The Essential Guide for Wireless ISPs Broadband Wireless Access Legal Rights Le

The Essential Guide for Wireless ISPs Broadband Wireless Access Legal Rights Legal Rights Statement of Conditions © Copyright 2003 Netronics Inc. All rights reserved. The material contained herein is proprietary, privileged, and confidential. No disclosure thereof shall be made to third parties without the express written permission of Netronics Inc. serves the right to alter the equipment specifications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part of this publication shall be deemed to be part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated by reference into such contract or warrant. Netronics Inc. The information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this guide. Netronics Inc. Legal Rights This page left intentionally blank. Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction...........................................................................1-1 Chapter 2 - Wireless Access Systems Basics .......................................2-1 Licensed and Unlicensed Frequencies ..................................................... 2-2 Spread Spectrum Radio Technologies...................................................... 2-3 Industry Standards and Organizations .................................................... 2-4 Chapter 3 - Wireless Access System Architectures..............................3-1 Sectorized Cellular Architecture ............................................................. 3-2 Micro-cellular Architecture ..................................................................... 3-5 Cell Extension ........................................................................................ 3-5 Chapter 4 - Customer Types....................................................................4-1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 4-2 MDU/MTU Customers ............................................................................. 4-2 SME Customers ...................................................................................... 4-4 SOHO Customers .................................................................................... 4-4 Residential Customers ............................................................................ 4-5 Law Enforcement and Public Safety Agencies.......................................... 4-6 Chapter 5 - Services .................................................................................5-1 VLANs..................................................................................................... 5-7 Contents Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs IP Services at the CPE............................................................................. 5-8 PPPoE................................................................................................... 5-12 Chapter 6 - Business Case Analysis ...................................................... 6-1 The Market Model: Segments, Services and Revenues ............................. 6-4 The Costs................................................................................................ 6-5 The Financial Plan .................................................................................. 6-7 What You Need to Know Before You Start................................................ 6-7 Example Scenarios................................................................................ 6-11 Chapter 7 - Netronics BWA Solutions Summar y.................................. 7-1 NetLink MP ................................................................................... 7-2 NetMAX 3500 ................................................................................... 7-7 NetLink D2411 .................................................................................. 7-9 NetLink F ......................................................................................... 7-10 NetLink RG 2-Ports Voice Gateway ............................................. 7-12 Chapter 8 - Security................................................................................. 8-1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 8-2 Security Features in NetLink MP Systems ..................................... 8-3 Chapter 9 - Connectivity to Backbone Networks .................................. 9-1 Backbone Networks................................................................................. 9-2 Frame-Relay Backbone............................................................................ 9-7 Chapter 10 - Connectivity to PSTN Network........................................ 10-1 ...... . .. Contents Connection to Local Exchange Using V5.2............................................. 10-2 Signaling Based on Independent VoIP Switching ................................... 10-4 Chapter 11 - The IP Access Network.....................................................11-1 Routing Protocols ................................................................................. 11-2 Routing Design Considerations ............................................................. 11-3 Chapter 12 - Network Operating Center (NOC) ....................................12-1 Email Services...................................................................................... 12-2 Web Caching......................................................................................... 12-3 RADIUS ................................................................................................ 12-4 IP Address Assignments ........................................................................ 12-4 NAT ...................................................................................................... 12-6 Firewalls............................................................................................... 12-8 Chapter 13 - RF Network Planning........................................................13-1 Creating the Data Base - Busi ness Intelligence ..................................... 13-2 RF Network Planning ............................................................................ 13-4 Design Acceptance and Approval......................................................... 13-12 Chapter 14 - Network Management.......................................................14-1 Network management in General .......................................................... 14-2 Functional Areas of Network Management............................................. 14-2 .................................... 14-6 Chapter 15 - Deployment Guidelines ....................................................15-1 Pre-Deployment Checklist..................................................................... 15-2 PoP Installation Guidelines ................................................................... 15-3 Base Station Installation Guidelines...................................................... 15-4 Netronics BWA Network Management Solutions Contents CPE Selection Guidelines ...................................................................... 15-4 CPE Installation Guidelines................................................................... 15-5 Chapter 16 - MDU/MTU Solutions......................................................... 16-1 The MDU/MTU Market .......................................................................... 16-2 The Architecture of an MDU/MTU Solution ........................................... 16-2 Using CAT5 Cabling............................................................................... 16-4 Using Existing Twisted Pairs-ADSL Based Solution ................................ 