MARINERS POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES FOUNDATION OF CANAMAN (CAM. SUR) , INC LEARNING GUIDE (PRELIMINARY) WEEK 2 TOPIC NO.2 Course Maritime Law Date: 10/ 7/2021 Program/Section BSMT 3A1 Weekly Topic Articles of International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Function 2 Competence A-III/6.F2.C6: Monitor compliance with legislative requirements Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency A-III/6.F2.C5.KUP1: Basic knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea. Working of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions. Course Outcome Evaluate the Articles of the SOLAS Convention on their contribution to loss prevention. LEARNING GUIDE ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS STUDENT RESPONSE SECTIONS 1. What I have learned in this weekly topic? I learned about the specify minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety What I interesting the most the tragedy of titanic there are so much change about the safety procedure. 2. Why is this lesson relevant on my field of study? Because Personal safety or safety of the life at sea comes at the top of priority list as there is no loss which is considered greater than the loss of human life, that’s why this lesson is so much relevant on my field. Simple that it is learn and acknowledge the meaning of safety of the sea. 3. How do I apply it on my time as future professional? I apply to Safety my self and by teaching others of what are the safety we encounter during in sea to know the SOLAS is the simple that we talking about the safety of human life so I apply it to myself and protect me to harm at any cause. SALE, RUSSELL RAY, S. _BSMT-3A1 Name of Student/ Signature Year and Section Page 1 of 1 uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ learning-guide-2 1 .pdf

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