Hci quick guide HCI Quick Guide Human-Computer Interaction Quick Guide Image from Flickr user Will Lion C CHCI Quick Guide Human-Computer Interaction Quick Guide Document version Revision date set Author s Emanuel Fernandes Changes Initial document CAutho

HCI Quick Guide Human-Computer Interaction Quick Guide Image from Flickr user Will Lion C CHCI Quick Guide Human-Computer Interaction Quick Guide Document version Revision date set Author s Emanuel Fernandes Changes Initial document CAuthor emanuel m fernandes gmail com CHCI Quick Guide Human-Computer Interaction Although many people think things just happen there are those who believe that science must be behind most decisions we take most of the days Designing selling advertising managing all these tasks require a set of understanding skills about the context and the subject they deal with The so many times used ??common sense ? or ??best guessing ? seem to be a good way of driving people when performing a task But they are not This is why many times things go wrongly and we wonder why Even if there is always a certain degree of uncertainty derived from the world we live guiding our decisions with some sort of scienti ?c knowledge most of the times gets the job well done This also applies to designing user interfaces Only by understanding how humans work we can better design something to be used by humans That ? s why I urge all of you to listen to those who understand this ?eld of Human- Computer Interaction or at least to inform yourself before making guessed design decisions otherwise there is a very likely chance that most of the times guessed decisions will fail ? by emanuel fernandes CBrief Contents ?rst and foremost The user is not like me Chapter Perception Chapter Cognition Chapter Memory Chapter Interaction Design Chapter Interface Design Chapter Text Chapter Color Chapter Motion Chapter Metaphors CContents ?rst and foremost The user is not like me Chapter Perception Perception top down vs bottom up Change blindness overlook ?ne di ?erences Visual area with sharp details is very small Chapter Cognition Functional ?xedness Attention limitations Decision- making heuristics and biases Multitasking and time-sharing Signal detection theory Situation awareness Chapter Memory Working memory limitations Long-term memory retrieval issues Remember good memories forget bad ones Important of experiences end start To forget and how to improve memory Design information to remember CChapter Interaction Design Application responsiveness times Reading rates Human brain processing times Fitts ? s law in interaction design Hick-Hyman law in interaction design F-shaped pattern for reading web content Feedback feedforward and a ?ordances Chapter Interface Design Bevel-like e ?ect in backgrounds Small multiples in data visualization Color is powerful in search Fast visual search Depth perception Gestalt principles Combination of color brightness levels Display design principles Dynamic displays analog vs digital Con ?gural displays Chapter Text Web users scan instead of reading Easy and e ?ective instructions Name buttons with intended behavior Usage of ALL CAPS and small caps contents CChapter Color Color movement Color blindness Saturated colors and visual fatigue Aging and sensitivity to blue Constraints of pure blue color Green easiest color for the eye High contrast variations and visual fatigue Visual periphery colors blue yellow Brighter colors middle of visible

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  • Publié le Jui 30, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 217.4kB