A ¸p lùc bªn cña ®Êt Pression laterale de teres Lateral earth pressure ¸p lùc c
A ¸p lùc bªn cña ®Êt Pression laterale de teres Lateral earth pressure ¸p lùc chñ ®éng Poussee ¸p lùc bÞ ®éng ButÐe ¸p lùc cña dßng níc ch¶y Pression du courant Stream flow pressure ¸p lùc cùc ®¹i Pression maximum Maximum working pressure ¸p lùc ®Èy cña ®Êt PoussÐ des terres Earth pressure ¸p lùc thñy tÜnh PoussÐ hydrostatique Hydrostatic pressure ¶nh hëng cña nhiÖt ®é Effet de temperature Temperature effect B B¸n kÝnh cong (b¸n kÝnh ®o¹n ®êng cong) Rayon de courbure Radius of curve B¸n kÝnh t¸c dông cña ®Çm dïi Rayon d'action des aiquilles de vibration Reach (of vibrator) B¸n kÝnh trong cña ®êng cong Rayon interieur de courbure Inside radius of curvature B¶n c¸nh díi Semelle infÐrieure Bottom flanger,Bottom slab B¶n c¸nh trªn Semelle supÐrience Top flange,Top slab B¶n c¸nh (mÆt c¾t I,J, hép) Bride, l'aile (f) Flange slab B¶n gèi gi¶n ®¬n trªn 4 c¹nh lªn c¸c dÇm Dalle µ appuis simples sur poutres disposees au coutour Slab simply supported along all four edges by beams B¶n ch÷ nhËt gèi gi¶n ®¬n trªn bèn c¹nh lªn c¸c dÇm Dalle rectangulaire µ appuis simples sur poutres disposees au coutour Rectangular slab simply supported along all four edges by beams B¶n cã khoÐt lç Dalle ÐlÐgie Voided slab, Hollow slab B¶n cã kÝch thíc gi¶m bít B¶n cã nhÞp theo mét híng (b¶n 2 c¹nh) Dalle µ appuis dans une One-way spaning direction slab B¶n cã nhÞp theo hai híng (b¶n 4 c¹nh) Dalle µ appuis dans deux Two-way spaning directions slab (slab supported on four sides) B¶n cã sên Dalle nervurÐe B¶n cã sên trùc giao Dalle orthotrope B¶n cña mÊu neo, B¶n neo Plague d'ancrage Anchor plate B¶n ®¸y cña dÇm hép Hourdis infÐrieur d'un caisson Bottom slab of box girder B¶n ®Æt cèt thÐp hai híng Dalle armeÐ dans deux directions Slab reinforced in both directions B¶n ghi chÐp tÝnh to¸n, B¶n tÝnh Note de calcul Calculating note B¶n mÆt cÇu Hourdis, tablie Deck slab, deck plate B¶n mÆt cÇu ®óc bª t«ng t¹i chç Dalle coulÐe en Cast-in-situ flat place slab B¶n mÆt cÇu trùc híng Dalle orthotrope Orthotropic deck B¶n n¾p hép Hourdir supÐrieur d'une caisson Top slab of box B¶n nèi èp, b¶n m¸ Plate-bande Cover-plate B¶n nèi phñ Couvre-joint Splice plat, scab B¶n nót, b¶n tiÕt ®iÓm Gousset Haunch Gusset plate B¶n ph¼ng Dalle plane Fat slab B¶n qu¸ ®é Dalle de transition Approach slab B¶n sµn Plancher-dalle, plancheren dalle Floor slab B¶n thÐp phñ (ë phÇn b¶n c¸nh dÇm thÐp ...) Plaque de couverture Cover plate B¶n trªn ®Ønh Hourdis Top slab B¶n vÏ phèi c¶nh Tõ §IÓN Kü THUËT VIÖT - PH¸P - ANH TRANG 2 ______ Dessin en perspectif ... B¶n vÏ thi c«ng Dessin d'exÐcution Working drawing Bao phñ mÊu neo dù øng lùc Cachetage Sealing Bao t¶i (®Ó dìng hé bª t«ng) Burlap B¸o c¸o thÝ nghiÖm cäc Record of test piles B¶o dìng, duy tu Entretien Maintenance B¶o dìng bª t«ng trong lóc hãa cøng Cure du BÐton Curing B¶o vÖ chèng mµi mßn Protection contre abrasion Protection against abrasion B¶o vÖ chèng xãi lë Protection contre