LEAN 5S Learn the principles of the 5S/6S philosophy and how to successfully im

LEAN 5S Learn the principles of the 5S/6S philosophy and how to successfully implement it in any facility Authors + Publishing Creative Safety Publishing http://www.creativesafetypublishing.com Contributing authors: Brandon Nys, Kyle Holland, Tony Ferraro More Information Contact us at info@creativesafetypublishing.com About this Guide If your company is like most organi- zations today, you’re searching for a competitive edge. Something that will reduce costs, increase sales and make you more agile in a changing business environment. Well you’ve found it. Simply put, 5S is a systematic approach to workplace organization. But it’s also much more than that. 5S is about effi- ciency, competitiveness and survival. It is a deceptively simple system that creates an organized and productive workplace. But it’s not just about cleaning up and eliminating toolboxes. 5S creates a work- place environment that can adapt and succeed in these turbulent times. Chaos and unproductively are your enemies; organization and efficiency are your allies. If implemented correctly and followed diligently, 5S will lead to: Lower costs Better quality Improved safety Increased productivity Higher employee satisfaction From the offices of upper management to the workstations in the factory, the power of this system will quickly reveal itself in your bottom line. What is 5S? - 1 - Originally developed by Hiroyuki Hirano for manufacturing compa- nies in Japan, the principles of 5S translate well to the laboratory, the repair facility, and even the corpo- rate office. Almost any workplace environment will benefit from the structure and efficiency that this model provides. 5S is sometimes called the five pillars because just like the physical pillars that hold up a structure, 5S has five elements that support the effective- ness of the system. And just like the pillars of a build- ing, if one was to weaken or fail, the entire structure would fall. The five steps/pillars of 5S are: Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Sort Sort is the process of removing all the items that are not needed for current production from the workspace. Original Japanese word : Seiri - 4 - The first step of 5S begins with the SORT step. Sort is the cornerstone of 5S and will help to get rid of problems such as: The goal of Sort is to eliminate all of the unneeded tools and materials and to create a space that is free of clutter. This allows for a workflow free from distrac- tion. A good rule of thumb is: “If you do not use it on a daily basis – throw it out.” Leave only the things that you absolutely need to get your job done. This includes tools, materials and machinery. • Tools and materials impeding workflow • Wasted time looking for parts, tools and products • Stockpiling unnecessary and expensive inventory • Safety hazards resulting from clutter When executing the Sort step, you must be vigilant and ruthless. Doing this first step correctly will lay the groundwork and ensure a successful implementation of the 5S model. Identifying unneeded parts and tools is not always an easy task. Employees and managers get so used to the chaos that they don’t even see it anymore. 5S has an effective tool that will help you with your sort process – it’s called the RED TAG STRATEGY. Image, Top: A cluttered central storage/dumping area before the 5S process. Sort Clutter is the enemy The RED TAG STRATEGY is a great way to identify all of the objects that need to be removed from the workplace. When you see something that you think may need to be removed, you literally put a “red tag” on it. This is a flag that lets everyone know that this item needs to be evaluated. There are a few actions that can be taken at this point: 1. Leave the item where it is 2. Relocate the item 3. Dispose of the item 4. Place in “RED TAG HOLDING AREA” Red Tag Strategy The Red Tag Holding Area is a central location where you can put items that you aren’t fully sure about disposing yet. Perhaps you’re not sure of the quantity that you need at the workstation. Or maybe you don’t know how often you need it, or if you need it at all. ? - 5 - Set in Order Set in Order is the process of putting everything in a place that is easy to get to and easy to put away. All items should be clearly marked so that anyone could easily find its proper home. Original Japanese word : Seiton You begin the SET IN ORDER phase of 5S only when the Sort phase is complete. This phase will be useless if there is unnecessary clutter in the workspace. The goal of Set in Order is to create a standardized and consistent way to store and retrieve tools and materials. The key here is standardization. The user must develop this system based on how often the tools and materials are accessed, and the process by which they are used. Some guidelines to consider: Anyone that has ever shared a workbench, a laboratory or an office space with other people knows that losing (and searching for) tools, files, and other items can be a big problem... Set in Order Everything in its place Image, Top: A well-organized and labeled supply and equipment storage area. • If items are used together, store them together. • Put the frequently used items closest to the user. • If possible, devise a let-go system in which tools are attached to a retractable cord and automatically go back to stored position. • Place items so that the user’s twisting and bending is kept at a minimum when accessing them. • Arrange tools and materials in order of use. - 7 - The Set in Order step utilizes several different strategies to accomplish its goals, includ- ing (but not limited to): Uses labels and signs to indicate where workplace items are to be stored, which items are to be stored there, and exactly how many items belong there. Used to clearly mark walkways from working areas. Separating operational areas from walking areas allows for a safer & smoother flow of goods in the facility. Creates a visual home for your tools. Each tool has an outline drawn of the tool so that you know exactly where it goes, and so that you also know when a tool is missing. Label & Sign Strategy Paint & Tape Strategy Tool Outline Strategy - 8 - A key component to any organization program, LABELING is the easiest way to quickly & visually identify proper placement of items, tools, and equipment. This makes it easy for even people unfa- miliar with your system to locate items, and return them to the right place. It also helps with sustaining organization processes, because once everything is properly labeled, it’s easier for employees to keep 5S in focus on a daily basis. In addition, larger signs, banners, or posters can be used to boldly convey messages of organization or safety, including reminders of the 5S process. Together, these create a great backbone for any visual organization or safety program. Label & Sign Strategy Image, Top Right: Tool drawer with labels Image, Center Right: Medical item bins, labeled Image, Bottom Right: Chemical waste storage area with large format banner reminding employees to keep area clean - 9 - Professional labels from any PC. LabelTac thermal transfer printers allow you to quickly and easily create professional labels and signs for your facility from any PC (at a savings of up to 75% vs other methods!). Visit us online or give us a call to learn more. Visit www.labeltac.com or call 1-866-777-1360 Painted or taped lines are often associat- ed with Safety (pedestrian paths, forklift and equipment paths, etc) but they are also very useful for marking work areas, as well as locations for pallets, raw materials, finished goods, shipping areas, hazardous areas and other static locations. Industrial Floor Tapes are preferred to painted lines as they are more resistant to foot and forklift traffic and don’t require long dry times which can cause costly downtimes. They are also easier to clean and require less upkeep. Often times companies with 5S organi- zation programs will also use thinner vinyl tapes (0.25” to 2” width) of different colors to mark workbenches and work cells to create visual cues for employ- ees, or to mark the locations of tools or equipment that shouldn’t move. This helps keep work areas clear of clutter and keeps these static items in their optimal positions. This work cell organization system can be used for work cells of any kind- in both office and industrial settings. This will improve workflow and result in better productivity and time manage- ment. Additionally misplaced items and equipment are easy to spot. Paint & Tape Strategy Image, Top Left: Auto shop lifts outlined with floor tape (SafetyTac) to display safety area warnings Image, Center Left: Safe walking path displayed with floor tape (SafetyTac) uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ guide-5s.pdf

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