RECA Challenge 2018 Student Guide Booklet A cademic Retirement Education Challe

RECA Challenge 2018 Student Guide Booklet A cademic Retirement Education Challenge Award Page 1 of 5 (A) Company information and overview About Areca Capital Sdn Bhd Areca Capital Sdn Bhd is a fund management company licensed by the Securities Commission Malaysia to manage and distribute private mandates, unit trust funds and carry out regulated activity of financial planning. We are registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia as one of the institutional unit trust advisors to distribute and market unit trust funds of other fund houses. Since our inception in 2006, we have built a reputation as an innovative and high performing fund manager, winning new clients as our performance track record and exceptional client service have been recognized. Our clients range from individuals to corporates, family and private trusts, foundations and other institutions. Overview As a wealth solutions provider who believes in giving back to the community, we do play our part in contributing to uplift the financial literacy of our younger generation. In conjunction with this initiative, we are pleased to introduce you to this inaugural ARECA challenge 2018 which will offer students the exciting learning experience while gaining insight to the highest professional standards in financial industry. Apart from testing understanding on applying financial knowledge in dealing with practical issues, this challenge also further sharpen students’ capabilities in communication, presentation and teamwork. Outstanding teams will also stand the chance to walk away with the attractive prizes, apprenticeship program and scholarship for Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification program. This challenge consists of two (2) rounds as follows: Qualifying round – All teams are required to submit a written proposal on investment and trust planning. Participating teams will be judged solely based on written proposal in this round. The top five (5) teams will be shortlisted and enter into final round. Final round – Shortlisted teams will present their proposal to a panel of judges. The teams will be rated based on performance on presentation, quality of contents as well as questions and answers (Q&A) sessions. (B) Objectives and benefits Objectives  To promote financial literacy among younger generation for the wellbeing of community.  To create awareness on the career opportunity in financial industry. Benefits  Offer a unique opportunity for students to involve in hands-on financial planning process and add merit to your resume.  Prepare students to kick-start their careers via apprenticeship program. Page 2 of 5 (C) Eligibility Who can participate?  This competition is open to all students enrolled in undergraduate degree program in business, management, accounting, finance, economics and other business related fields;  Limited to three (3) teams per university or tertiary institution;  Each team may consist of minimum three (3) but maximum five (5) students.  Students may not participate in more than one (1) team; and  Students considered graduate students by their school are not allowed to participate. (D) Schedule Introductory briefing 4 – 7 June Registration 8 – 14 June Workshop – unit trusts and private trust 26 June Qualifying round – Submission of written proposal 24 July Announcement of shortlisted teams for final round 31 July Final round – Proposal presentation 14 August *Organizer reserves the right to change the dates and participants will be notified accordingly. (E) Case study question Case study question will be emailed to registered teams on Monday, 2 July 2018. (F) Stage of the challenge This challenge will consist of two (2) rounds: Qualifying round: Written proposal on investment and trust planning Qualifying round of the challenge consists of an investment and trust planning case study for a hypothetical client. Each team must assess the client’s needs and prepare a comprehensive proposal for the client based on the data provided. Contents In general, the written proposal should include the following:  Assess the client current financial situation.  Identify and understand goals and objectives of the client.  Disclose specific assumptions used in analysis.  Provide rationales and detailed thought process for your recommendations.  Identify and discuss the advantages and limitations of instruments used in your recommendations.  Other relevant information. Page 3 of 5 Submission requirements  Participating teams must email their written proposal by 5pm on Tuesday, 24 July 2018 to with subject header: “Name of institution – ARECA Challenge 2018”. Any late submission will not be considered.  The proposal must be written in English with the institution, team name and team member names on the cover page.  Each team should submit their proposal as one (1) compiled document in PDF format (include appendices). Judging  Judges will review the written proposal based on following criteria: Criteria Description Marks Effective use of client’s information Make use of information given to assess client’s financial situation. 10 Formulation of recommendations Devise suitable proposal to help client in achieving financial goals based on available resources. 25 Products selection and analysis Discuss advantages and limitations of selected financial instruments and rationales of your selection. 25 Quality of contents Demonstrate combination of good analytical and communication skill in highlighting the important points to client in clear and concise manners. 25 Overall design and creativity Contents organization, graphs and tables, overall report presentation that stands out from others. 15 Total 100 Announcement of shortlisted teams:  The top five (5) teams will be shortlisted based on score for qualifying round. The result will be announced on Tuesday, 31 July 2018. Final round: Proposal presentation The top five (5) teams from qualifying round will proceed to final round. The teams will make presentation of their proposal to a panel of judges. Requirements:  Each team has 15 minutes to present in English in front of a panel of judges followed by 10 minutes of Q&A from the judges.  The presentation and Q&A will be timed and teams may not exceed the time allotted. Failure to comply with this will lead to penalties. (e.g. point deductions)  All teams must email their final presentation slides (PowerPoint or PDF format) by Saturday, 11 August 2018 to  The final slides submitted is the version that will be loaded onto a computer that will be used for presentation.  Teams will have an opportunity to view the slides prior to presentation. Page 4 of 5 Judging:  Teams are not permitted to hand anything to the judges.  Decision by judges is final and cannot be appealed.  Judges will evaluate the presentation based on following criteria: Criteria Description Marks Contents Able to highlight the key analysis to support recommendations made and subsequent courses of action. 40 Presentation and slides Present ideas clearly, effectively and convincingly. Overall quality of the PowerPoint slide via selection of suitable layout. 30 Creativity Use of creativity in either the visual or oral presentation to help bring the recommendation’s to life. 15 Teamwork and others Timing, handling of spontaneous questions and appeared professional both in appearance as well as in organization. 15 Total 100 (G) Prizes Winning teams First place : RM5,000 (cash), RM5,000 (fund units)*, Trophies, Certificate of Merit Second place : RM2,500 (cash), RM2,500 (fund units)*, Certificate of Merit Third place : RM1,000 (cash), RM1,000(fund units)*, Certificate of Merit Fourth place : Certificate of Merit, others Fifth place : Certificate of Merit, others * Matching contribution (i.e. ARECA will put in RM1 for every RM1 put in by winner) up to the respective limits with minimum holding period of three (3) years. All participants  Certificate of Participation  Starbucks cards  Opportunity to enrol into apprenticeship program with us or our business partners  Opportunity to apply for scholarship for CFP certification program Comment [JWT1]: Others (to be advised, pending discussion with potential sponsors) Page 5 of 5 (H) Other rules and guidelines Other rules and guidelines for students:  Only students under the participating teams are allowed to work on the written proposal submitted for the challenge. Any professors, graduate students, financial planners or other students not in the team are not allowed to offer any help to the participating teams.  Students are prohibited from seeking advice from professionals or from persons not participating in the challenge.  Academic or faculty advisor are not allowed to give advice, guidance, and coach on the case study as well as proposal presentation.  Team may use financial calculators, spreadsheet and presentation software applications for this challenge.  Team may use internet for research and seeking for reference only.  Use of commercially financial planning software is strictly prohibited. (I) Registration and contact information Interested students have to form your own team and nominate one of the students as your team leader. This person will act as the contact person for each team and all subsequent communication will be directed to team leader. Kindly contact Mr. Teong Jia Wei or Ms. Ho Yoke Yean at 03-7956 3111 or email to / to obtain your registration form. Email us the completed registration form by Thursday, 14 June 2018. Disclaimer statement Organizer is not responsible uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ areca-challenge-guide-3.pdf

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