Anglais « Témoigner de la compréhension d’un message écrit à dominante informat
Anglais « Témoigner de la compréhension d’un message écrit à dominante informative et de la compréhension d’un message oral à dominante descriptive et narrative » «HOPE FOR THE FUTURE » 3e degré, 5e LM2 (niveau estimé par rapport au cadre européen commun de référence : B1 ) 1 EXAMEN JUIN 2022 NOM ET PRÉNOM DE L´ÉLÈVE :………………………………………………………… CLASSE:…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… ANNÉE SCOLAIRE:……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ÉTABLISSEMENT:………………………………………………………….…………………………………….. 2 COMPRÉHENSION À LA LECTURE /AUDITION NIVEAU ATTENDU : A2 Modalités de l‟épreuve : - Support1 : Texte -- Support2: CD - Timing : 100 minutes Lire/Écouter pour repérer/identifier/(s)’informer/ Argumenter Consignes à l‟élève : Après avoir lu/écouté le texte/ CD, Réponds aux questions en français. GRILLE D´ÉVALUATION ET INDICATEURS DE REUSSITE CRITÈRES DE RÉUSSITE INDICATEURS DE RÉUSSITE A / NA Résultat final : Conformité à la consigne Le contenu est conforme à la consigne donnée (infos essentielles, type de tâche, longueur). Le texte est en adéquation avec la situation donnée. Obligation de réussite ……… ……… Compréhensibilité Message clair et compréhensible malgré quelques éventuelles erreurs lexicales, grammaticales ou de cohérence. 2A/3* ……… Pertinence Au moins 60% des informations attendues et provenant des documents sont bien repérées. 2A/3 ……… Présentation - Texte lisible - Texte soigné - Bonne mise en page 2A/3 ……… (*) 2 indicateurs acquis sur les 3 (**) Par « pertinence », il faut entendre que les informations sélectionnées sont bien celles qui sont requises par la tâche et qu’elles sont rapportées d’une manière adéquate par rapport au contenu du document d’origine. 3 OUTIL D’EVALUATION Anglais « HOPE FOR THE FUTURE » Documents pour les élèves Consigne Contexte : Ton école a accueilli des enfants qui ont fui la guerre en Ukraine et qui se trouvent dans la difficile situation de devoir s’intégrer dans une école avec un système différent de celui des écoles en Ukraine, mais surtout apprendre le tout dans une langue complètement nouvelle. Tu veux mieux comprendre tes nouveaux collègues. Tâches : 1. Lis le texte « Palina-the girl with two families », qui parle d’une fille qui a dû quitter son pays natal il y a plus de 20 ans et réponds en français aux questions dans l’exercice qui suit. 2. Ecoute l’interview avec Palina et complète le texte avec les mots qui manquent : talking, yourself, born, terrible, farmers, sell, meat, poor, lucky, kind, looked after, excellent, learnt, picked up, lessons, Irish, studies, return, hope, enjoyed . Tu disposes de 100 minutes. Tu disposes de l’article pendant toute la durée de l’épreuve. 4 A.Palina-the girl with two families In the early hours of April 26 1986, the worst nuclear accident in history occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl. Two years later and two hundred miles away, Palina Yanachkina was born in the village of Polessye, in northern Belarus. Like many others in her village she had a lot of health problems and her future didn’t look good. Then a holiday in Ireland changed everything. Life in the village of Polessye The nuclear disaster changed the lives of everybody in the village. It took away all hope for the future. However, when Palina was born in 1988 her parents did their best to give her and her brother Micha a good life. They were farmers and before the accident, sold meat, fruit, and vegetables to the international market. After the disaster, no one wanted to buy anything. The villagers were often ill and depressed. When Palina was eight, experts from the capital, Minsk, came to her school and did health tests on the children. The experts told them to stop picking the mushrooms in the forest because they were badly contaminated. When she was ten the experts returned with news of a charity that helped children like her have holidays abroad. They asked Palina if she would like to go to Ireland and stay with a family in Limerick.Palina felt a bit nervous about leaving home and she didn’t speak a word of English, but she decided to go. Life in Ireland When Palina met her Irish family, she liked them immediately. John and Fiona Quaid and their two children, Chloe, three, and Evan, six, gave Palina a warm welcome. At first, the only way to communicate was with a phrase book, but soon she became good friends with the children. They didn’t need a language to play. So many things in Ireland surprised Palina. They visited a shopping mall and she couldn’t