Guide to Pre-bookings Process Contents  How To Do Pre-Booking in SAP?  How to

Guide to Pre-bookings Process Contents  How To Do Pre-Booking in SAP?  How to Delete Pre-Bookings in SAP? How to Do Pre-booking in SAP? Pre-booking in SAP 1. On your, desktop, Double click on the SAP LOGON icon. 2. The SAP LOGON 620 menu will appear. Double click on the PS1 [PS1 Production] client 400 to logon. 3. The SAP R/3 menu will appear as indicated in this illustration. Pre-booking in SAP 4. Type your SAP I.D. or Badge number here. 5. Type your password here. Please note that asterisks will appear as you encode your password. Pre-booking in SAP 6. The SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU will appear as indicated in this illustration. Pre-booking in SAP In the SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU, there are three (3) ways to pre-book an attendee through the transaction codes listed below: •PV02 – Pre-book ONE attendee against ONE business event type. •PV06 – Pre-book MULTIPLE attendees against ONE business event type. •PV16 – Pre-book ONE attendee against MULTIPLE business event types. •Note: You can also access all the above mentioned transaction codes by using HR12 (MANAGER’S DESKTOP) for authorized employees. The procedure will be the same as shown in the following illustrations. 7. In this example, we will choose PV02 by typing the transaction code in this window. 8. Then, confirm your action by clicking on the EXECUTE button as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 9. Please note: If you already have the business event type ID number, just type it in this window and press enter. Then, click here for the next step. 10. If not, press this RADIO BUTTON and a pop-up menu will appear. 10. Select SABIC SS TRAINING ONLY by clicking on the arrow as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 11. Then, click on the arrow to select TRAINING JUBAIL. This is the MAIN GROUP for companies / affiliates in JUBAIL. For companies / affiliates in Riyadh and Yanbu, they should select their respective groups. Pre-booking in SAP 12. You may select any of the listed sub- groups. But in this example, we will choose GENERAL TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 13. You may select any of the listed course groups. But in this example, we will choose COMPUTER TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 14. A list of business event types will appear. Select on your preferred course by highlighting and double clicking on it. In this example, we will choose MS Excel 2003 Level 1 Pre-booking in SAP 15. In the TIME PERIOD window encode the date by indicating the START and…. 16. END date. Bear in mind that you should encode date on a QUARTERLY type basis. Pre-booking in SAP 17. Select the PERSON tab by clicking on it. 18. Then, encode the attendee’s SAP I.D. on the window as shown and confirm your action by pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard. After confirming your action, the attendee’s name and department should appear as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 19. Then, click on the PREBOOK button to save your transaction. Pre-booking in SAP Finally, a message will appear on the status bar below confirming that your transaction has been saved. Pre-booking in SAP How to Cancel Pre-booking in SAP? In the SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU, you can cancel Pre-bookings by using the below Transaction: PV02 Then, confirm your action by clicking on the EXECUTE button as shown. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Please note: If you already have the business event type ID number, just type it in this window and press enter. Then, click here for the next step. If not, press this RADIO BUTTON and a pop-up menu will appear. Select SABIC SS TRAINING ONLY by clicking on the arrow as shown. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Then, click on the arrow to select TRAINING JUBAIL. This is the MAIN GROUP for companies / affiliates in JUBAIL. For companies / affiliates in Riyadh and Yanbu, they should select their respective groups. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP You may select any of the listed sub-groups. But in this example, we will choose GENERAL TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP You may select any of the listed course groups. But in this example, we will choose COMPUTER TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP A list of business event types will appear. Please Note: You have to select the business event type for which you have prebooking. In this example, we will choose MS Excel 2003 Level 1 Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Then Click on the Prebooked. This will show a list of prebooked nominees for this event type Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Highlight on your prebookings And click on the Delete Prebooking (Thrash Button) to delete your prebookings Now your prebooking are deleted from SAP Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Thanks for following the Procedure uploads/Industriel/ prebooking-guide 1 .pdf

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