1 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) Singapore Busine
1 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) Singapore Business Strategy (BMGT3001S) STUDY GUIDE BBS 47 PT Singapore Copyright January 2016 2 Author: Dr. Claudine Kearney (2016) This manual was prepared for University College Dublin as a comprehensive support for students completing the above mentioned Degree programme. © This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without permission from University College Dublin. Module Co-ordinator: Dr. Claudine Kearney Email: claudine.kearney@ucd.ie 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE WELCOME MESSAGE 4 1. INTRODUCTION 5 a. Background Details 5 b. Module Aims 6 c. Programme Goals 6 2. MODULE OUTLINE 8 a. Module Learning Outcomes 8 b. Preparation 8 c. Themes and Topics 9 3. MODULE DELIVERY SCHEDULE 12 a. Session Arrangements 12 b. Student Engagement 14 c. Office Hours Arrangements 14 d. Important Documents 14 4. ASSESSMENT DETAILS 16 a. Assessment Overview 16 b. Module Assessment Components 18 i. Assignment 1: Individual Project 18 ii. Assignment 2: Group Project 19 iii. Examination 23 5. GRADING 24 a. University Grading Policy 24 b. Grade Descriptors for Assessment Components 25 6. CONCLUDING COMMENTS 29 APPENDICES 30 4 WELCOME MESSAGE Dear Students, As coordinator of the Business Strategy module, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this module on Business Strategy. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this module and find it an interesting and stimulating module that will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects of Business Strategy. Business Strategy is fundamental to effectively operate in today’s Global, Dynamic, Competitive Environment. On completing this module it is my objective that you will have a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in Business Strategy as well as practical application of key theories and principles from your coursework which will help prepare you in your current and future careers in a dynamic and globalized economy. Should you require clarification on any matter pertaining to the module, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting you all in Singapore. Kind Regards, Dr. Claudine Kearney E-Mail: Claudine.Kearney@ucd.ie 5 PART 1: INTRODUCTION This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of the Business Strategy module, the learning outcomes, delivery, and assessment arrangements. The Study Guide consists of 6 parts. Part 1: Introduction and background details to the subject area is provided and the broad aims of the module are set out. Part 2: Includes the module outline. This part is principally about the module learning outcomes, the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the learning supports to be used. Part 3: Details of the module delivery arrangements. It sets out the session arrangements and the expectations in relation to your engagement as a student in this module. Part 4: Details of the assessment techniques used in this module explaining the assessment components, their rationale and details the three assignments: (i) Assignment 1 (ii) Assignment 2 and (iii) Examination (closed book). Part 5: Explains the UCD grading policy and grade descriptors drawing on the university document are provided for each assessment component. Part 6: Presents the concluding comments. a. Background Details In today’s challenging global environment organizations are frequently challenged with their strategic management and planning processes. They might find it challenging to reconcile short-term tactical moves with long-term strategic goals, or have difficulty building the capabilities needed to execute their strategies. The increasingly dynamic and complex environment in which most organizations operate calls for more fully developed professional employees within industries, who are better aware of the impact of strategic decisions on the business operations. In this module students will develop an understanding of the various activities involved in the formulation and implementation of strategic initiatives: evaluating a firm’s external and internal environments, assessing and designing its planning and control systems, acquiring and allocating financial and non-financial resources and implementing strategic initiatives. This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of the module entitled Business Strategy (BMGT3001S) outlining the content and themes (theory and practice) to be considered along with 6 delivery, learning and assessment arrangements. The learning supports used in the module are set out with an explanation provided in relation to their design and importance. b. Module Aims This module equips students with the strategic concepts that they need to know as they face the issues that all organizations must build upon to push their businesses forward. It will require you to reflect on your own business experiences, and help prepare you for the future challenges of an international business career. The module draws on prior learning and work experience and combines insights from strategy, cross cultural management, human resource management and other areas. The assessment tasks for this module have been designed with this in mind as detailed later in the study guide. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and reflective practices by students is essential in higher education today and this module outline provides information in relation to these requirements. The module aims to contribute to your independent thinking, research skills development, teamwork and personal responsibility. c. Programme Goals Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) Singapore PROGRAMME GOAL LEARNING OUTCOME MODULE TITLE: Business Strategy Management Specific Knowledge Explain current theoretical underpinnings of business and organization management. Lectures Apply business models and theory to identify and resolve problems in functional and across functional areas. Assignment 2 Demonstrate knowledge of and the usefulness of quantitative techniques and controls in the business environment. Business Communication Prepare short business presentations (written and oral) on a current topic to key stakeholders. Research and analyze specific business case studies / problems / topics and write a concise report detailing the Assignment 1 and 7 findings and recommended actions. Assignment 2 Locate information sources to facilitate the completion of research projects and the technologies to analyze and interpret the data collected. Personal Development & Reflective Learning Engage in module-related team activities within and outside class. Lectures/ Assignment 2 Explain the essence of Business Strategy pertinent to business managers and how they may apply in the workplace environment. Lectures Global, Multicultural and Diversity Perspectives Identify the main factors and variables that influence multinational entities’ business operations, planning and competitive positioning. Lectures Recognize ethical and social responsibility issues in the business environment and know how to apply a process of ethical inquiry. Lectures Examine ethical and legal implications of managerial decisions and their effect on organizational stakeholders. Lectures Strategic Thinking Identify business opportunities/problems and develop alternative solutions, taking account of possible consequences (intended or unintended). Assignment 2 Evaluate qualitative and quantitative data from multiple perspectives paying attention to sourcing, biases and logic. Analyze developments in key business sectors and comment critically on a firm operating in the sector. Lectures 8 PART 2: MODULE OUTLINE Module Title: Business Strategy Module Code: BMGT 3001S No. of ECTS: 10 ECTS a. Module Learning Outcomes On completing this module, students will be expected to be able to: Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of business strategy and the strategic planning and management process; Identify and assess key internal and external factors that affect businesses today; Analyze and synthesize the different concepts and frameworks and their application to a range of organizational settings that contribute to your understanding and development of competitive strategies; Apply appropriate frameworks (including industry analysis, competitive strategy and resource and capability tools) and techniques to the formulation and analysis of value creation and competitiveness; Review and understand how to recognize competitive practices and develop sources of competitive advantage; Recognize the interface between the key organizational functions and the overall corporate structure and appreciate the expectations of stakeholders in the business and the means of achieving their expectations. b. Preparation There will be one main text for this course. Eleven chapters have been assigned for this module and you are expected to be fully familiar with all of them. Each chapter contains clear explanation and practical illustrations of the key issues, many of which will be readily recognizable in the surrounding business environment. These readings together with session content and lecture slides are your principal and most important learning source for this module. 9 Module Text: Wheelen, T.L., Hunger, J.D., Hoffman, A.N, & Bamford, C.E. (2014). Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation, and Sustainability. Prentice Hall. (Essential Reading). Thereafter referred to as ‘your textbook’. In addition to assignment 1 (which is completed in advance of lectures), you are expected to do the following in advance of your lectures: Familiarize yourself with lecture slides in advance of each class. Revise assigned chapters in advance of each class. Familiarize yourself with the UCD E-library and how to access electronic resources at http://www.ucd.ie/library/ Other Useful Sources Students completing the Business Strategy module are expected to participate in session discussions and learning activities and be familiar with recent developments in the business world. To facilitate this, the following may be useful Key Academic Journals Academy of Management Journal Strategic Management Journal Journal of Business Venturing Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice uploads/Industriel/ business-guide 1 .pdf
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