Fire suppression guide September 2016 Fire suppression guide F1 GD Released und
Fire suppression guide September 2016 Fire suppression guide F1 GD Released under the Official Information Act GUIDE - Fire suppression NZFS National Operations page 2 of 26 F1 GD Fire Suppression guide September 2016 Contents Record of amendments ..................................................................................................... 3 About this Guide ............................................................................................................... 4 Fire Suppression ............................................................................................................... 5 First-alarm response .......................................................................................................... 5 Flashover: time and temperature ....................................................................................... 5 Size-up .............................................................................................................................. 5 Fire types and techniques .................................................................................................. 6 Vented fires (fuel controlled) .......................................................................................... 6 Unvented fires (ventilation controlled) ............................................................................ 7 Partially-vented fires ...................................................................................................... 8 Impact of PPE ................................................................................................................... 8 Heat release rates ............................................................................................................. 9 Nozzle and delivery selection ...........................................................................................10 Typical NZFS hose and nozzle capabilities. ......................................................................10 Class A foam ....................................................................................................................12 Fire suppression conclusions ...........................................................................................12 Pumping appliances water tanks ......................................................................................13 Pumping appliance tank supply discharge times. .............................................................13 Class A foam for operational use ......................................................................................14 Fire suppression tools .................................................................................................... 15 Hose reels ........................................................................................................................15 Friction loss ..................................................................................................................15 Current specifications ...................................................................................................16 Nozzles ............................................................................................................................17 Nozzle types .................................................................................................................17 Smooth-bore straight nozzles ...........................................................................................17 Typical flows at 700 and 1050 kPa ...................................................................................18 Constant pressure-control nozzles ...................................................................................18 Low-pressure nozzles ...................................................................................................19 Aspiration nozzles ........................................................................................................19 Automatic pressure-control nozzles ..................................................................................19 Older types of automatic nozzles ..................................................................................20 Sliding valve automatic nozzles ....................................................................................20 Released under the Official Information Act GUIDE - Fire suppression NZFS National Operations page 3 of 26 F1 GD Fire Suppression guide September 2016 Typical Flow Ranges ........................................................................................................21 Friction loss of delivery hose ............................................................................................22 Foam ................................................................................................................................ 23 Foam application ..............................................................................................................23 Non-aspirated ...............................................................................................................23 Aspirated ......................................................................................................................23 Foam equipment ..............................................................................................................24 Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) ........................................................................24 Aspiration nozzles ........................................................................................................24 Variable inline inductors ................................................................................................25 Friction loss per length .....................................................................................................25 Considerations for a foam delivery from an inline inductor ................................................26 Record of amendments Date Brief description of amendment 20 Jan 2014 Cover images updated following staff feedback 17 Mar 2014 Minor change to Class A foam page 12 3 April 2014 Minor typographical corrections. p6 Dynamic risk assessment - ‘fire attack plan’ changed to ‘tactics’. p8 Use visual signs ‘as well as’ temperature changes. Specific fleet information for Class A foam and hose reels removed. p15 Matching nozzle to tubing capacity - 1400 kPa pump pressure changed to ‘between 1500 and 1700 kPa.’ p16 Decreased throw - air ‘entrapment’ changed to ‘entrainment’ p17 Type 3 and 4 ‘flowing up to 250L/min’ changed to ‘230L/min’, ‘automatic’ added to Type 1 500 kPa nozzle and Note added to refer to appliance manual. p23 Non-aspirated foam - rubbish, structure and vehicle fires added as uses p25 Flammable liquid fires – added ‘Class A and Class B foams should never be mixed.’ 