MEC195 Industrial Plant Engineering Design Guide CONTENTS I. Abstract II. Intro

MEC195 Industrial Plant Engineering Design Guide CONTENTS I. Abstract II. Introduction a. Identification of the Product b. Industry Problems III. Company Profile a. Company Name b. Company Logo c. Company Vision, Mission & Corporate Philosophy d. Organizational Chart IV. Technical Aspect a. Plant Profile 1. Plant Location 2. Plant Layout 3. Perspective View of the Plant b. Main Building Profile 1. Floor Plant Layout 2. Perspective View of the Floor Plant 3. Building Facilities 4. Utilities c. Product & Manufacturing Processes 1. Product Information  Raw Materials  Product Description 2. Manufacturing Processes  Process Map  Manufacturing Process Flow Chart  Production  Administration Chart V. Machineries & Equipment VI. Marketing Analysis a. Market Study 1. Demand 2. Supply b. Product Promotion 1. Marketing Strategies 2. Products VII. Management & Ownership Analysis a. Articles of Incorporation b. Management Aspects c. Organizational Chart & Job Description VIII. Financial Analysis a. Labor Requirements b. Profitability c. Initial Investment d. Annual Production Requirement e. Net Income f. Investment Cost IX. Appendices a. Company Rules & Regulations b. Safety Rules & Regulation c. Constitution & By-Laws d. Environmental Impact e. Plant Environment Program f. Pump Selection & Water Requirement g. Plant Machines h. Breakdown of Cost Estimates i. Permits X. References uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ mec195-industrial-plant-engineering-design-guide.pdf

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