THE EUROPEAN UNION − Ressources pour apprendre l'a

THE EUROPEAN UNION − Ressources pour apprendre l'anglais. Retrouvez tous les enregistrements sur le site. I) ANTICIPATION Grâce à vos connaissances, répondez aux questions suivantes: 1) What is "the E.U."? Have a look at the flag above. It will help you. 2) How many countries are part of the E.U? 3) What countries are part of the EU? Where are they located? Have a look at the table below and choose the right countries (you will maybe need to add countries). Questions en français: 1) Qu'est−ce que"the E.U."? Regardez le drapeau ci−dessus. Cela vous aidera. 2) Combien de pays font partie de l'"EU"? 3) Quels pays font partie de l'U.E.? Où sont−ils localisés? Regardez le tableau ci−dessus et choisissez les bons pays (vous aurez peut−être besoin d'ajouter des pays). (Le tableau peut être trouvé sur le site). II) COMPREHENSION ORALE Voici le script de l'enregistrement audio. Sans utiliser d'aide, essayez de replacer les termes importants aux bons endroits: 2004, countries, Danish, democracy, Europe, European, liberty, meeting, member, victory The European Union The _________ Union has officially asked ten _________ to join the organization in _________. The leaders of the fifteen current E−U _________ countries approved the invitations at a _________ in Copenhagen last week. _________ Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen led the meeting. He called the decision, a _________ for _________ and _________. He also said that, a new _________ is born. III) COMPREHENSION ECRITE >> LE TEXTE: (c) − Apprendre l'anglais 1 The European Union Eight of the invited countries are in Eastern Europe. Until 1991, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania were part of the Soviet Union. Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia all had Communist governments. The E−U also offered membership to Malta and the Greek−ruled part of Cyprus. The planned expansion would be the largest in the E−U’s history. It would create a community of more than 450 million people in twenty−five countries. The expansion also would create an economy of more than nine million million dollars. Such an economy would be close to that of the United States. Intense negotiations took place at the Copenhagen meeting about the financial terms under which new members will join. Candidates for E−U membership had demanded more aid. Most of them are poorer than the average country in Western Europe. They also have shorter histories as democracies and had problems with dishonest governments. Many people in the invited countries did not fully support efforts to join the E−U. Poland is the largest of the ten candidate countries. It had threatened to sabotage the expansion plans if it did not receive more aid. The agreement calls for the E−U to provide more than forty thousand million dollars in aid to the new members. The expansion is planned for May, 2004. But first, citizens in each candidate country must approve E−U membership in a series of votes expected next year. E−U members had hoped that a United Nations−negotiated agreement to end the division of Cyprus would be signed during the Copenhagen meeting. Cyprus has been divided between Greek and Turkish Cypriots since 1974. The E−U offered membership to the southern, Greek side of Cyprus. The Turkish north could enter later if it agrees on terms to end the island’s division. Now, only the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government will receive E−U membership. In another development, Turkey accepted an E−U decision to delay considering its membership until December, 2004, at the earliest. E−U leaders said Turkey must make the political and human rights reforms necessary to begin talks about membership. >> QUESTIONS: 1. Where are most invited countries located? a) In the USA b) In Asia c) In Eastern Europe 2. How many people would there be in the European Union in 2004? a) less than 100 million b) more than 450 million c) more than 1 billion 3. Where did the last EU meeting take place? a) In Denmark b) In Spain c) In England 4. Which is the largest invited country? a) Poland b) Estonia (c) − Apprendre l'anglais 2 c) Hungary 5. When are the candidate countries expected to join the EU? a) In June 2003 b) In May 2004 c) In July 2005 6. What are the candidate countries required to do to join the EU? a) They must learn French b) They must organize votes to approve EU membership c) They must stop trading with other countries 7. What is the political problem in Cyprus? a) There is no government b) The country is divided c) Cyprus is governed by a king 8. No solution to the division of Cyprus was found in Copenhagen. a) TRUE