Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US

Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 Type de fiche / Type of request Enhancement Request (before the project/lot) Amendment Request (during the project/lot) Etat de la fiche / State of the File Created Evaluated Determined < Décision >: Copier la synthèse de décision Change decision Copy the field “Realisation decision” Etape 1 : Identification de la demande Step 1 : Request identification Projet / Lot : V20.4.0 Sept 2020 Product version / lot Lot /version US_00495 Version on which is related the request Date de la demande : 03/08/2020 Date of the request Numéro de Fiche : File Id Origine de la demande Request’s origin Business Local IS team Business Analyst Technical Analyst Other Commentaire : functional need Comment : to precise the origin of request (technical or functional architect, exploitability, other) En charge de la demande / Request responsible Métier Business person Informatique Locale Local IS team Concepteur Fonctionnel Business Analyst Concepteur Technique Technical Analyst Développeur Developer Nom Nom Annie FONTAINE Nom Fahd HAROUACH Nom Nom Name Intitulé de la demande / Request title Create a new sub menus to Read info vehicles and to filter display LOT 1 Contexte général / Global context Business Team needs a new extract info data accessible by BCV intranet The new tools will be comparable to actions carried out directly in BCV Mainframe via Macros. CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Demande d'évolutions (avant projet/lot) Demande d'avenants (pendant projet/lot) Créée Impacts évalués Décidée Métier Informatique Locale Concepteur Fonctionelle Concepteur Technique Autre Responsable Responsable Responsable Responsable Responsable  Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 Description de la demande / Request Description Business Team needs a new extract info data accessible by BCV intranet. The new tools will be comparable to actions carried out directly in BCV Mainframe via Macros. A / Submenus: Access is limited to users who’s have the authorization to access to menu ( Mass_injection ) B/ When user click into the sub menus, new pages screen will be displayed like this : CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 1/ Datas will be displayed in a tree for example : Identifiant: Identifiant (DAPJI) Chassis Argument Lancement Argument Commercial Description Modele Version PRODEM PROTRAD Pays FG Options Teinte Sellerie Niveau equipement Niveau moteur Pneus Contremarque Zone de contremarque …… 2/ User can drag and drop any selected item to the second list 3/ Create a new dynamic API to extract datas from the second list (input of this api are VIN,INVARIANT OR PJI ), we must manage errors also. 4/ Display into a new screen in a table and put an icon to extract the excel file. 5/ Datas are present in BCVTT, for mapping you can see below from mainframe screen attached into jira. 6/ It must be possible to save typical settings according to different needs with the possibility of taking them back for later use. 7/ The datas will be classified by headings corresponding to the existing screens. 8/ A super administrator can show all historical transaction in this functionality ( Users logs must be managed also ). C/ Display datas : Only selected datas from second list must be displayed, a button export Excel must be developed ( for example ) CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 After the Brainstorming of the 05/08/2020: We decided together to cut this global need into a small technical user story: Release n°1 :  US_01: Check in mainframe side : o if there’s any limited length problem for information coming from BCVEVEN o Information from BCVOL , BCVINDX, BCVFACT,BCVHEIC are less than the limited of 32000 ).  US_02: Call the new Zos connect API (read datas from BCVTT with SELECTED ITEM OR ALL STATIC DATAS) to be checked .  US_03: DB2 table for display datas from the listed datas attached in Jira (if we don’t have time for first release, let’s go for static display and report this US to release n°2).  US_04: Is to have a Jtree or other component with search functionality and selected item like ( o Drag and drop or selected item or any other solution (choose the simple for your development). o In this URL , you can find the Github , to export solution, look if we can explore the Searching directory and the checkbox color solution. CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 o  US_05: Test the display result into bcv intranet for a huge number of selected item (if not good we will propose only excel file extract ) o (if we don’t have time for first release, let’s go for static display and report this US to release n°2). o Errors must be displayed into excel or txt file. As agreed, we will deal with this needs in a second release and probably some : release n°2 :  US_06: Template config and settings for users ( every user can have more than 1 settings ).to be managed into a Json file ?  US_07: Logs use of read_info_bcv ( ipn, date, maybe info .... ) Log4j or Json format. Périmètre de déploiement / Deployment perimeter Préciser les pays/sites à déployer,leur nombre et le nombre d'utiliateurs concernés. List the countries/sites to deploy, their number and the number of impacted users. Pièces jointes pour préciser la demande / Attached documents to clarify the request PJ1 : PJ2 : PJ3 : PJ4 : Justification de la nécessité et l’urgence de l’évolution (gains métier, contraintes légales, informatiques, …) Justification for evolution and high priority (business stakes, legal constraints, IS/IT constraints, …) . CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 Criticité Functional priority High Middle Low Priorité de livraison Delivery Priority Délai souhaité / Expected date : Evénement métier associé : Related business event CONFIDENTIAL Page 6 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Critique Important Mineur Urgent Non Urgent Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 Etape 2 : Analyse de la demande et de son impact - Faisabilité Step 2: Evaluation of the request & of their impact - Feasibility Analyse de la demande et éléments de solution (Concepteur fonctionnel) Evaluation result and solution elements (Business Analyst) Analyse de la demande et solution proposée (Concepteur Technique) Evaluation result and solution elements (Technical Analyst) Analyse d’impact Result of impact analysis Analyse Concepteur fonctionnel Analysis by Business Analyst Compléments apportés par le Concepteur Technique Analysis complements by Technical Analyst Impacts organisationnels (client, processus, …) Organizational impacts (users, processes, …) Processus + mode dégradé Evolution du périmètre d’utilisation Changement de l’infra associée Impacts techniques, développements Technical modifications and developments Performance et niveaux de services Architecture technique ou applicative Impacts documentaires (les plans et documents de test, documents de spécification, CLA, …) Impacts documentary (plans and documents of test, documents of specification, CLA, …) Modification de liaison connexe Modification/Ajout de cas d’utilisation Modification/ajout de règles de gestion métier Traitements associés et leur nature Ecrans Reporting, états Impacts sur les données Data evolution Reprise de données Données modifiées ou ajoutées Cycles de vie et/ou règles de gestion associés Traitements associés Contrôles associés Impacts Qualité : les revues, les validations et vérifications Quality: reviews and validation activities Impacts industrialisation Impacts industrialization Autres points impactés Other impacted points Impacts Charges Estimated work Impacts Coûts Estimated Costs Impacts Délais Estimated Time for the change Etape 3 : Décision sur la demande Step 3 : Decision on the request Décision de réaliser Realization decision Accepted Refused Postponed Date de décision : dd/mm/yyyy Decision date Instance de décision : Decision committee Documents de référence Related documents CONFIDENTIAL Page 7 / 15 PROPERTY OF RENAULT Acceptée Refusée Reportée Confidential C PRISM3 Fiche de Demande d’Evolution – FDE – Template V2.2 BCV US_00495 - Read vehicles info API & display in sub menus Mass_injection Lot1 Etape 4 : Conception Step 4: Design Specification En charge de la Conception Design Responsible Concepteur Fonctionnel Business Analyst C.gascoin Launch date 19/08/2018 Concepteur Technique Technical Analyst Launch date MOE en charge de la validation Project Manager in charge of the validation Validation date: / / Summary 1. uploads/Industriel/ 0030-fde-bcv-us-00495-read-vehicles-info-api-amp-display-in-sub-menus-mass-injection-lot1.pdf

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