Haircutting training guide 1

Haircutting Training Guide Autism Speaks FAMILY SERVICES COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS ? Autism Speaks Inc Autism Speaks and Autism Speaks It ? s Time To Listen Design are trademarks owned by Autism Speaks Inc All rights reserved Autism professional advisory CFor Stylists What is autism Autism is a neurological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person ? s lifetime Autism a ?ects the way an individual perceives the world making communication and social interaction di ?cult It may also result in repetitive behaviors or unusual or intense interests The symptoms of autism and their severity can vary considerably in each individual on the autism spectrum It is sometimes said If you ? ve seen one person with autism you ? ve seen one person with autism An individual with autism may display some or all of the following characteristics which may represent challenges from a certain perspective or strengths from another ? Di ?culty understanding language gestures and or social cues ? Literal or excessive speech often with a concentration on a particular topic ? Di ?culty relating or participating in a back-and-forth conversation or interaction ? Social awkwardness ? Intense or unconventional interests ? Repetitive behaviors such as pacing or hand apping or rocking ? More or less sensitivity to light sound smell taste or touch than usual ? Anxiety abnormal fears and or lack of appropriate fear of real dangers ? Di ?culty managing transitions changes in routine stress frustration ? Strong visual skills ? Good rote and long term memory facts statistics etc ? Adherence to rules honesty ? Intense concentration or focus especially on a preferred activity ? Understanding and retention of concrete concepts patterns and rules ? Musical mathematical technological and or artistic ability or interest What can you do ? Speak in a calm low voice ? Do not surprise the child from behind ? Keep directions simple ? Wait for a response ?? some individuals with autism need time to process information and respond CFor Parents Caregivers Before your child ? s haircut you may want to think about the following ? Speak with the salon manager about just coming in so that your child can be acquainted with the environment ? Schedule an appointment during a time when the salon is not as crowded so there are less distractions for the child with autism ? Speak with the stylist before hand about any particular sensitivities that your child may have ? Identify reinforcers or preferred items that your child likes For some children it ? s a favorite toy or book for others it ? s a treat Your child can earn the item as a result of successfully completing the steps requested of the child For some children this may mean all the steps necessary for getting a haircut for others it may mean to complete a predetermined number of steps As these steps are mastered more steps can be added until the haircut is successfully completed It is important that the child

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  • Publié le Sep 27, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 43kB