Berber Etymologies IX” is forthcoming in Aඅඅൺඍං A. (éd.). Probably to appear in 2013. Auréoles berbères: Mélanges Offerts à Michael Peyron. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 2 Which was carried out partially during my research fellowship at Frankfurt (Institut für Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaften) in 1999–2000 and 2002, which was faciliated by the grant of the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation (Bonn). I express my utmost thanks to the Humboldt Foundation as well as to my professor in Frankfurt, Herrmann Jungraithmayr, the prominent Chadicist, for his invaluable help and support. Unauthenticated Download Date | 11/24/14 1:11 AM 100 LP LV (1) GÁBOR TAKÁCS Berber *n- + *-z- 361. NBrb.: Mzg. √nz: i-nziz “chanter (à voix basse), fredonner, lamenter des chants tristes, funèbres, se lamenter en chantant”, a-nza “gémissement, geignement mystérieux entendus à la tombée de la nuit près de la tombe d’un assassiné ou d’un inconnu (on dit que ces gémissements sonts des appels à la vengeance)” [Tf. 1991, 512–513] ||| Sem.: JNAram. √nz« “to cry and sigh” [Sൺൻൺඋ 2002, 230] || Eth.-Sem.: Gurage-Zway (a)nāzä “to sigh, groan, moan” [Lsl. 1979 III 466]. 362. NBrb.: Izdeg √nz: u-nzu “avoir une hémorragie nasale” [Mrc. 1937, 137] ||| Sem.: Ar. √nzw (stem I: nazā) IV “2. faire saigner, faire perdre beaucoup de sang” [BK II 1243] = I: nazā “ (à l’actif) perdre son sang jusqu’à épuisement” [Fൺ඀ඇൺඇ 1923, 171] ||| (???) Eg. nz “Blutbad” (XXVI., Wb II 319, 5: ob richtig?)3 ||| CCh.: (?) Mofu-Gudur náz “sangsue” [Brt. 1988, 201] < AA *√nμ “to bleed” [GT]. 363. Brb. *√nz: Wargla i-nəz “se pencher, s’incliner en avant” [Dlh. 1987, 231] | Mzg. a-nz ~ u-nz “se soumettre, se baisser, s’incliner”, a-nnaz “1. soumission, 2. attitude humble, modeste” [Tf. 1991, 512] | Qabyle a-nez “1. s’incliner, 2. se soumettre”, zzi-nez “s’abaisser (surtout en sens fi g.)”, a-nnuz “abaissement, attitude humble” [Dlt. 1982, 589], Menaser and Zwawa a-nez “baisser” [Bst. 1885, 152], Shenwa a-nz “s’abaisser” [Lst. 1912, 148] || SBrb.: Hgr. e-neh “être inclinée en avant” [Fcd. 1950–1951, 1345] ||| Sem.: Ar. nassa “4. de- scendre à l’eau, à l’abreuvoir, à une aiguade (se dit d’une troupe de nomades, des pâtres, etc.)” [BK II 1243] ||| Eg. ns “vom Einsinken des Fusses in den Ackerboden” (Med., Wb II 320, 19) = “einsinken” (GHWb 430) = “to sink, settle” (Bඋൾൺඌඍൾൽ 1930, 337) > ns.wt “eine Krankheitserscheinung am Nackenwirbel: Senkung (?)” (Med., Wb II 324, 16) = “displace- ment” (Breasted l.c.) ||| Ch. *nc4 “to sink” [GT]: WCh.: Hausa nícà (-ts-) “2. to penetrate into, 3. Vanish”, nícò (-ts-) “vanishing below the water, 2. swimming under water, 3. being hidden” [Abr. 1962, 705–706] = nic- ~ nuc- (-ts-) “to abate, sink, vanish” [Skn.]5, Gwandara nùču “1. to dive, 2. Sink” [Mts. 1972, 91] || CCh.: Margi nč‚̀ “2. to immerse, dive” [Hfm. in RK 1973, 127] < AA *√nc “to sink” [GT]. 364. Brb. *√nz “to sneeze” [GT]6: NBrb.: Mzab ə-nza “éternuer” [Dlh. 1984, 142], Wargla ə-nzi “éternuer” [Dlh. 1987, 232] || EBrb.: Ghadames ə-nzu “éternuer” [Lൺඇൿඋඒ 1973, 255, #1199], Siwa ə-nzu “éternuer” [Lst. 1931, 234] ||| Eg. nš.wt “Schleim der Nase” (Med., Wb II 338, 13) ||| NOm.: Hozo Snstì, Sezo I "Snšp, II "SnsRRnsá “to cough” (Mao: Sbr.