Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 3 As far as we’re
Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 3 As far as we’re aware, this is the first Guide of its kind which is intended to provide the end-user with an overview of the Lifting Industry as a whole. The information is categorised so that readers can find their way through the vari- ous equipment and machinery with ease. Each item or product is accompanied by a short description and an illustration for easy reference. Having published the monthly magazine “Bulk Handling Today” for many years, we have a very good idea of who’s who in the industry. As such, this Lifting Guide provides readers with a ‘snapshot’ of the lifting fraternity but it would not have been possible without the assistance of LEEASA (Lifting Equipment Engineering Association of SA), and Ken Greenwood in particular. We thank them for their professional guidance and assistance in putting this publication together. As a first issue, Promech Publishing is very proud of this Guide and we intend to grow it in the years to come, so any suggestions for improvements from readers and end-users would be more than welcome. Keep this guide in your desk drawer – it’s going to be of invaluable help as you grow your business. Or check out where you’ll find this guide, our monthly magazine “Bulk Handling Today” and our prestigious annual Buyers Guide in full on our website. Happy and fruitful reading! Warmest Regards, Susan Custers, Publisher How to use this guide Proprietor and Publisher: PROMECH PUBLISHING Tel: (011) 781-1401 Fax: (011) 781-1403 E-mail: Website: Managing Editor: Susan Custers Advertising Sales: Surita Marx DTP: Zinobia Docrat / Sean Bacher Research: Sean Bacher Disclaimer Neither PROMECH Publishing nor its endorsing bodies will be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this publication and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the conse- quences of any actions based on information so published by Promech Publishing cc. Printed by: Typo Colour Printing Tel: (011) 402-3468 Front Cover East Rand Cranes Jhb: (011) 817-3423/5 Fax: (011) 817-3019 Web: Index to Advertisers Anglo Lifting Equipment 43 Bexl Control 4 Becker 35 CLT 10 Columbus McKinnon 53 Condra Cranes 38 Custom Crane 32 D&D Lifting 12 Delta Crane 52 Dymot Engineering 51 DSR Mining 40 East Rand Cranes Outside Front Cover, 3,17,37 Elephant Lifting Inside Front Cover Engineering Supplies 20 Fastlift Rigging 34 GM Technical Services 39 Gunnebo Industries 40 Linde 24 LMI Academy 31 Morris Material Handling 8 Phakamisa Safety 31 RGM Cranes 28,29 Raytoko Outside Back Cover Toyota Forklift 22 Tower Crane Services 41 fxdgdfgdfgdfgd Lifting Guide 2010 Also publishers of: Susan Custers with Clarence (left) and Cilla, not to be outdone 4 Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 5 CONTENTS 3 How to use this Guide 6 About LEEASA 9 LEEASE Members 11 Lifting Legally 13 LIFTING TACKLE 13 Flexible steel wire rope slings 13 Chain slings 14 Webbing slings 14 Hooks 15 Snatch blocks 15 Coupling links 15 Shackles 16 Clamps 16 Spreader beams 16 Plate grabs 17 Balanced fork attachment 17 Coils grabs 17 Bar tong 18 LIFTING RECEPTICAL 18 Lifting bins, buckets 18 Containers 18 Lifting tray 18 Lifting cages/cradles 19 UNDER THE HOOK MA CHINES 19 Magnetic hooks 19 Vacuum filters 21 CHAIN BLOCKS & LEVER HOISTS 21 Chain blocks 21 Lever hoists 21 Cable pullers 23 FORKLIFTS 23 Counter balance 23 Side loaders 23 Rail or tyre stacker & reach lift trucks 24 Pedestrain controlled lift trucks 24 Order picking lift trucks including all models 24 Pallet trucks 25 The Importance of Regular Inspection 30 Training for Safe Operation 33 MOBILE CRANES 33 Truck mounted cranes 33 Fixed or truck mounted knuckle boom cranes 33 Pick and carry cranes 35 Mobile harbour cranes 35 Crawler lattice boom cranes 35 Lattice boom cranes on tyre wheeled carriers 36 Rough terrain and/or centre mount cranes 36 All terrain cranes 36 Telehandlers 36 Carry deck cranes 37 Truck mounted side loading container carriers 37 Excavators & loaders used as mobile cranes 39 OVERHEAD & GANTRY CRANES 39 Overhead cranes 39 Gantry crane 40 Free standing and/or permanently attached jib crane 40 Goliath cranes 40 TOWER CRANES 42 REACH STACKERS & STRADDLE CARRIERS 42 Reach stacker 42 Straddler carriers 43 CONTAINER CRANE 44 SHIPS AND WHARFSIDE CRANES 44 Ships cranes 44 Wharfside cranes 45 Falling From Height 47 AERIAL PLATFORMS 47 Boom type (cherry picker) 47 Specialy insulated aerial platforms 47 Scissor lifts (mobile or fixed) 48 SUSPENDED ACCESS PLATFORMS (SAE) 48 Temporary suspended platforms 48 Building maintenance unit (permanently suspended platform) 48 (MEWP) Mobile Elevated Work Platform 49 HYDRAULIC INDUSTRIAL LIFTING DEVICES 50 VEHICLE HOISTS 50 4 posters 50 2 posters 50 Scissor lift type (excluding dock levellers) 51 Hydraulic type 51 Tail lifters 53 OTHER SPECIALISED CATEGORIES 53 Side cranes 54 Secondhand/Hiring Copyright All material published in this guide is copyrighted to Pro- mech Publishing cc. No part of the material may be quoted, photocopied, reproduced or stored electronically without prior written permission. Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Equipment Engineering Association of SA (LEEASA) has come a long way since its inception in 2004. Year after year, LEEASA has made headway in its endeavor to assist in helping government and statutory bodies to implement and regulate our industry to make a difference, both in standards, and the safety of our people. T he period 2009 to 2010 was no excep- tion and again we have seen changes for the better. The challenges that we faced at the begin- ning of this period were large, but we tackled each task with our usual en- thusiasm and com- mitment. These included, nominating someone to serve on the technical committee to re-write the Driven Machinery Regulations (TCDMR). This was done and the work is close to being finalised. LEEASA also has members on the committees on the Na- tional Code of Practice (NCOP) and the rewrite of the Construction Regulations (CR). The LEEASA members of these committees are in continual dialogue regarding these regulations. Formulating an auditing document to audit LME (Lifting Machinery Entity) members of LEEASA. A document has been developed and some pilot audits have been done. At the request of the Department of Labour, LEEASA has contributed to writing level 2, level 3 and level 4 qualifications for the vertical articulation career path to a LMI (Lifting Machinery Inspection). This will lead to vertical articulation to the existing registered level 5 qualification for LMIs. LEEASA continues to provide volunteers for the working committees at ECSA, SABS, SAQA and the DoL More issues that became challenges in the period 2009 to 2010. The extensions of scope of LME’s. To assist with this LEEASA has produced a survey to identify problems. • The change in government policy regarding education. The introduction of the QCTO system is in progress and LEEASA is actively participating in this process of change. The Association is concerned that their industry, which is inherently dangerous if not well run and regulated, could fall into disrepute and therefore the engineering team providing the service should be well trained to the correct standards and should at all times be ethical and responsible for their actions. The Association has joined the Chamber of Engi- neering Technology, who already have the necessary infrastructures to disseminate information and who already are recognised in representing engineering practitioners in the Engineering fraternities. Anyone interested in joining the association, should contact Ken Greenwood on (011) 475 5876 • About LEEASA by Ken Greenwood National chairman of LEEASA Mission & Vision of CET The Chamber of Engineering Technology. Mission / Policy Established to enhance the standing and contribution of the South African Engineering Profession in the National Interest and to the benefit of Society. Membership Membership is open to Technicians, Technologists, Engineers and persons associated with engineer- ing technology in a professional capacity. This includes Specialised Scope practioners, Students, Graduates and persons in Training. Divisions CET has an autonomous division in the form of the Lifting Equipment Enngineering Association of South Africa (LEEASA) under its wing. Alternate Websites For details of LEEASA please see www.leeasa. and and Ken Greenwood Lifting Guide 2010 Make sure that the certificate you see looks like the one below to verify its authenticity Lifting Guide 2010 Lifting Guide 2010 While every effort has been taken to check that this list is correct, LEEASA does not guarantee that errors do not exist. LEEASA does not accept any responsibility for any matters at all that may arise from the use of this list. The list is presented as is merely as a free service. LEEASA Members Accord Lifting cc Africa Rigging Services cc AJM Engineering Services (F/a D Rowe) Akhanani Electromechanical Engineering (Pty) Ltd Alfa Africa Testing cc Algar, MW Al-Kaassamany, R Allin One Crane Repairs cc Ally, FI Anchor Industries (Pty) Ltd Anglo Lifting Equipment (Pty) Ltd Arc Cranes cc Arlona Engineering (Pty) Ltd Barnes, GV Bartlett Construction Bexl Control Systems cc Blenner-Hassett, uploads/Industriel/ lifitng-guide.pdf
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