b) FALSE 9. The Turkish part of Cyprus will never be able to join the EU. a) TRUE b) FALSE 10. The membership of Turkey has been delayed because EU leaders think there are political and human rights problems to solve in this country. a) TRUE b) FALSE IV) GRAMMAIRE: Le comparatif Most of the candidate countries are poorer than the average country in Western Europe. They also have shorter histories as democracies. > Emplois Le comparatif sert à comparer 2 choses, 2 personnes ou 2 grands groupes. Dans les phrases ci−dessus, on compare le groupe des futurs membres de l'Union Européenne à celui des autres pays d'Europe de l'ouest. Un cas peut−être plus simple serait: Peter is taller than Steve. On compare 2 garçons: Peter et Steve, et on indique que Peter est plus grand que Steve. > Syntaxe (c) − Apprendre l'anglais 3 Comme en français, il existe 3 comparatifs: − le comparatif de supériorité (plus... que...) My car is more expensive than your car. Ma voiture coûte plus cher que ta voiture. − le comparatif d'égalité (aussi... que). My car is as expensive as your car. Ma voiture coûte aussi cher que ta voiture. − le comparatif d'infériorité (moins... que...) My car is less expensive than your car. Ma voiture coûte moins cher que ta voiture. Adjectifs courts ( 1 − 2 syllabes) Adjectifs longs (3+ syllabes) supériorité (plus... que) ADJ + −ER than fast > X is faster than Y. MORE + ADJ than expensive > X is more expensive than Y. égalité (aussi... que) as ADJ as big > X is as big as Y. infériorité (moins... que) less ADJ than beautiful > X is less beautiful than Y. NOTES: > Si l'adjectif se termine par "−y", le "−y" se transforme en "−i": heavy −−> heavier > Si l'adjectif se termine déjà par "−e", on ne rajoute que "−r": wise −−> wiser > Si l'adjectif se termine par Consonne−Voyelle−Consonne, on double la consonne finale: big −−> bigger > Comparatifs irréguliers, à apprendre par coeur: good −−> better / bad −−> worse / far −−> farther > Exercice: comparez ces 2 personnes PAUL 16 years old fortune: $100,000 height: 6 feet MICHAEL 24 years old fortune: $300 height: 6 feet Construisez au moins 3 phrases. V) VOCABULAIRE Les noms de pays et les nationalités: PAYS EN FRANCAIS ADJECTIF HABITANTS Africa Afrique African an African America Amérique American an American (c) − Apprendre l'anglais 4 Argentina Argentine Argentinian an Argentinian Austria Autriche Austrian an Austrian Australia Australie Australian an Australian Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh(i) a Bangladeshi Belgium Belgique Belgian a Belgian Brazil Brésil Brazilian a Brazilian Britain Grande−Bretagne British a Briton/Britisher Cambodia Cambodge Cambodian a Cambodian Chile Chili Chilean a Chilean China Chine Chinese a Chinese Colombia Colombie Colombian a Colombian Croatia Croatie Croatian a Croat the Czech Republic République Tchèque Czech a Czech Denmark Danemark Danish a Dane England Angleterre English an Englishman/Englishwoman Finland Finlande Finnish a Finn France France French a Frenchman/Frenchwoman Germany Allemagne German a German Greece Grèce Greek a Greek Holland Pays−Bas Dutch a Dutchman/Dutchwoman Hungary Hongrie Hungarian a Hungarian Iceland Islande Icelandic an Icelander India Inde Indian an Indian Indonesia Indonésie Indonesian an Indonesian Iran Iran Iranian an Iranian Iraq Irak Iraqi an Iraqi Ireland Irlande Irish an Irishman/Irishwoman Israel Israël Israeli an Israeli Jamaica Jamaïque Jamaican a Jamaican Japan Japon Japanese a Japanese Mexico Mexique Mexican a Mexican Morocco Maroc Moroccan a Moroccan Norway Norvège Norwegian a Norwegian Peru Pérou Peruvian a Peruvian the Philippines Philippines Philippine a Filipino Poland Pologne Polish a Pole Portugal Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese Rumania Roumanie Rumanian a Rumanian Russia Russie Russian a Russian Saudi Arabia Arabie Saoudite Saudi, Saudi Arabian a Saudi, a Saudi Arabian Scotland Ecosse Scottish a Scot Serbia Serbie Serbian a Serb the Slovak Republic Slovaquie Slovak a Slovak Sweden Suède Swedish a Swede Switzerland Suisse Swiss a Swiss Thailand Thaïlande Thai a Thai The USA Etats−Unis American an American Tunisia Tunisie Tunisian a Tunisian (c) − Apprendre l'anglais 5 Turkey Turquie Turkish a Turk Vietnam Vietnam Vietnamese a Vietnamese Wales Pays de Galles Welsh a Welshman/Welshwoman Yugoslavia Yougoslavie Yugoslav a Yugoslav Exemples: A Finnish student lives in Finland. He is a Finn. (Notez que les 3 mots comportent une majuscule) Un étudiant finlandais habite en Finlande. C'est un Finlandais. VI) TRADUCTION DES DOCUMENTS−SUPPORTS > Compréhension orale L'Union Européenne uploads/Geographie/ europef-pdf.pdf

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