Gmefx study guide GMEfx Study Guide Contents A how to do Trading ??how to make order ??BlueRed System B Money Management -what is the earning per pip - How to calculate pips -how to set stop loss SL C Reference Websites ??ForexFactory D Personal Informati

GMEfx Study Guide Contents A how to do Trading ??how to make order ??BlueRed System B Money Management -what is the earning per pip - How to calculate pips -how to set stop loss SL C Reference Websites ??ForexFactory D Personal Information P a g e CHOW TO Do TRADING Normally how do we make an order is just based on fundamental or technical analysis But however there are few thing that we have to concerned are if without any indicators to help us analyze the trend we hardly to make an decision ? the chart below ? if we put in some indicators to help us analyze the market but u understand to theory or the use of the indicators So that many newbies hard to start trading because of don ? t know how to analyze the trend GMEfx founder Mr jimmy had invented so called ??BLUERED ? system which combined indicators and just based on two colours to make a decision whether you want to buy Blue color or sell RED color So lets us ?nd out what is bluered system all about and how useful the system is P a g e CBLUERED SYSTEM GUIDE What's GME BlueRed System BlueRed is designed to provide trader with combination of more than technical indicators together to allow easy-trading It allows you to start on trading without to know these complicated theories of each of the indicators What're you waiting for Let's download BlueRed from our o ?cial website and enjoy the trading in demo acc now It's free www gmefx com Let ? s talk what is BlueRed System all about The ?rst thing we have to see before entering into the market is to look at the Meter at the right hand side The function for the meter is to help us understand the trends Each of the functions The number ??They are numbers from to ?? are uptrends is at the upper not encourage to do BUY order Strong resistance ?? are uptrends is at the lowest not encourage to do SELL order Strong support ?? are entering into consolidate after uptrend or downtrend BULLS or BEARS power ??BULLS means uptrend ??BEARS means downtrend ?? and above means entry point Multi- timeframe ??Blue colour means uptrend ??Red colour means downtrend ??monitor the trend from M to M P a g e CJust now we use three functions number bulls or bears multi-timeframe in order to know the trend Now we use another few functions to know whether to do BUY or SELL and how much is the potential PIPS we can get ??DAILY AVERAGE it is the average for the past days above It means this currency pair may goes up or down around a day ??TODAY RANGE Means the Highest and the Lowest point for today Easy words it is the range for today today high minus today low ??BLUE area Zone Means the trend more on uptrends so u MUST more concern with the

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  • Publié le Mai 19, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 43.2kB