-Wdk. 1994, 11, #88). 365. Brb. *√nz “lock of hair” [GT]: NBrb.: Mzg. ta-unza, pl. ti-zi-win “toupet” [Aൻජඌ 1916, 137], Izdeg ta-unza, pl. ti-unzi-win “toupet” [Mrc. 1937, 252] | Mzab ta-nzəz-t, pl. 3 The etymology of this late (Saite) Eg. lexeme is disputed. Alliot (RdE 10, 1955, 1–4) identifi ed it with Eg. ns “Verletzung (?)” (NE Mag., Wb II 321, 4) and connected both to nsns “(Verbum von den Fingern im Vergleich mit einem Opferstier)” (NE, Wb II 335, 1) = “zerschneiden (?)” (GHWb 432). If this hypothesis is correct, Eg. nz has to be withdrawn here. 4 O.V. Stolbova (2003, 303) reconstructed PCh. *nuE- “to sink, plunge into the water” on the basis of ECh.: Migama núuTyó “enfoncer, plonger” [JA 1992], which is, however, not related to the WCh.-Margi isogloss. 5 N. S඄ංඇඇൾඋ (1977, 43) equated the Hausa root with North Bauchi *√n[ “to swim”, which is to be declined. Later he (S඄ංඇඇൾඋ 1996, 209) suggested even more improbable parallels, e.g., ECu. *no«- “to sink” etc. 6 The AA parallels compared by A. Mංඅංඍൺඋൾඏ & O. Sඍඈඅൻඈඏൺ (1990, 70) are either semantically or phono- logically untenable. Unauthenticated Download Date | 11/24/14 1:11 AM Some Berber Etymologies X LP LV (1) 101 ti-nzaz “paquet de mèches de laine que l’on tire du peigne et que l’on enroule sur une que- nouille pour la fi ler” [Dlh. 1984, 143] | Qabyle i-nziz, pl. i-nziz-en “1. crin long (de mulet, de cheval), 2. fi l fi n et fort, fi celle fi ne, cordelette, 3. corde vibrante qui soustende la peau du tambourin, 4. fi bre (de muscle), 5. elastique (subst.)” [Dlt. 1982, 591] || WBrb.: Zenaga a-nz “cheveux” [Msq. 1879, 498] = e-nziza “broderie” [Bst. 1909, 248] ||| Dem. nšj.t “Haarlocke” (CED 115) > Cpt. (S) ! (pl.) “locks of hair” (CD 237a; Sආංඍඁ 1958, 122) = “Locken (?)” (KHW 132, 526) = “boucles (de cheveux)” (DELC 149), cf. Eg. nš.t “Haarmacherin” (MK, Wb II 337, 6–7) = “hair-dresser” (FD 140). 366. Brb. *√nzγ “to pull out” [GT]: NBrb.: Shilh a-nzaγ “attirement, étirement. Tirage” [Jඈඋൽൺඇ 1934, 38] | Mzg. nzeγ “1. (re)tirer, extraire, 2. haler, traîner” [Tf. 1991, 513], Izdeg nzeγ “extirper, extraire, tirer” [Mrc. 1937, 111, 250], Zayan and Sgugu nzeγ “1. tirer, ex- traire” [Lbg. 1924, 573] | Nefusa é-nzaγ “tirare, tirar fuori” [Bgn. 1931, 275] = ə-nzəγ “tirer de l’eau” [Lst. 1931, 302] || EBrb.: Gdm. ə-nza« [« < *γ] “puiser” [Lst.], Sokna ö-nzaγ “tirer en dehors de qq. lieu que ce soit” [Lst.] ||| Sem.: Ar. naqaša “to extract, pull out” || Jibbali nqeŝ “to take out (an embedded thorn)” || Geez naqasa “to pluck away, extract (a thorn from the foot)”, Tna. näqäsä “to pinch, extract a thorn from the foot”, Amh. näqqäsä “to pick, clean by picking, extract a thorn from the foot” (Sem.: Lsl. 1987, 400) ||| (?) Eg. nssq “eine Krankheit am oder im Kopf, Haar ist ausgefallen” (Med., Wb II 336, 14; GHWb 433) = “alopecia areata (umschriebener Haarausfall): Kahlkopf, Glatzköpfi gkeit jeder Art” (Eൻ- ൻൾඅඅ 1924, 56–57, §1, 1929, 119; 1932, 101, 1967, 87–88) = “Haarausfall” (HAM 840) = “a disease of the head which results in loss of hair” (Sൺඍඓංඇ඀ൾඋ 2003 MS, 1)7. 367. Brb. *√nzr uploads/Geographie/ etymologies-berberes.pdf

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