l'affounillement Protection against scour B¶o vÖ cèt thÐp chèng rØ Protection des armatures contre la crrosion Protection against corrosion B¨ng dÝnh Bande adhÐsive Joint tape B»ng gang ®óc .... en fonte ductile ...of cast iron B»ng thÐp c¸n .....en acier laminÐ ...of laminated steel BÊt lîi Defavorable Unfavorable... BÊt lîi nhÊt la plus dÐfavorable the most unfavorable Bª t«ng Bðton Concrete Bª t«ng b¶o hé (bªn ngoµi cèt thÐp) Enrobage des armatures Concrete cover Bª t«ng bÞt ®¸y (cña mãng C¸p cäc, cña giÕng, cña hè Lit de beton au fond d'une fouilk, bouchon Bª t«ng b¬m Pumping concrete Bª t«ng c¸t BÐton de sable Sand concrete Bª t«ng cã qu¸ nhiÒu cèt thÐp BÐton fortement armÐs Over-reinforced concrete Bª t«ng cèt thÐp dù øng lùc BÐton prÐcontraint Prestressed concrete Bª t«ng cèt thÐp dù øng lùc trong BÐton prÐcontrainte intÐrieuse Internal prestressed concrete Bª t«ng cèt thÐp dù øng lùc ngoµi BÐton prÐcontrainte extÐrieuse External prestressed concrete Bª t«ng cèt thÐp thêng BÐton armÐ Reinforced concrete Bª t«ng cêng ®é cao BÐton a haute resistance High strength concrete Bª t«ng ®· bÞ t¸ch líp (bÞ bãc líp) Beton desagrege Spalled concrete Bª t«ng ®óc t¹i chç BÐton coulÐ en Cast in situ place concrete Bª t«ng ®óc s½n Beton prefabrique Precast concrete Bª t«ng hãa cøng nhanh BÐton µ sement Early strength concrete Bª t«ng kh«ng cèt thÐp BÐton non-arme Plain concrete, Unreinforced concrete Bª t«ng m¸c thÊp BÐton a faible Low-grade concrete resistance Bª t«ng nÆng BÐton lourd Heavy weight concrete Bª t«ng nhÑ BÐton leger Light weight concrete Bª t«ng nhÑ cã c¸t BÐton leger µ sable Sandlight weight concrete Bª t«ng nghÌo BÐton maigre Lean concrete (low grade concrete) Bª t«ng phun BÐton projettÐ, Gunite, Shotcret, Sprayed concrete, Shotcrete, Bª t«ng sái Tõ §IÓN Kü THUËT VIÖT - PH¸P - ANH TRANG 3 ______ BÐton de graviers ... Bª t«ng thñy c«ng BÐton hydraulique Hydraulic concrete Bª t«ng träng lîng th«ng thêng BÐton µ densitÐ normale Normal weight concrete, Ordinary structural concrete Bª t«ng t¬i (míi trén xong) BÐton frais Ready mixed concrete Bª t«ng xim¨ng BÐton µ ciment Pooclan Portland-cement, Portland concrete BÒ mÆt chuyÓn tiÕp ... Interface BÒ mÆt tiÕp xóc Surface de contact Contact surface BÒ mÆt ngoµi Paroit, Exterior face Face exterieure Exterior face BÒ mÆt v¸n khu«n Paroit du coffrage Form exterior face ... BÖ ®ì ph©n phèi lùc Plate-forme Bed plate BÖ kÐo c¨ng cèt thÐp dù øng lùc Prestressing bed BÖ mãng Semelle Footing Biªn ®é biÕn ®æi øng suÊt Amplitude des variations de contrainte Amplitude of stress BiÕn d¹ng cña neo khi dù øng lùc tõ kÝch truyÒn vµo mÊu neo ... Anchorage seating BiÕn d¹ng cña c¸c thí trªn mÆt c¾t ... Strain BiÕn d¹ng co ng¾n t¬ng ®èi Raccourcissement unitaire Unit shortening BiÕn d¹ng dµi h¹n Dðformation de longue durÐe Long-term deformation BiÕn d¹ng d·n dµi t¬ng ®èi Allongement unitaire Unit lengthening BiÕn d¹ng do co ngãt Dðformation de Shrinkage Retrait deformation BiÕn d¹ng do uèn Dðformations dues µ la ... Flexible