Name Loot 1 Loot 2 Loot 3 Unlock Price Alluring Finery Fine Wool 3 Ice Magicit
Name Loot 1 Loot 2 Loot 3 Unlock Price Alluring Finery Fine Wool 3 Ice Magicit e 4 Tyrant 1 Lamia Tiara Enchanter Habit 3180 Antidote Set Drab Wool 2 - - - - Antidote x3 100 Armor Piercing Shot Ichthon Scale 4 Silver Liquid 5 Wind Crystal 7 Spica Windslicer Shot 8900 Arrows Alight Crooked Fang 2 Fire Stone 4 - - Fiery Arrows Longbow 2800 Arrow of the moon goddess Dorsel Fin 2 Gemini Gem 3 Great Serpent Fang 2 Artemis Arrows 1280 Assorted Leathers Dark Stone 2 Tanned Hide 1 Wolf Pelt 2 L. Breastplate L. Headgear 300 Attenuated Greatsword Holy Crystal 1 0 Quality Stone 4 Sky Jewel 7 Save The Queen 9200 Back Harness Throat Wolf Blood 1 - - - - Battle Harness 600 Befuddling Incendiaries Bomb Shell 4 Book Of Organ Cent 3 Fire Crystal 7 Caldera Chaos Bomb 3800 Black Vestments Blood Wool 9 Dark Crystal 8 Prime Tanned Hide 7 Black Mask Black Robes 1280 0 Blindflight Wuarrels Dark Crystal 3 Silver Liquid 3 Spiral Incisor 3 Black Bolts Hunting Crossbow 1122 0 Blush Of Light Magical Lamp 1 Snowfly 1 Tomato Stalk 2 Firefly 1200 Bow & Bodkin Bat Fang 1 Dark Stone 2 Rat Pelt 2 Parallel Arrows Shortbow 400 Bow Of The Moon Goddess Solid Horn 5 Moondu st 2 Sylphi Halcyon 1 Artemis Bow 9300 Brawler’s Fetish Gimble Stalk 2 - - - - - 3000 Brillaint Shield Ancient Turtle Shell 2 Ring Wyrm Liver 2 Undin Halcyon 1 Venetian Shield 7500 Burning Blade Fire Stone 6 Lumber 2 Malboro Vine 2 Flametongue 2025 Burning Fangs Pointed Horn 2 - - - - Soleil Fang x5 980 Burnished Protectives Earth Stone 4 Quality Hide 2 Wyrm Carapac e 2 Burgonet Shielded Armor Ice Shield 4850 Chain Link Belt Admantit e 1 Battlew yrm Carapac e 2 - - Bubble Belt 1782 0 Chronos Tear Pack Eye Of The Hawk 1 - - - - Chronos. T x10 333 Comfy Headgear Einherjar ium 2 Virgo Gem 7 White Incense 2 Cat Ear Hood 2500 0 Crimison Blade Dark Crystal 1 5 Vampyr Fang 3 Solid Stone 2 Blood Sword A 4444 Cursed Necklace Blood Stained Necklace 3 Death’s Head 2 Leo Gem 3 Nihopalaoa 2800 0 Darksteel Blade Chimera Head 2 Orichalc um 2 Taurius Gem 3 Stoneblade 1780 0 Devastating Incendiaries Aries Gem 3 Bomb Fragme nt 3 Frog Oil 2 Castellanos 1200 0 Double Bladed Knife Malboro Flower 7 Wind Crystal 9 Windslic er Pinion 5 Zwill Crossblade 7500 Dragon Crest Godslaye r Badge 1 Omega Badge 1 Lu Shang Badge 1 Wyrmhero Blade 6553 5 Elegant Pole Blood Darkened Bone 8 Demon Feather 6 Wind Crystal 7 Ivory Pole 7980 Emboldenin g Arms Fire Crystal 3 Quality Pelt 6 Tanned Giantski n 4 Chakra Band Power Vest 7980 Engraved Spear Broken Spear 2 Keku Board 2 Mystleta inn 2 Gungnir 9025 Esoteric Draught High Arcana 2 Onion 3 Rat Tail 3 Megalixir 1080 00 Exquisite Ring