16-6 Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs Figures Figure 3-1: Polar plot of the radiation pattern of a directional antenna............... 3-3 Figure 3-2: Sectorized Cellular Architecture ...................................................... 3-3 Figure 5-1: DHCP Client-Server Handshake....................................................... 5-9 Figure 5-2: DHCP Client-Relay-Server Handshake Process............................... 5-10 Figure 6-1: Penetration for Business services................................................... 6-13 Figure 6-2: Business Services - Cell Capacity vs. Cell Demand......................... 6-13 Figure 6-3: Penetration for Business Services-Mixed Scenario.......................... 6-16 Figure 6-4: Penetration for Residential Services-Mixed Scenario....................... 6-16 Figure 6-5: Mixed Scenario - Capacity Demand and Capability ....................... 6-17 Figure 9-1: Wireless base station connection using ATM access switch .............. 9-3 Figure 9-2: Wireless base station connection using Router & LAN Switch .......... 9-4 Figure 9-3: Wireless base station connection using Optical Backbone................ 9-6 Figure 9-4: Wireless base station connection using Wireless Ethernet Backbone 9-7 Figure 10-1: V5.2 connection between PSTN and VoIP network ...................... 10-3 Figure 10-2: SS7 connection between PSTN and VoIP network ........................ 10-5 Figure 10-3: MFC-R2 connection between PSTN and VoIP network ................. 10-7 Figure 13-1: Down-Link C/I............................................................................. 13-8 Figure 13-2: Up-Link C/I ................................................................................ 13-9 Figure 13-3: Customers’ Connectivity Dilemma ............................................. 13-10 Figure 13-4: Best RSS - customers’ connectivity ............................................ 13-11 Figure 13-5: BS Antenna Tilt ......................................................................... 13-12 Figure 14-1: Basic Distributed Architecture ..................................................... 14-9 Figures Figure 14-2: Distributed Architecture with Database and Mediation Agent Redundancy.............................................................................................14-10 Figure 14-3: High availability Architecture with Clustered Application Servers14-10 Figure 16-1: MDU Solution architecture ...........................................................16-3 Figure 16-2: MDU Wiring Deployment of Voice and Data End-user...................16-5 Figure 16-3: MDU Solution’s Voice and Data Services in ..................................16-6 Figure 16-4: ADSL Based Solution....................................................................16-7 Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs Tables Table 5-1: Traffic Types and Classes .................................................................. 5-6 Table 6-1: Major Capital Expenditure Components of Wireless Broadband......... 6-5 Table 6-2: Major Operational Expenses of Wireless Broadband .......................... 6-6 Table 6-3: Business Only-Year 1 (in $) ............................................................. 6-14 Table 6-4: Business Only-Year 2 (in $) ............................................................. 6-15 Table 6-5: Mixed Business and Residential -Year 1 (in $) ................................. 6-18 Table 6-6: Mixed Business and Residential -Year 2 (in $) ................................. 6-19 Tables This page left intentionally blank. Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction This document is aimed to satisfy the needs of the Internet Service Providers industry for comprehensive information on Broadband Wireless Access (BWA). It is intended for ISPs who are looking at BWA as an alternative to traditional wire- or cable-based services, including: a. An established ISP that considers adding BWA to its infrastructure for one or more of the following reasons: „ Expand coverage to new customers-either in an already served area or in new areas. „ Provide services in rural and other areas where wireless access is the only viable option. „ Enhance its services portfolio to improve competitive position and increase revenues and profits. „ Eliminate expenses, delays and long-term commitments associated with getting access services from a third party. b. A new entrant to the rapidly evolving ISP market place wishing to benefit from the advantages of a business based on BWA. Regardless of the reasons for becoming interested in BWA, there are numerous questions that must be answered, related to various crucial issues that must be considered prior to taking the decision to invest in a BWA based network, while launching a new BWA network and throughout the life time of the network. Our staff has accumulated a large set of testimonials regarding our partners’ network build-out. What they saw related to various aspects of the network and to various types of networks. Over time, we witnessed a wide range of situations experienced by our partners: from the management decision-making process to technical and logistic activities by different types of operators: cellular, data access, ISPs and local independent telcos. Essential Guide to Wireless ISPs 1-2 We at Netronics have been working closely with global telecom and Internet operators over a long period of time. A wide range of professionals in Netronics – senior management, sales force, customer service and technical staff – have met a long list of Operators’ management, operations and technical teams. They have discussed challenges together, made errors together, fixed problems together and succeeded together. professionals have gathered years of experience and know-how, witnessing Operators’ experiences, preferences, challenges and difficulties concerning many facets of their overall network. Netronics Introduction Until now, this valuable information has not been shared in any integrated, comprehensive format. Moreover, we began to notice that different operators often faced identical challenges. Unaware of their predecessors’ experience, they often repeated the same mistakes. We have assembled all the information gathered from the field into a comprehensive format that shows the big picture while recalling the small details. This overview refers to all the aspects concerning a BWA project, from backbone interfaces, to integrated network solutions at the customer site; from the NAT location debate to management system considerations; from VoIP to billing; it discusses technology pros and cons as well as business models. This document offers you a comprehensive overview of our accumulated knowledge in order to help you understand all the important aspects of BWA and assess the project you are taking or about to take. The document has been divided by subject matter, so that you can skip to read only the areas that are relevant to you, or read its entirety - whichever fits you best. It must be emphasized that many applicable issues vary significantly among countries and even regions. These includes issues such as local regulations that affect technical considerations and issues that affect the business model such as the competitive landscape, labor costs, customers’ profile etc. You are invited to consult with our experts in order to reach the right conclusions and build the business plan that takes into account all the unique aspects of becoming a Wireless ISP in your target area. 1-3 In the meantime, a number of employees have, over time, witnessed uploads/Geographie/ wireless-isp-guide.pdf

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