SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CORE SUBJECT MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY – QUARTER 1 TOPIC / LESSON NAME Media and Information Languages CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing his/her/their understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and informationm LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. evaluates everyday media and information regarding with codes, conventions, and messages; in regards with audience, producers, and other stakeholders 2. produces and assesses the codes, convention, and messages SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: 1. Understands the concept of codes, convention, messages, audience, producers, stakeholders 2. Analyzes meanings embedded in various types of media TIME ALLOTMENT 90 minutes CONTENT: A. Definition of Media Literacy, Information Literacy and Technology Literacy. B. The Importance of Media and Information Literacy C. Evaluating Media Using Media and Information Design Framework. Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 minutes) 2. Motivation (10 minutes) 3. Instruction/Delivery: (30 minutes) 4. Practice: (15 minutes) 5. Enrichment: (10 minutes) 6. Evaluation: (30 minutes) Materials LCD Projector, Computer with presentation software and media player, video Resources Teaching Guide for SHS Media and Information Literacy(2016). Commission on Higher Education. Quezon City. PROCEDURE TEACHER TIP INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) 1. Perform Preliminaries (opening prayer, classroom management, and attendance checking) 2. Present the topic and discuss the objectives of the lesson. MOTIVATION (10 minutes) Reverse Charades 1. Divide the class into 4 groups. 2. The rules of this game is similar to the traditional charades. But instead of having one person act the word given to them, that one person is now the one who will guess the word and the rest of the team will do the acting. 3. Tell the students that language does not necessarily mean that we have to speak words, it is a way of communicating with other people on a certain community. 4. Then explain that the purpose of this activity is to show that information can be transferred into differenct forms and the media uses codes and conventions to deliver messages. INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (30 minutes) Discuss the following: 1. Differebtiating Media Messages through Genres 2. Codes in Media Media Messages 3. Conventions Present video clips on: Technical codes ( “Camera Angles with Zach King” source: Symbolic codes: (“Symbolisms in Films” source: PRACTICE (15 minutes) Present a video clip: Kwentong Jollibee Valentine Series- ‘Vow’” ( source: : v hsamD2Yrs ) After watching the video, let the students reflect using these questions: What is the plot twist of the video? How did they misdirect people into believing that the two main characters are getting married? Do you think that the misdirection is intentional? Why? Does the music and camera angles help in the story telling? Instruct atleast 5 students to share their insights about the video. ENRICHMENT (10 minutes) Essay Present a video clip: “Cinemalaya 2016 commercial” (source: Have the learners write an essay on the topic “ Are Filipinos really tired of watching cliche films?” and “Do you agree that Filipinos doesn’t produce quality films anymore?” EVALUATION (30 minutes) Divide the students into 3 – 5 groups (depending on the class size). Ask the students to take the role of a movie producer. To make sure that the movie is well planned, they must create a storyboard for the film. Using pieces of papers, the learners will draw their plans for each scene. They should also indicate what is happening in the scene ( for example: camera angle, mood, type of music) Their output will be graded based on the rubrics below CRITERIA 5 3 1 Content / story The storyboard contains all the appropriate content and the story was well explained The storyboar has some missing contents and the story is somewhat well explained The storyboar has a lot of missing contents and the story is not explained well. Required Elements The required elements are complete and well organiized. There are some missing elements and a litte unorganized. There are a lot of missing elements and is unoganized Attractiveness / design Storyboard is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and layout. Storyboard is attractive in terms of design and layout. Storyboard is distractingly messy in terms of design and layout. Grammar/Mechanics The storyboard can be easily understood because it contains no errors in grammar, capitalization, or punctuation The storyboard understandable enough because it contains little errorsonly in grammar, capitalization, or punctuation The storyboard is hard to understand because it contains a lot of errors in grammar, capitalization, or punctuation uploads/Geographie/ teaching-guide-1.pdf
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- Publié le Aoû 20, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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