Frogspa wn 2 - - - - Opal Ring 7800 Eye Drop Set Demon Eyeball 2 - - - - Eye Drops x3 100 Eye Openers Chocobo Feather 4 - - - - Alarm Clock x5 1280 Feathered Boots Artic Wind 1 - - - - Winged Boots 300 Fire Bird Whisper Jack O Lantern 1 - - - - Phoenix Down x10 2222 First Aid Kit Large Feather 3 - - - - Phoenix Down x2 Potion x2 450 Flask Of Oily Liquid Caramel 3 Unpurifi ed Ether 2 - - Ether 4000 Flask Of Vicious Liquid Foul Liquid 2 Slime Oil 1 Unpurifi ed Ether 2 Hi Ether 1200 0 Forbidding Shield Aged Turtle Shell 2 Destrier Barding 8 Leamon de Halycon 1 Demon Shield 7800 Forgotten Grimoire After defeating mark thextera speak with Gatsly in Muthru Baazar Hunter Monograph 1800 0 Forgotten Grimoire Talk to any weapon merchant 30 times Knight Monograph 1900 0 Forgotten Grimoire Read hunt board 40 times Dragoon Monograph 2200 0 Forgotten Grimoire Read hunt board 20 times Warmage Monograph 2000 0 Forgotten Grimoire Talk to any merchant 100 times Sage Monograph 2500 0 Forgotten Grimoire Talk to any magic merchant 25 times Mage Monograph 2100 0 Forgotten Grimoire Talk to any armor merchant 15 times Scholar Monograph 2200 0 Forked Spear Maggoty Flesh 5 Pointed Horn 4 Wind Magicite 6 Trident 6450 Gigas Gear Dark Crystal 7 Prime Pelt 8 Prime Tanned Hide 7 Gigas Chestplate Gigas Hat 1780 0 Gilt Phylactery Tattered Garment 1 - - - - Golden Armlet 3000 Gilt Shield Fire Stone 3 Molting 3 - - Buckler 250 Golden Battle Axe Broken Greataxe 2 Electru m 2 Mardu Halycon 1 Golden Axe 1000 Golden Garb Dark Magcite 3 Iron Carapac e 3 Tanned Hide 2 Golden Armor Golden Helm Golden Shield 3980 Hi Potion Pack Rainbow Egg 1 - - - - Hi Potion x10 1111 Hollow Shaft Arro ws Bat Fang 5 Water Magicit e 3 Yellow Liquid 1 Bamboo Arrows Loxley Bow 3980 Hutsman Crossbow Bundle Of Needles 1 Festerin g Flesh 2 Ice Magcite 5 Stone Bolts Recurve Crossbow 3500 Iron Forged Blade Earth Stone 3 Foul Flesh 2 Iron Scarps 3 Iron Sword 650 Iron Forged Pole Demon Eyeball 3 Fire Magcite 4 Sturdy Bone 5 Iron Pole 2115 Jag Tooth Ninja Sword Dark Magicite 5 Festerin g Flesh 4 Giant Feather 5 Kagenui 3800 Jewel Of Creation High Arcana 1 Soul Powder 1 Wargod Band 2 Empyreal Soul 2999 7 Jewel Of Serpent High Arcana 1 Serpent Eye 2 Snake Skin 4 Serpentarius 1999 8 Large Gloves Bent Staff 3 - - - - Blazer Gloves 2000 Late Model Rifle Salaman d Halcyon 1 Wyvern Wing 2 Yensa Fin 2 Arcturus 8000 Life Crystal Arcana 1 0 Feyston e 1 Soul Of Thamasa 1 High Arcana 9999 Light & Sturdy Garb Coeurl Pelt 6 Storm Magicit e 5 Tanned Tyrant Hide 2 Adamant Vest Adamant Hat 5800 Light Spear Foul Flesh 2 Horn 2 Wind Stone 3 Javelin 310 Magepower Helm Charger Barding 5 Chimera Head 2 Feystone 1 Magepower Shisha 7500 Magick Shard