2020 Gesa Solveig Duden Mental Health Support for Refugees – Integrating Brazil

2020 Gesa Solveig Duden Mental Health Support for Refugees – Integrating Brazilian Perspectives Mental Health Support for Refugees – Integrating Brazilian Perspectives Dissertation submitted to the Institute of Psychology, University of Osnabrück, Germany for the degree Doktorin der Philosopie (Dr. phil.) - Doctorate of Philosophy By Gesa Solveig Duden born in Bremen, Germany Osnabrück, 2020 1st Supervisior Prof. Dr. Dr. Josef Rogner (University of Osnabrück, Germany) 2nd Supervisor Prof. Dr. Lucienne Martins-Borges (Université Laval, Canada & Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) 2 En 2014 encore, cinq millions cinq-cent-mille personnes ont fui leurs maisons Forcées de se réfugier dans des villes, des pays loin de chez eux Sans aucune idée du moment où ils pourraient retrouver leurs existences habituelles Cinq millions cinq-cent-mille personnes ont fui leurs maisons, forcées de se réfugier Né so M'bitaa so Né so Home Une maison, des habitudes, un futur M'bitaa so Where to place my dreams Where to hold a heart opened to joy, opened to hope Une maison, des habitudes, un futur Né bi taa so En 2014 encore, cinq millions cinq-cent-mille nouveaux réfugiés Cinq millions cinq-cent-mille réfugiés de plus Encore au vingt-et-unième siècle de notre monde, tant de guerres, tant de victimes Cinq millions cinq-cent-mille personnes ont fui leurs maisons Forcées de se réfugier dans des villes, des pays loin, loin, de chez eux Né so Né bi taa so Where to place my dreams Where to hold a heart opened to joy, opened to hope Né so M'bitaa n'so Né bi taa so Une maison, des habitudes, un futur Tant de guerre, tant de victimes Tant de tristesse, tant de désarroi Tant d'espoir, tant d'espoir Rokia Traoré, 2016 3 To all the participants. And their patients. 4 Acknowledgements This doctoral thesis was supported by a generous research fellowship from the Hans- Böckler-Stiftung, which also funded my extended research stay at the “Division of Transcultural Psychiatry” at McGill University in Montréal. While conceptualising and writing this thesis I have received a great deal of support from many people. Indeed, it has been the work in a collective and network which has allowed me to begin, conduct and finally, to finish this project. I would first like to thank my two supervisors whose expertise has been invaluable. My German supervisor, Josef Rogner, has supported me in all of my plans and projects, motivated me and helped me not to lose sight of my goal. His reliability and positive comments have been a source of encouragement and reassurance over these years. His literature recommendations have inspired me and given me the opportunity to embed my ideas in new theoretical contexts. To my Brazilian supervisor, Profa Lucienne, I express my deep gratitude for welcoming me so warmly in her research divison “NEMPsiC” in 2015. The time I spent with her and my colleagues at this division, as well as in Québec, has left a profound mark – on me personally, as well as on my professional trajectory. Profa Lucienne has been a deeply committed mentor during my fieldwork, a thorough support in the data analysis phase and a critical reader of my manuscripts. Furthermore, she has put me in contact with wonderful people and projects throughout these years. Five years have passed since our first contact, and I very much hope that this collaboration will continue for much longer. My thanks also go to all my friends and colleagues who facilitated this dissertation by pilot testing the interview guidelines and assisting in the transcriptions and the coding of the interviews, in particular: Luiza Marson Morais, Malena Rassmann, Paula Campos Andrade, Raphael Didjurgeit, and Vagner Perez. Furthermore, many friends have been an enormous and patient help by proofreading my manuscripts and providing their constructive feedback. Here I would like to pay my special regards to Darragh O'Shea, Felicity Parker, Kosta Gligorijevic, Maria Heydel, Sabine Sommer, Sofie de Smet and Yonas Tegegne. I would further like to express my appreciation to all the participants and members of the Platform for Social Research on Mental Health in Latin America (PLASMA), of the colloquium AG Transcultural Psychiatry Charité Berlin, as well as of the Summer Programme in Social and Cultural Psychiatry at McGill University, for being such a great inspiration and providing welcoming spaces of discussion and exchange. Furthermore, I would like to thank the teams from the Clínica Intercultural, Refugio Bremen and the NTFN; getting to know their work and being able to contribute to it was one of the greatest motivations for writing this thesis. Acknowledgements 5 Travelling, migrating and living in many