The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 1/79
The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 1/79 The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide Create the Capability to Evolve Sandvik IT Version 1.1 (20131125) Christophe Achouiantz - Lean/Agile Coach - Sogeti (@ChrisAch) Johan Nordin – Lean Coach – Simplify Change (@JohanNordin) The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 2/79 Introduction This field guide is about how to introduce a team to the Kanban method. Therefore, its scope is wider than just introducing a kanban technique; it really is about injecting the capability to evolve in a continuous and sustainable way. It is about discovering a way of working with attached policies that make sense in the team’s context in order to deliver the right thing, just in time. It is about the team doing the smartest thing and becoming what it must to succeed. It is quite simply about becoming Lean. Why a field guide? Kanban is spreading fast within Sandvik IT, to the extent that the coaches from Operational Excellence Support cannot (and shall not) conduct all implementations. This guide is intended for managers, flow managers and coaches within Sandvik IT that want to introduce Kanban to their team(s). It is a repository of best practices to introduce Kanban based on the experience gathered kick-starting 50+ teams at Sandvik IT between December 2010 and Mars 2013. What’s in this Guide? This field guide will help you prepare, create, run and follow-up a one day workshop to kick-start a team into using the Kanban method. The focus of the guide is on evolutionary changes (improvements) rather than on pure flow improvement. The reader - the “coach” - is meant to be the person preparing, facilitating and following-up the workshop. How to Use this Guide? The guide has two parts: the first part presents the Kick-start concept and summarizes its features. The second part is meant to be used as a reference on how to run specific features by providing details, tips and comments. Scope of the guide This guide is not an introduction to the Kanban method. It requires the reader to be well familiarized with Kanban. For more information regarding Kanban, please read David J. Anderson’s book “Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business”. Because it is a field guide, this document is very practical and focuses on what to do and how during the workshop. There is very little background or theory, and we try to keep the language simple and not overloaded with expert jargon. That been said, we expect the reader to have basic Kanban and Agile knowledge (e.g. knowing about retrospective, Definition of Done, class-of-services, etc.). A Current Standard This guide contains only practices and recommendations that have been proven in the field many times and that are part of the current standard we use within Sandvik IT. You will not find any unproven ideas, cool-things to try or R&D here. We have of course plenty of those, but you will not find them here - yet; they may well make it into this guide once they are validated in the field. As a result, this guide is in constant and rapid evolution, and the standard is simply the current way we “do things”. We expect to update it frequently based on our own experience and, if you want, your feedback. Disclaimer for Usage Outside of Sandvik IT The setup described in this guide is not THE way to implement Kanban, it is but A way that works in the context of Sandvik IT. That which works for us will not necessarily work for you. As your context is not Sandvik IT, you should not follow this guide blindly. Think and adapt the setup described in this guide to fit your situation. The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 3/79 There are many other ways to introduce Kanban to a team, like David J. Anderson “Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban”, which may have other approaches and goals. For instance, the approach described here is very much for the team and by the team. Licensing This work is licensed by Sandvik AB under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. About Sandvik IT Sandvik, founded in 1862, is a high-technology, engineering group. The Sandvik Group conducts operations in five business areas: mining, machining solutions, materials technology, construction and venture. Worldwide business activities are conducted through representation in more than 130 countries. In 2012 the Group had about 49,000 employees with annual sales of approximately 11,880 MEUR. Sandvik IT is supporting the Sandvik group’s IT needs. In 2012, Sandvik IT has about 900 employees in 40 countries, supporting 365 applications for more than 30.000 users. The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 4/79 Table of Content The Kick-start Concept .................................................................................................................................................. 5 What is the Kanban Kick-start? ............................................................................................................................ 5 History of the Kanban Kick-start at Sandvik IT ..................................................................................................... 5 Key Aspects .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 A Process for Evolution ........................................................................................................................................ 6 A Kick-starting Process ................................................................................................................................ 7 The Goal: Take control so that you can start improving ............................................................................... 7 The Kick-start ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 How-To ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Before the Kick-start: Understand the Team .................................................................................................. 12 Key Players ................................................................................................................................................ 12 PREP 1: Present Kanban as a Tool for Evolution ...................................................................................... 15 PREP 2: Study the Context ........................................................................................................................ 16 PREP 3: Set Expectations .......................................................................................................................... 18 PREP 4: Prepare the Flow Manager .......................................................................................................... 20 PREP 5: Get a GO/NO GO Decision ......................................................................................................... 22 Before the Kick-start: Plan the Workshop ...................................................................................................... 23 SETUP 1: Create an Agenda ..................................................................................................................... 