Book Of Orgain 8 Book Of Orgain Cent 8 Book Of Orgain Mille 8 Scathe Mote 499 Magick Shard Diakon Halcyon 1 Glass Jewel 8 Sky Jewel 8 Holy Mote 99 Magick Shards Festering Flesh 4 - - - - Water Stone x5 1480 Marksman Delight Dark Stone 3 Fish Scale 2 Green Liquid 1 Capella Silent Shot 550 M.Crafted Blade Gemsteel 2 Mallet 2 Orichalc um 3 Msamune I 3500 00 Matching Reds Coeurl Pelt 3 Dark Magicit e 3 Quality Hide 2 Brigandine Red Cap 2480 Matchsteel Metal Damascu s Steel 2 Hell Gate Flame 2 Scarletit e 1 Gemsteel 2999 7 Memories Of Yore Quality Stone 5 - - - - Pebble x99 999 Monk’s Garb Coeurl Pelt 4 Ice Magicit e 4 Tyrant Hide 2 Headband Jujitsu Gi 3180 Morbid Urn Demios Clay 1 Horakth y’s Flame 1 Phobos Glaze 1 Canopic Jar 2500 00 Mudslinger Earth Crystal 8 Empero r Scale 2 Silver Liquid 3 Aldebaran Y Mud Shot 1200 00 Mysterious Substance Bat Wing 1 Grimoir e Aidhed 3 Grimoire Togtail 3 Dark Energy 1499 9 Mystic Staff Demon Feather 6 Quality Lumber 4 Storm Crystal 7 Cloud Staff 3600 Nature Armory Fire Crystal 8 Forbidd en Flesh 7 Prime Pelt 9 C. Of Laurels Rubber Suit 1380 0 Ninja Footgear Slaven Harness 2 - - - - Gillie Boots 400 Ninja Garb Fine Wool 4 Fire Magicit e 5 Tanned Tyrant Hide 2 Black Cowl Black Garb 4800 Noisome Incendiaries Bomb Shell 1 Fire Crystal 3 - - Fumarole Poison Bombs 3280 Oil Soaked Incendiaries Bomb Ashes 3 Book Of Orgain 2 Fire Crystal 3 Oil Bombs Tumulus 1062 5 Permafrost Bow & Quiver Antartic Wind 2 Ice Crystal 7 Spiral Incisor 4 Icecloud Arrows Perseus Bow 1720 0 Phials & Philtress Malboro Flower 3 - - - - Smelling.S x16 Vaccine x8 1980 Phoenix Flight Windslic er Pinion 5 - - - - Phoenix Down x50 8750 Piercing Bolts Capricor n Gem 3 Ring Wing Liver 2 Wrath Of The Gods 2 Grand Bolts 1680 Platinum Gear Insect Husk 2 Storm Magicit e 6 Tanned Giantski n 5 Platinum Armor Platinum Helm Platinum Shield 9800 Potion Crate Screamro ot 3 - - - - Hi Potion x20 Potion x30 X Potion x10 7480 Potion Pack Cactus Fruit 2 - - - - Potion x2 70 Rain Of Tears Green Liquid 3 Water Stone 4 Yensha Scale 1 Aqua Shot Vega 800 Rangers Crossbow Crooked Fang 4 Ice Stone 1 Yellow Liquid 2 Crossbow Long Bolts 1080 Saint’s Draught Ambrosi a 3 Demon Drink 3 High Arcana 1 Elixir 3600 0 Samurai Katana Iron Ore 5 Screamr oot 7 Water Crystal 9 AmeNoMura kumo 8400 Scout Crossbow Ancient Bone 3 Holy Crystal 9 Wyvern Fang 4 Penetrator Xbow Time Bolts 6400 Serpent Blade Cancer Gem 3 Coeurl Whisker 2 Sickle uploads/Geographie/ name-loot-1-loot-2-loot-3-unlock-price.pdf
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- Publié le Aoû 18, 2021
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- Langue French
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