places, I am deeply grateful to all the people that have welcomed me, taken me in, volunteered as cultural mediators, become friends and thus made this thesis possible: Alisson Vinícius Silva Ferreira, for his hospitality, language checks, our trips and particularly for our inspiring conversations in the three-country-border city; Allyne Fernandes Oliveira Barros, whose beautiful name has to find full appreciation here, for being a wonderful colleague, companion and friend, for helping me to understand much of what felt strange at first and for sharing many beautiful moments with me in two countries; Ana Sofia dos Santos Lima Guerra, for her hospitability and great help to find participants, Andrey Borges Bernardes, for connecting me to his country and family and for challenging me to think to the roots of things; Francesco Galuppi for being a patient and motivating companion along the last meters of this thesis; Gabriel Bueno, for always being in Floripa to welcome me and to say goodbye, for truly listening, and for pretending to or actually enjoying a bike ride in 2°C to Nietzsche’s grave; Gernot Gellwitz, for not only turning my kitchen into a kitchen, but also for giving me stability and perspective; Gil Leal Caruso, for trusting me, for being my first connection to Floripa and to all those wonderful people, for sharing the delights of language learning and for cooking a delicious sweet potato; Hoschin Ibrahim, for a wonderful welcome in Leipzig, and for his joy and unconditional help; Karinne Borges Bernandes and Alexandre Augusto de Paiva Barreiros for their hospitality, understanding, and solidarity, and, together with Sam, for being strong pillars for me, particularly during my first time in Brazil; as well as her whole family in Minas Gerais who took me in and provided the most wonderful context in which to develop a tie to Brazilian realities and learn a beautiful language; Mariá Boeira Lodetti for being an amazing host in Québec and helping me to process the reviewers’ feedback I received in my life; Mohammed Abraham Builo for showing me yet another reality and for his beautiful piano music; Nisse Silva for playing the part of the best integration helper one could dream of, and for providing me with the possibility to connect to the reality and to young people of the Sertão; Renan Blah and Mitsue Yanai, whose apartment has been one of the most constant and most incredible places of home for me, and whose choice of films motivated this thesis artistically; Robert Fiedler, for our Franco-Brazilian exchanges and so many points of connection; Sandra Greifenhagen for swimming with me and sharing saudades; Thiago Guedes Willecke, for helping with the data analysis and building a bridge to Germany; Wiebke Koch and Marco Patzer, for their absolutely reliable friendship and for being there and being a home in the most difficult times. Additionally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to nine women whose friendship has been a layer of warmth, beauty and emotional connection throughout the years: Anna Emmrich, Anna Helbig, Esther Blüthgen, Julia Flor, Lara Lamping, Maria Heydel, Rosa Palm, Samanta Borges Pereira and Sophia Matschinsky. Acknowledgements 6 I cannot go without acknowledging all the artists who have been faithful companions throughout this work, helping me through the coding of difficult stories and through mundane tasks, in particular Agnes Obel, Abacaxepa, Ana Tijoux, Arat Kilo, Baden Powell, BaianaSystem, El Sono Sono, Ezra Collective, ,فيروزFatoumata Diawara, Gaël Faye, Geraldo Azevedo, Gotan Project, Kokoroko, Kolinga, Luedji Luna, ,مشروع ليلىMayra Andrade, Molly Johnson, Mop Mop, Muddy Waters, Nicola Cruz, Nightmares On Wax, Parov Stelar, Philip Glass, Rokia Traoré, Y’akoto, Zoë Keating and many more. My thanks also go to all the dancers I was so lucky to dance with while writing my thesis, as these have kept me moving, connected and happy, especially the CIA in Petrolina, Pernambuco and all the Swing and Blues dancers in Berlin, Bremen, Dublin, Leipzig, Montréal, Osnabrück and Paris. My eternal thanks go to my parents Silke Duden and Rolf Altenburger, and to my brother Sven Altenburger who have always been there for me with their love, unconditional support, and humour. My confidence in exploring, my curiosity and my appreciation of cultures, languages and human connections are the result of growing up in such an encouraging, reflective and secure setting, and of feeling my family’s unchanging trust. Finally, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all the research participants who have confided in me and who took the uploads/Geographie/ mental-health-support-for-refugees-integrating-brazilian-perspectives 1 .pdf

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