Katarina matchup guide Katarina Matchup Guide Some champs outdated as of now will try to update soon Note When I say to all-in this is disregarding junglers Always note where the junglers are before going for a trade or an all-in This guide is about mostl

Katarina Matchup Guide Some champs outdated as of now will try to update soon Note When I say to all-in this is disregarding junglers Always note where the junglers are before going for a trade or an all-in This guide is about mostly laning phase Lvl Trades I will usually be referring to two types of level three trades Lvl safe poke Q usually o ? of a minion e auto w back if they follow you can e back in on your w Lvl all-in E w q auto e auto e auto or e out - First e can be on a minion A variation would be to q e auto e w auto e auto Unless stated otherwise you can always go for a safe poke lvl trade Lvl All-In The standard lvl all-ins are e w q gunblade r e auto or e w gunblade r q e auto I personally almost exclusively do the ?rst but the second can be better situationally Ability Maxing I always do three points q three points e then max q e r w Q max is better overall but I will put points into e before q sometimes if I know I am going to all in early Keystones This guide was made with electrocute in mind I have started to use conqueror in certain matchups but remember that you can always use either keystone just each has di ?erent playstyles Dark harvest is viable too with the goal to scale into an easy matchup and play for resets rather than single target burst In general you choose Electrocute in order to snowball and conqueror to scale Conqueror is a rune that is always good and will always scale It makes longer trades more e ?ective as well as making your ult more useful with stacks However electrocute is really useful in getting and early snowball and in blowing up squishier Additionally it is the reason why lvl safe pokes are so e ?ective but with conqueror the damage is far less without that proc Additionally if you are team ?ghting with electrocute you normally want to get on the back line and blow up them with electrocute so you can get that ?rst reset and go crazy With conqueror you can play ?ghts front to back stacking up conqueror so you can then become unkillable when diving When going conqueror you want to build deaths dance second so you can become unkillable If you know you want to build zhonya ? s second item opt for electrocute Favorite Matchups Corki Karthus Malzahar Least Favorite Matchups Ekko Leblanc Kassadin Jayce Aatrox Preferred Keystone Elec Conq He has three predictable q ? s you have three potential blinks Free matchup if you just dodge his q ? s Ahri Anivia Lux Morgana Taliyah Xerath Zoe Preferred Keystone Elec Conq Though there are some di ?erences in the matchups I ? m grouping these ?ve together because the win condition in

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