Board Chairman's Guide 2017 C Ch ha ap pt te er r L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip

Board Chairman's Guide 2017 C Ch ha ap pt te er r L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p T Tr ra ai in ni in ng g N NM MA A. .. .. .T TH HE E L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p D De ev ve el lo op pm me en nt t O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on n March 2017 Chapter Leader Training Board Chairman's Guide NMA… THE Leadership Development Organization 2210 Arbor Boulevard Dayton, OH 45439‐1580 Phone 937‐294‐0421 • Fax 937‐294‐2374 Email Web Updated March 2017 Board Chairman's Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 PREPARING FOR YOUR FIRST BOARD MEETING .............................................................................. 1 ORIENTATION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS ...................................................................................... 2 APPOINT A RECORDING SECRETARY ................................................................................................ 2 APPOINT A PARLIAMENTARIAN ....................................................................................................... 3 Chairing the Meeting .................................................................................................................................... 3 FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS .............................................................................................................. 3 LENGTH OF MEETINGS ..................................................................................................................... 3 WAYS TO IMPROVE BOARD MEETINGS ........................................................................................... 3 CHAIRMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY .......................................................................................................... 5 SELECTING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD .................................................................................... 5 BOARD MANUAL .............................................................................................................................. 5 Board Checklist ............................................................................................................................................. 7 MEETING ACCORDING TO ROBERT'S RULES ................................................................................................. 8 A SUGGESTED ORDER OF BUSINESS ................................................................................................ 8 HANDLING A MOTION ..................................................................................................................... 8 Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order ....................................................................................................... 9 WHAT PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE IS .......................................................................................... 9 WHY PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE IS IMPORTANT ....................................................................... 9 FOUR BASIC TYPES OF MOTIONS ..................................................................................................... 9 HOW MOTIONS ARE PRESENTED ................................................................................................... 10 VOTING ON A MOTION .................................................................................................................. 10 TWO OTHER MOTIONS COMMONLY USED THAT RELATE TO VOTING ......................................... 11 Robert's Rules of Order ‐ Summary Version ............................................................................................... 11 For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions .............................................................................. 11 The Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Robert's Rules of Order Motions Chart ......................................................................................... 14 B O A R D C H A I R M A N ' S G U I D E 1 INTRODUCTION The Chairman of the Board occupies a key leadership position that is considerably different from other leadership positions. First, it is important that the board recognize that it has a special role to play. While the board must be concerned about the current chapter operation, and how well this year's program is being accomplished. It also must address how the current operation is contributing to the long range purpose of the chapter. The Board Chairman has the responsibility to focus the board's attention on that responsibility. This requires a combining the efforts of the board with those of the officers and their team. Last but not least, the Board Chairman must conduct the meetings of in an effective and efficient manner. The Chairman's success in the role will be measured by the manner in which the meetings are conducted. Conducting board meetings requires a great deal of finesse because the decisions the board makes are group decisions. The Chairman should not make those decisions alone but rather guide the board by facilitating an open dialog. The chair has one vote and one opinion just like everyone else and the responsibility for chairing the board meetings does not change that. In fact, in some cases, the chairman only votes when there is a tie (consult Roberts Rules if you need more information). There is a special skill required in blending together the talents of the board members in a way that will contribute to the overall progress of the NMA chapter. PREPARING FOR YOUR FIRST BOARD MEETING The first major task facing you as the new chairman of the board is to get your board organized and molded into a working body. This is no easy task, but you do have some things going for you and some steps to take to speed up the process. If your board members are elected on a staggered basis (half elected each year) they will experience a shorter delay in reaching full operational level. This comes about because half the board members already have some experience. These incumbents can carry a little extra load until the new board members are familiar with their responsibilities. The effect is further enhanced because new board members learn more quickly by observing and participating with the experienced incumbents in an on‐the‐job training situation. Of course, the quicker the new board members take an active part in the board deliberations, the sooner the board assumes its new personality and characteristics. B O A R D C H A I R M A N ' S G U I D E 2 ORIENTATION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS You can further accelerate the process of forming a working board if each new board member receives adequate orientation prior to the first board meeting. This should be a carefully structured program that is your responsibility to plan and execute. 1. Welcome Immediately after election, each new board member should receive a welcome and offer of assistance from you. Maybe the best method is to connect in a personal way. Doing this makes the new member feel important to the board, and tends to establish the board as a top function of the organization. 2. Meet Jointly with New Board Members At the time you initially meet with the new board members, make sure they understand the work of the board and you can answer any questions. It is a good idea to give the new board members an onboarding packet (described below) to review rules and procedures concerning the board. 3. Orientation Session of the Board‐Delete entire section and renumber 4. Board Member's Kit Much of the background material a board member needs is available online. Naturally, you will want the content to reflect your organization, but here are some suggested items you may want to include: a. Chapter's goals and objectives b. Current annual report c. Constitution and bylaws d. Pervious year’s expenses and current budget e. Descriptive literature on the various programs of the Association‐remove f. Organization chart g. Complete set of minutes from the past year h. Board Member's Guide i. Board Manual (described on page 9) APPOINT A RECORDING SECRETARY It is your responsibility to appoint a recording secretary who takes minutes of the board meetings. A new secretary can be appointed for each meeting or someone can be asked to assume this responsibility for the year. Minutes should be drafted by the secretary and submitted to you so that you can review them for accuracy and completeness. If they meet your understanding of the meeting, they can be B O A R D C H A I R M A N ' S G U I D E 3 duplicated and distributed to the other board members. These should be completed as soon after a meeting as possible because many thoughts are quickly lost even when notes have been taken. APPOINT A PARLIAMENTARIAN‐ You should have at least a working knowledge of parliamentary procedures. It is also good practice to appoint a parliamentarian who has the background or is willing to study the subject thoroughly. A meeting can get stalled easily by confusion over a technicality on procedure. To aid you in this vital subject most bookstores carry copies of Robert's Rules of Order. Also see Appendix A of this guide for some common procedures from Robert’s Rules of Order, 10th edition. CHAIRING THE MEETING FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS It is customary for boards to meet on a monthly basis. Whatever the frequency, it is important that the meetings be held at regular intervals. You are encouraged seek out substantial and meaningful subjects that will challenge the talents of the board and keep the board in its rightful realm. LENGTH OF MEETINGS The duration of board meetings will depend on: 1. The size of the board 2. The subject matter 3. The manner in which the meeting is organized A recommended timeframe is 90 minutes to keep board members engaged, allot appropriate time per agenda item, and to allow for discussion. WAYS TO IMPROVE BOARD MEETINGS Boards perform many functions and engage in a number of activities. Here are six techniques you can use to improve board meetings: 1. Establish Routine The patterns and procedures of the board meetings should be standardized For example, it should not be necessary for the board to set time, place, and frequency of regular membership meetings; the procedure should be documented in the organization's by‐laws and policy manual. B O A R D C H A I R M A N ' S G U I D E 4 2. Meeting Content Agendas must be planned to include all the business to be considered at the meeting and the approximate length of time needed for each item. The agenda with, all supporting information and material should be sent to all board members well in advance of the meeting date. If the board members have a chance to examine the material prior to the meeting, then their participation in the deliberations will be more meaningful. Better decisions will be made more quickly. 3. Preparation In addition to the agenda, a necessary step is preparing for uploads/Industriel/ chairman-x27-s-guide.pdf

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