AP Human Geography Final Exam Study Guide Due: Name: Period: QUIZ GRADE: Direct

AP Human Geography Final Exam Study Guide Due: Name: Period: QUIZ GRADE: Directions: Use the following questions to help you prepare for the upcoming SPG/ Final Exam and AP Exam. 1. What two questions do geographers ask? 2. Give a definition for geography in your own words. 3. What are the two major branches of geography? 4. What are the two main features of “human geography”? 5. What is the most important tool of geographers? 6. Why is every “place” so unique? 7. Give an example of “Scale” relating to Globalization. 8. Why are geographers so interested in ‘Connections”? 9. Define a “Region” and give 2 examples of them. 10. What do “Cartographers” do? 11. Name 2 purposes a map. 12. Name one contribution each of the following people made to geography. a. Aristotle b. Thales c. Eratosthenes d. Ptolemy e. Phei Hsiu f. Ibn-Battutah g. Mercator 13. What is a “fractional scale”? 14. What is a “Projection” in geographical terms? 15. Name 4 problems with distortion when we try to represent the earth on a flat surface. 16. What are the problems with distortion when using a : a. Robinson Projection- b. Mercator Projection- 17. Why was the Land Ordinance of 1785 so significant? 18. What is a “Township”? 19. What is a “Range”? 20. Is the Township and Range System found anywhere today? Where? 21. What is “GIS”? 22. How does GIS work and who uses it and why is it so valuable? 23. What is “Remote Sensing” and how does it work? 24. What is a “Topographic Map” and how is it used? 25. What is GPS and who uses it? 26. How can GPS be so precise? 27. What is a “Toponym”? 28. What are some of the factors taken in when naming places? 29. What are some of the reasons names of places are changed? 30. What is the difference between “Site” and “Situation”/ 31. Give 3 examples of Site factors. 32. Give 3 examples of Situation factors. 33. What is meant by “Mathematical Location”? 34. Where is the “Prime Meridian”? 35. How is “Longitude” determined? 36. Where is the “International Date Line”? 37. When it is 2:00 PM in Naples on January 30th what time and date is it in Sydney, Australia? 38. What is meant by a “Sense of Place”? 39. Who really creates regions? 40. Define a “Formal Region” and give 3 examples NOT in the book. 41. Define a “Functional Region” and give 3 examples NOT in the book. 42. Define a “Vernacular Region” and give 3 examples NOT in the book. 43. How do physical features of a region influence human activities? 44. Why do human geographers need to be familiar with “Climatology”? 45. What is “Geomorphology”? 46. What is meant by “Scale: From Local to Global”? 47. How has Kant compared geography to history? 48. What is the difference between “Distribution” and “Density”? 49. What is the difference between “Density” and “Concentration”? 50. Name the 3 properties of distribution. 51. What is meant by “Space-Time Compression” and give 2 examples? uploads/Geographie/ study-guide 10 .pdf

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