Griffiths interview guide Gri ?ths guide Med-School Interviews edition How to prepare The questions they ask the answers to give How to deal with case studies CContents Why you need this book How to use this book Four things to do before your interview In
Gri ?ths guide Med-School Interviews edition How to prepare The questions they ask the answers to give How to deal with case studies CContents Why you need this book How to use this book Four things to do before your interview Insider dealing Dress for success The waiting game The initial rapport technique The handshake The long walk Dirty tricks Body language types of interview questions Top questions Top interview mistakes Relaxation techniques The repeating the question technique The putting it in context ploy typical questions Answering ethical case studies Questions you should ask Finishing What if the interview was unfair Full list of questions Help me help you C To be a great champion you must believe that you are the best If you're not pretend you are Muhammad Ali CA word on copyright I have decided to make this book available in Adobe pdf format as I believe it is the most useful format for candidates Nearly everyone has access to Adobe reader on their computer so the work is easily accessible Also students can use Adobe tools to copy and paste passages they ?nd particularly useful or print out passages or pages However I am also aware that this format makes it very easy for this work to be copied and or distributed to other people I have faith in my future fellow medical colleagues that my copyright will not be abused in this way and I remind you that if you help another candidate by providing them with this text you may be depriving yourself of your own place at medical school You have paid for this let others pay aswell if they take the interview as seriously as you do Finally please be aware that not only is breach of copyright actionable in the civil courts but under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act it is also a criminal o ?ence punishable by ?ne and or imprisonment I will seek the maximum remedies available if I become aware of anyone copying and or distributing this work in part or in whole without my permission The entire contents of this book are Copyright ? Peter Gri ?ths and CWhy you need this book At some stage you may have been given the interview advice ?? Just be yourself ? or ??The interviewers just want to get to know you as a person ? Unfortunately unless you are already very well prepared indeed for your medical school interview this advice is likely to lead you to interview failure What exactly does ??be yourself ? mean Does it mean you should talk to the interviewers as you talk to your friends in the pub No of course not The fact of the matter is that we all project di ?erent personas or aspects of our personality in di ?erent situations This does not mean we are being false or ??not being ourselves ? it is just a part of normal human and social interaction The aim of this
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- Publié le Jul 23, 2021
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 213kB