Dowel Laminated Timber D E S I G N A N D P R O F I L E G U I D E Timber Enginee
Dowel Laminated Timber D E S I G N A N D P R O F I L E G U I D E Timber Engineering & Construction T H E A L L W O O D M A S S T I M B E R P A N E L T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S DLT Design & Profile Guide © Ver. 4 March 2019 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-27 28-29 30 About DLT Why DLT? Manufacturing Installation Panel Properties Design Flexibility Performance DLT Profiles Appearance & Grades Span Tables Typical Connection Details About StructureCraft 3 StructureCraft DLT Design & Profile Guide © V4.0 – USA AB O UT Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT) is a mass timber product that can be used for floor, wall, and roof structures. It is known as Dübelholz in Europe. These solid wood panels use hardwood dowels to friction fit pre-milled boards together on edge, creating a panel which is particularly efficient for horizontal spans and allows for much flexible architectural design. DLT panels are the only all wood mass timber product – in concept, they involve no glue or nails. With no metal fasteners, DLT panels can be easily processed using CNC machinery, creating a high tolerance panel which can also contain pre-integrated acoustic materials, electrical conduit, and other service interfaces. Unique to DLT as a mass timber product, a wide variety of profiles can be integrated inexpensively into the bottom surface of the panel. Each finger-jointed board goes through a molder, allowing a limitless range of different profiles to be explored and exposed in the bottom of a panel. An acoustic profile can be produced to achieve noise reduction objectives, while keeping the wood exposed and allowing for a range of surface finishes. Fibrous insulation is used inside an acoustic groove to absorb sound. The concept of using hardwood dowels to connect softwood boards together was conceived in Switzerland in the 1990s. Julius Natterer spearheaded the resurgence of NLT / brettstapel to Europe in the 1970’s and 1980’s, as he believed that this efficient method of construction could be used to make beautiful, low carbon, healthy buildings that are quick and easy to build. In the early 1990s, DLT / dubelholz was developed by a Swiss company. They saw this product as a superior product to NLT / brettstapel in every way – it used only wood, it was CNC machinable, and production of the panel was possible with automated machinery. They proceeded to create the first automated machinery line for DLT. Several companies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland adopted this idea and started manufacturing DLT commercially, using automated systems for drilling and inserting the dowels. StructureCraft has brought this technology to the North American market with the world’s largest automated DLT manufacturing line in our state of the art 50,000sqft facility in Abbotsford, BC. D O W E L L A M I N A T E D T I M B E R 5 StructureCraft DLT Design & Profile Guide © V4.0 – USA 6 A L L WO O D • DLT is the only all wood mass timber product • With no metal fasteners, DLT panels can be easily processed using CNC machinery and allow on site modifications P RO F I L E F L EX I B I L I T Y • A wide variety of surface profiles can be integrated inexpensively into the bottom surface of the panel • An acoustic profile can achieve noise reduction objectives, while keeping the wood exposed • Dimensionally accurate panel through panel planing and CNC machining • Variety of sealer and stain coatings available to shop-apply at exposed side of panels S I T E E F F I C I E N CY • Speed of Construction — 25,000 sqft floor plate erected in as little as a week due to coordinated prefabricated elements • Large panels, up to 12’ wide x 60’ long • Removes need for intumescent coatings and dropped ceilings - beautiful DLT panels can be exposed as a soffit • Less on-site storage, and simplified transportation building components are transported as flat pack, with just-in-time deliveries • Smaller crews, quieter site - reduced impact of construction on the surrounding area by removing wet trades and greatly reducing number of deliveries to site ST R U CT U RA L E F F I C I E N CY • Greater structural efficiency for one-way spans than CLT – all wood fiber goes in the direction of the primary span • Continuous laminations are created with certified structural finger joints which run over the full length of the panels • Building with mass timber products like DLT results in a significantly lighter superstructure than concrete or steel. This reduces foundation sizes and cost, especially with difficult ground conditions, or in high seismic zones • Single spans up to 60ft for roofs, 32ft for floors. Transverse (weak axis) spans up to 4ft are achievable with screw reinforcement, or greater with structural reinforcement • DLT qualifies as a Heavy Timber element per US and Canadian building codes, and thus meets the fire rating requirements of Heavy Timber Buildings W H Y D L T ? StructureCraft DLT Design & Profile Guide © V4.0 – USA 7 P E R FO R M A N C E & P RO D U CT C E RT I F I CAT I O N • Similar to NLT, the structural design of each lamination in a DLT panel is covered by both the IBC and NBCC • StructureCraft is currently in the process of finalizing ICC certification for DLT • Mass timber panels have proven fire resistance. DLT has a particular advantage over CLT as all wood fibre is parallel to primary span, and unlike CLT there is not an abrupt loss in strength when char reaches a layer perpendicular to the span • ASTM E119 / CAN/ULC S101 fire testing has been completed to demonstrate 2hr Fire Resistance Rating for a 2x6 DLT panel (including a spacing gap between panels) E N V I RO N M E N TA L S U STA I N A B I L I T Y • An all-wood mass timber product • Contains only trace amounts of glue due to finger-jointing the boards, if finger-jointed boards are used (panels >20ft long). Less than 1% of the glue used in CLT • No other chemicals, VOCs, or metal nails • Virtually no site waste, due to optimized offsite prefabrication • Healthier indoor air quality with no off-gassing • Wood fibre can be sourced from sustainably managed North American forests and locks in carbon dioxide, acting as a carbon sink • ~3650lbs CO2 sequestered per ton, wood is the only renewable structural material • StructureCraft fabrication and facilities are certified to carry PEFC and FSC chain of custodies, helping achieve LEED and sustainability goals E CO N O M I CA L LY V I A B L E • DLT utilizes standard dimensional lumber which is more cost efficient to procure than lamstock • Lower manufacturing costs due to high speed production and removal of need for gluing or nailing • Less volume of material due to structural efficiency • Reduction in labor required on site due to pre-manufacturing • Reduced installation time with a ‘kit of parts’ VA R I E T Y O F WO O D S P E C I ES • DLT is made with a variety of wood species, including SPF, Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Sitka Spruce, and Western Red or Yellow Cedar D L T M A N U F A C T U R I N G StructureCraft DLT is manufactured inside our 50,000sqft facility in Abbotsford, British Columbia. DLT Manufacturing Process After carefully grading the lumber, it is structurally finger- jointed, run through a molder, and laminated into large panels of DLT. Each panel is machined and checked to tight quality control standards, then sheathing is pre-installed, and exposed faces are finished. Panels are stacked on trucks in installation sequence and shipped to site for just-in-time delivery. Over the last several years, StructureCraft has engineered and built over 1 million sqft of mass timber buildings. Clients appreciate the simplicity, quality, aesthetics and economics of mass timber, and DLT as a new product which contributes significantly to efficient floor and roof systems. The StructureCraft DLT manufacturing line is fully automated and high capacity, using the latest European technology and machinery for optimising, finger-jointing, and moulding. The manufacturing process of dowelling involves no glue or press curing time, and as a result panel production is faster than similar glued products such as CLT or GLT. The StructureCraft DLT line has a throughput capacity greater than most North American CLT manufacturers. A year in research and development, StructureCraft’s custom-designed DLT machine is the largest and fastest in the uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ design-guide 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Mai 25, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 6.0469MB