believe her eyes, there was so much to choose from. She only knew her little village shop. She missed her family, but couldn’t speak to them because they didn’t have a phone. By the time she went home, Palina could speak a few words of English and was delighted when the Quaids invited her back for Christmas. After that, she started to visit the family twice a year and often spent three months with them in summer. Palina today: “I’m so lucky!” When Palina was in her teens, the experts returned to Polessye and checked her again. They couldn’t’ believe how healthy she was. Her time in Ireland was improving her health and her English. In her free time, Palina helped run the farm. However, she didn’t want to continue doing this for the rest of her life. She dreamed of becoming a doctor, but had no money to study. John and Fiona understood her problem. They offered to pay for her to study in Ireland and said she could stay with them full-time. Palina was amazed and delighted. It was hard for her parents, but they wanted the best for their daughter. Palina is now studying biochemistry at the University of Limerick. She hopes to study medicine one day and return to Belarus to help those who are not as lucky as she is. 5 Questions: 1. Was Palina born the same year as the disaster? 2.0p 2. Did Palina grow up on a farm? 2.0p 3. Was Palina an only child? 2.0p 4. Could Palina speak English before going to Ireland? 2.0p 5. How did Palina communicate with the family? 2.0p 6. Why was she so surprised at the shopping mall? 2.0p 7. How often did she visit the Irish family? 2.0p 8. Who paid for Palina’s studies? 2.0p 9. Did her time in Ireland improve her health? 2.0p 10. What are Palina’s plans for the future? 2.0p B. An interview with Palina 6 I: Today I’m……………to Palina Yanachkina. Palina, it’s nice to meet you. Can I ask you some questions? 1.0p P: Of course. I: I hear that you call…………. the girl with two families. Why is that? 1.0p P: Well, I have my family back in Ukraine and my family here in Ireland. I:: Where exactly do you come from? P: I come from the village of Polessye not far from Chernobyl. I was……… 1988 just two years after the nuclear accident there. It was a…………..time for us. 1.0p + 1.0p I: I can understand that. What happened to your family? P: My parents are……………..and after the accident, they couldn’t……….any of their produce. No one wanted to buy our………or vegetables. We were very………and ill – like many people in the village. 1.0p + 1.0p+ 1.0p + 1.0p I: How awful, how miserable for you all. P: But I was…………. . I had the chance to go to Ireland for a holiday and that was when I met her second family. I loved staying with them,-er they were so………….to me. They………………….me so well. 1.0p + 1.0p+ 1.0p I: Your English is……………….now. Did you speak English then? 1.0p P: Not a word. But I soon…………, especially from the children. I got on really well with them. 1.0p I: So you………………… English bit by bit? 1.0p P: I had some…………….too and I came back to Ireland many times. 1.0p I: What are you doing now? P: I’m studying here in Ireland. My wonderful……………family are paying for my………….. I’m hoping to become a doctor one day and…………to my village to help the people there. That’s my big………for the future. 1.0p + 1.0p+ 1.0p + 1.0p I: Well, I’m sure you’ll do that one day. Thank you, Palina. I’ve…………….talking to you. 1.0p 7 Critère d’évaluation et pondération CRITERE PONDÉRATION Pertinence des éléments sélectionnés en fonction de la finalité de la tâche Total général …/40 (en fonction du nombre d’informations pertinentes comprises 8 OUTIL D’EVALUATION Anglais Documents pour le professeur Famille de tâches : Témoigner de la compréhension d’un message écrit à dominante informative et de la compréhension d’un message oral à dominante descriptive et informative Titre : HOPE FOR THE FUTURE (from HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE fourth edition) Public cible : 3e degré : 5e anglais LM2 Niveau estimé par rapport au cadre européen commun de référence : B1 Epreuve : voir document pour l’élève Préalables à l’épreuve : Prérequis : avoir abordé la thématique concernée en apprentissage. Dispositif didactique: le texte reste à la disposition des élèves pendant toute la durée de l’épreuve. Modalités de passation : Durée de l’épreuve : 100 minutes Forme du produit attendu : écrite (notes structurées, en uploads/Geographie/ exam5e06-22.pdf
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- Publié le Fev 14, 2021
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- Langue French
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