24 SETUP 2: Setup the Workshop .................................................................................................................. 25 SETUP 3: Extra Preparations for a Distributed Team ................................................................................ 27 Run the Kick-start Workshop .......................................................................................................................... 28 KICK 1: Set the Scene ............................................................................................................................... 31 KICK 2: Share Current Concerns ............................................................................................................... 33 KICK 3: Define a Shared Vision ................................................................................................................. 34 KICK 4: Discover what the Team Does ...................................................................................................... 36 KICK 5: Identify Work Types ...................................................................................................................... 39 KICK 6: Explain How the Board Works ...................................................................................................... 40 KICK 7: Present a Common Language ...................................................................................................... 42 KICK 8: Set Visualization Policies .............................................................................................................. 43 KICK 9: Create & Populate the Board ........................................................................................................ 46 KICK 10: Set Way-of-Working Policies....................................................................................................... 50 KICK 11: Limit WIP .................................................................................................................................... 52 KICK 12: Set Planning Meetings Policies ................................................................................................... 55 KICK 13: Run the First Planning Meeting ................................................................................................... 57 KICK 14: Close the Scene .......................................................................................................................... 58 After the Kick-start: Reach Continuous Improvement Baseline .................................................................. 59 BOOST 1: Adjust Planning Meetings ......................................................................................................... 61 BOOST 2: Adapt Policies to Current Understanding .................................................................................. 62 BOOST 3: Understand Current Capability.................................................................................................. 64 BOOST 4: Limit WIP .................................................................................................................................. 67 BOOST 5: Increase Flow ........................................................................................................................... 68 BOOST 6: Manage the Demand ................................................................................................................ 69 BOOST 7: Assess Depth of Kanban .......................................................................................................... 71 BOOST 8: Set Next Target Condition ........................................................................................................ 75 BOOST 9: Give Feedback on the Field Guide ........................................................................................... 76 Appendixes ................................................................................................................................................................. 77 Appendix I: Definition of Lead-Times .................................................................................................................. 77 Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ) ................................................................................................................................ 78 What’s Next? ............................................................................................................................................................... 78 References .................................................................................................................................................................. 78 About the Kanban Kick-start Field Guide .................................................................................................................... 79 The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide - Sandvik IT (C. Achouiantz & J. Nordin) 5/79 The Kick-start Concept What is the Kanban Kick-start? The Kanban Kick-start is a one day workshop whose goal is to help a team putting in place a kanban system. It is packaged as a one-day event to be easily “sold” to stressed managers and teams. The workshop engages the team members to discuss and agree on what the team actually does, why, how and for whom. Based on this understanding, the team can create visualization policies to see the work in progress (usually using stickies on a board) and way-of-working policies that govern how the work works. The workshop also set in place policies to act on this new understanding by planning the smartest way ahead using planning meetings as often as needed (usually daily). Basically, the workshop helps the team to get in control of its workflow. This is the basis for improvement for a team. Without the control and understanding given by the kanban system there cannot be long-lasting improvements. That is the meaning of the Kick-start. History of the Kanban Kick-start at Sandvik IT It didn’t start with Kanban, it started with the realization that things were not as good as they should. Employees were frustrated and customers unsatisfied: they experienced increased technical depth, difficulties to predict when and what to deliver and unhappiness about their current work situation. We could see stressed people running and switching between tasks, feeling pressure to deliver something that no one was proud of, frustrated by the lack of control over what was happening. Analyzing these pains, we identified that the one reoccurring root-cause for all these problems was the fact that the teams were not in control of their flow of work. There was an interesting catch 22 situation here: the teams needed to control their flow of work, though without control of the workflow the teams simply didn’t have time to let us help them; there was way too much uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ kanban-kick-start-field-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Apv 13, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 2.5418MB