flexion deformation BiÕn d¹ng do lùc c¾t Dðformations dues µ l’effot tranchant Shear deformation BiÕn d¹ng do tõ biÕn Dðformation de creep Deformation due to Creep deformation BiÕn d¹ng ®µn håi Dðformation elastic, Strain elastique Elastic deformation BiÕn d¹ng qu¸ møc Dðformation excessive Excessive deformation BiÕn d¹ng theo thêi gian Dðformation diffÐrÐe Time-dependent deformation BiÕn d¹ng tøc thêi Dðformation instantanÐe Imediate deflection BiÕn d¹ng vång lªn Deformation convexe Upward deflection BiÕn ®æi nhiÖt ®é Variation de la temperature BiÕn ®æi s¬ ®å tÜnh häc Modification du schema statique ... BiÕn ®æi theo thêi gian cña Variation dans le ... temps de ... Variation in accordance with the time of ... BiÓu diÔn ®å thÞ cña ReprÐsentation graphique de ... Graphical representation of ... BiÓu ®å biÕn d¹ng tuyÕn tÝnh Diagramme de DÐformation linÐaire Linear deformation diagram BiÓu ®å t¸c dông t¬ng hç m« men-lùc däc Diagramme d’interaction moment-interaction Momen-Axial force effort normal diagram BÞt ®¸y Metre un lit de .... BÞt kÝn, lÊp kÝn Etanchement Sealing Bã xo¾n 7 sîi thÐp Toron Strand Bãc líp bª t«ng b¶o hé Enlever lacoche d’enrobage du beton Removal of the concrete cover Tõ §IÓN Kü THUËT VIÖT - PH¸P - ANH TRANG 4 ______ Bè trÝ Arrangement ... Arrangement ... Bè trÝ c¸c ®iÓm c¾t ®øt cèt thÐp däc cña dÇm Rðparatition des arrets des barres longgitudinal de la poutre Arrangement of longitudinales renforcement cut-out Bè trÝ chung cña cÇu Disposition generale General location of a bridge Bè trÝ cèt thÐp Disposition des armatures, Ferraillage ... Arrangement of reinforcement Bè trÝ cèt thÐp dù øng lùc C©blage Cable disposition Bæ xung, thªm vµo Additional Additional Bé thiÕt bÞ Equipement Equipement Set, Device Bé nèi c¸c ®o¹n c¸p dù øng lùc kÐo sau Coupleur, Dispositif de raboutage Coupleur Bé phËn lµm lÖch híng c¸p Deviateur Deviator B«i tr¬n Lubrification Lubrification Bét mÇu (®Ó fa s¬n) Pigment Pigment Bèc xÕp hµng Manipuler to handle B¬m (m¸y b¬m) Pompe Pump B¬m ch×m (ng©m trong níc) Pompe immergÐe ... B¬m dÇu dïng tay Pompe d’huile Hand-act oil pump µ maine B¬m hót Pompe aspirante Aspiring pump, Extraction pump B¬m ly t©m Pompe centrifuge Centrifugal pump, Impeller pump B¬m níc dïng tay Pompe d’eau a maine Hand-act water pump Bu l«ng h×nh ch÷ U Lien en U, Boulon en U U form bolt connection Bu l«ng Boulon Bolt Bu l«ng neo Boulon d’ancrage Anchor bolt Bóa Mouton Hammer Bóa h¬i níc ®¬n ®éng Mouton µ vapeur µ simple effet Hydraulic hammer of simple effect Bíc xo¾n cña sîi thÐp trong bã xo¾n Pas d’enroulement des fils Twist step of a cable C C¶m biÕn ®Ó ®o biÕn d¹ng Jauge de DÐformation ... C¶m biÕn ®Ó ®o øng suÊt ®o lùc Capur ... C¸nh tay ®ßn Bras de levier Moment arm C¹nh tranh CompÐtition Competition, Competing Cao ®¹c Nivellement uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ 14-tu-dien-xay-dung.pdf
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- Publié le Dec 07, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 0.8348MB