& A Guide to Windows Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas ® Version 5.2 incl. AS3959:
& A Guide to Windows Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas ® Version 5.2 incl. AS3959: 2009 Amendment 3 Released 1 February 2012 A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas 2 In response to devastating bushfires in Victoria in 2009, Australian Standard 3959 was updated and repub- lished AS3959:2009. The Building Code of Australia referenced the new Standard on the 1st May 2010. The old standard had 4 levels of bushfire attack, the new Standard has 6 levels of severity expressed as Bush- fire Attack Levels (BAL): • BAL - Low • BAL - 12.5 • BAL - 19 • BAL - 29 • BAL - 40 • BAL - FZ This booklet is a guide for the different construction requirements for windows and doors in each level. This guide is not a replacement for AS 3959:2009, for more information refer to AS 3959:2009 Contruction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas. DISCLAIMER: This key message has been developed to provide general guidance, awareness and education to AWA members only. It should not be viewed as a definitive guide and should be read in conjunction with the full Standard AS3959:2009 (visit www.siaglobal.com.au). While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate the AWA expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person for anything done in reliance on this publication. No responsibility is accepted by the AWA for any mistakes, errors or omissions in this publication. Australian Windows Association a: 71 Ridge St Gordon 2072 NSW Australia p: 02 9498 2768 f: 02 9498 3816 e: info@awa.org.au www.awa.org.au A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas 3 Contents 1 Bushfire attack levels (BALS) 3 2 Condensed explanation of window and door requirements 4 a. BAL – Low 4 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors b. BAL – 12.5 4 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors c. BAL – 19 5 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors d. BAL – 29 6 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors e. BAL – 40 7 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors f. BAL – FZ 8 i. Windows ii. Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii. External Sliding doors 3 Easy guide for window and door requirements 9 4 Diagrams 12 5 Timber Species & Densities 14 6 Bushfire Resisting Timbers 16 A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas 4 1 Bushfire Attack Levels AS3959:2009 is primarily concerned with improving the ability of buildings in designated bushfireprone areas to better withstand attack from bushfire thus giving a measure of protection to the building occupants (until the fire front passes) as well as to the building itself. Research is continuing with regards to the effects of bushfires on buildings, determination of bushfireprone areas within various States and particular construction techniques designed to maximize the performance of buildings when subjected to bushfire attack. The outcomes of this research will be reflected in subsequent editions of AS3959. Note: AS 2047 and AS 1288 must be complied with. Bushfire Attack Levels Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Description of predicted bushfire attack and levels of exposure BAL – LOW There is insufficient risk to warrant specific construction requirements BAL – 12.5 Ember attack BAL – 19 Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 12.5 and 19 kW m2 BAL – 29 Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 19 and 29 kW m2 BAL – 40 Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux with the increased likelihood of exposure to flames BAL – FZ Direct exposure to flames from fire front in addition to heat flux and ember attack A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas 5 2 Condensed Explanation of Window & Door Requirements • Systems tested to AS 1530.8.1 may be used for all levels up to and inclusive of the BAL level achieved • Systems tested to AS 1530.8.2 may be used for all BAL levels If any material, element of construction or system satisfies the test criteria without screening for ember protection, the requirements of this Standard for screening of openable parts of windows or doors shall still apply. a. BAL – Low Standard window and door products may be used at this level. There are no special requirements. b. BAL – 12.5 For windows: Comply with one of the following options: Option 1: Standard windows can be used provided they are completely protected by bushfire shutters complying with AS3959:2009. Option 2: Standard windows can be used provided they are completely protected by external metal mesh screens with a maximum aperture of 2mm. Screen must be steel, bronze or aluminium wire. Option 3: Windows must meet the following: 1. All openings must be screened internally or externally with metal screens with maximumaperture of 2mm (steel, bronze or aluminium) 2. Exposed external hardware that supports the sash in its fucntion of opening and closing to be- made from metal 3. All glass within 400mm of ground or other structures within 18 degrees of horizontal must beglazed in Grade A safety glass minimum 4mm. (refer 4 Diagrams pp.12-13) 4. If windows are within 400mm of ground or other structures within 18 degrees of horizontal(refer 4 Diagrams pp.12-13) they must be manufactured in: a. Bushfire resistant timber – See p.16 b. A timber species from p.14 & 15 c. Metal this includes aluminium d. uPVC with metal reinforcing Note: Internal and External screens must be fitted in a way that does not allow gaps greater than 3mm in diameter. For side hung external doors including french and bi-fold doors: Option 1: As per windows. Option 2: As per windows. Option 3: As per windows above parts 2, 3 & 4 including: 1. Doors must be made of: a. Non combustible; or b. 35mm solid timber for the first 400mm above threshold; or c. Have a non combustible kickplate on the outside for the first 400mm above the threshold; or d. Any door, including a hollow core door, protected externally by a metal screen, with a maxi- mum aperture of 2mm (steel, bronze or aluminium e. A fully framed glazed door must be made from materials required by AS3959:2009 or a timber species from p.14&15 2. Glazing shall comply with the requirements of windows. 3. Doors shall be tight fitting. 4. Weather strips and draught seals shall be installed at base of side hung external doors. A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas 6 For external sliding doors: Option 1: As per windows. Option 2: As per windows. Option 3: Sliding doors must meet the following 1. They shall be glazed in Grade A safety glass to AS1288:2006 2. If screened the screen must be steel, bronze or aluminium. Note: Sliding doors are not required to be screened. 3. Sliding doors shall be tight fitting in the frame. The construction of sliding doors should prevent the entry of embers when closed. c. BAL – 19 For windows: Comply with one of the following options: Option 1: Standard windows can be used provided they are completely protected by bushfire shutters complying with AS3959:2009. Option 2: Standard windows can be used provided they are completely protected by external metal mesh screens with a maximum aperture of 2mm. Screen must be steel, bronze or aluminium wire. Option 3: Windows must meet the following: 1. Where annealed glass is used, glass must be screened externally with metal screens with maxi- mum aperture of 2mm. (steel, bronze or aluminium) 2. If 5mm toughened glass used throughout, openings must be internally or externally screened with metal screens with maximum aperture of 2mm. (steel, bronze or aluminium) 3. Exposed external hardware that supports the sash in its function of opening and closing to be made from metal. 4. All glass within 400mm of ground or other structures within 18 degrees of horizontal (refer 4 Dia- grams pp.12-13) must be glazed in toughened safety glass minimum 5mm. 5. If windows are within 400mm of ground or other structures within 18 degrees of horizontal (refer 4 Diagrams pp.12-13) they must be manufactured in: a. Bushfire resistant timber – See p.16 b. A timber species from p.14 & 15 c. Metal - this includes aluminium d. uPVC with metal reinforcing Note: Internal and External screens must be fitted in a way that does not allow gaps greater than 3mm in diameter. Where IGU’s are used and 5mm toughened glass is required it only needs to be applied to the external face. For side hung external doors including french and bi-fold doors: Option 1: As per uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ bushfire-guide.pdf
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