27 Sept 2016 Broken link to TFT Ultimatic Information Note has been fixed. Released under the Official Information Act GUIDE - Fire suppression NZFS National Operations page 4 of 26 F1 GD Fire Suppression guide September 2016 About this Guide Introduction Firefighters work in dangerous environments where their safety and the success of their actions is determined by training, PPE and the most appropriate selection of fire suppression tools and medium application. With the increasing frequency of structure fires that result in flashover or other forms of rapid fire progression, the importance of carrying out an efficient risk assessment and applying sufficient water appropriately is paramount. It is vital to get ahead of the fire growth curve and achieve a rapid knockdown before such conditions can occur. The flow rate of the deliveries deployed must be sufficient to cool the high-temperature gases and smoke at the ceiling level, while at the same time absorbing enough heat to cool the surrounding walls, ceilings, floors, and other combustible contents, thereby avoiding uncontrolled gas ignition or flashover. Purpose The purpose of this guide is to provide the minimum information required by a firefighter to safely undertake an internal fire attack. It also describes basic NZFS fire appliance capabilities and the range of tools and media available to firefighters for use at different types and sizes of incidents, including Class A and B foam application. It is important that tools and media form part of the fire attack plan and tactical decisions so that the correct selection is made before committing crews at an incident. Status This document has been produced by the operational advisory team at National Headquarters. Its content has been summarised from the fire suppression sections of the Training and Progression System (TAPS) and fleet documentation. It will be updated as new techniques and equipment are adopted. Peer review The content of this document has been peer reviewed by: National Advisor – Operations TAPS subject matter experts. Released under the Official Information Act GUIDE - Fire suppression NZFS National Operations page 5 of 26 F1 GD Fire Suppression guide September 2016 Fire Suppression First-alarm response Importance of preventing flashover New Zealand and international experience shows that first-response crews often arrive at structural fires as they are approaching the flashover stage. This means that the fire is approaching its maximum heat flux and, unless it is cooled very rapidly, it can be expected to progress to flashover. It is essential that firefighters making entry into a structure under these conditions are equipped with a delivery that can flow sufficient water to prevent flashover occurring. Under-equipped firefighters are less likely to prevent a flashover and are at serious risk of harm should a flashover occur. Flashover: time and temperature How a flashover forms As a fire develops, heat and smoke from burning contents reach the ceiling, then accumulate, mushroom out and radiate extreme heat downward to floor level, which causes all the combustible materials in the fire compartment to reach their ignition temperature and ignite. Structure fires often develop to flashover in significantly less than 10 minutes from ignition, as gases at ceiling height reach a temperature of around 600°C. This development can be expected from any typical compartment fire. Fire loading Fire loading can vary - for example, a typical polyurethane upholstered lounge chair burning at its peak could produce a one megawatt (MW) fire, while a large sofa of similar construction at its burning peak could produce approximately a two MW fire. Peak heat release rate (HRR) As the proportion of hydrocarbon-based plastics and modern materials in furniture increases in typical homes, firefighters should anticipate the peak heat release rate (HRR) in a room fire to be higher than seven MW. They must also expect adjacent fully- involved compartments to generate radiant heat levels of at least 20 kW/m2, which may affect the contents of the room from which they are operating or into which they are directing a water stream. Size-up Dynamic risk assessment All officers are required to apply the principles of dynamic risk assessment as described in the NZFS Incident Management Command and Control Technical Manual (M1 TM). The 360 degree assessment must include an analysis of: fire loading, including construction types compartment size and integrity (has the compartment vented?) Released under the Official Information Act GUIDE - Fire suppression NZFS National Operations page 6 of 26 F1 GD Fire Suppression guide September 2016 fire intensity and pre-burn time visual signs, which include pyrolysis, materials changing physical state, the level of the neutral plane and, significantly, the effect that water application has on those conditions. The picture formed from this process should determine the tactics to be used. Inadequate resources Initial tasking is often limited by the availability of resources. Where the risk to internal firefighters is determined to be too high, or where adequate resources are not immediately available, defensive tactics are the default position until the OIC determines otherwise. Defensive attack Tasking of crews for an internal attack must include delivery and nozzle selection that will safely control the expected heat release rate and manage flashover potential. Where resources or inadequate water supplies do not allow this, a defensive attack should be initiated to limit fire spread. Other factors that should be considered in the fire attack plan are aggressive ventilation - including the use of PPV fans - and the use of ground, deck and aerial monitors. Fire types and techniques Buildings over 20 years old The type of construction typically used 20 or more years ago in New Zealand for domestic and light industrial buildings means that the great majority of structure fires are vented and free-burning by the time the first NZFS appliance arrives at the incident. Modern construction Modern construction methods and materials (such as fire-resistant linings and double-glazing) are more likely to result in unvented or partially-vented fires. Vented fires (fuel controlled) Volume of the fire compartment In this case, the first attack delivery must be selected based on the estimated volume of the fire compartment involved, including any possible escalation in size that may occur before water can be applied. This will ensure that the attack team is equipped with a delivery that has the capacity to cool the entire contents of the compartment including ceiling, walls and floor as rapidly as possible. Full capacity stream This stream should initially be used at its full capacity with the intention of knocking down the fire and minimising the production of superheated steam, which uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ fire-suppresssion-guide.pdf
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