Champ Name Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4 Text9 Text12 Text13 Text8 Text10 Text15 Text
Champ Name Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4 Text9 Text12 Text13 Text8 Text10 Text15 Text16 Text18 Text19 Indicators Duration % complete Start Finish Actual Start Actual Finish Predecessors Format CL46 cf mise en forme CC05 Verdena08 CC05 Verdena08 CC05 Verdena08 CC05 Verdena08 CC12 Verdena08 CR06 Verdena08 CL06 Verdena08 CC05 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC10 Verdena08 CC06 Verdena08 CC07 Verdena06 CC02 Verdena06 CC05 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CC08 Verdena08 CL10 Verdena08 Numéro Code Jalon Nom WBS Etape Lot Type Groupe Unité App. Appareil Bât. Bâtiment Produit Fournisseu r Resp. Responsable MàJ Mise à Jour Masque i Durée % réalisé Début Fin Début (réalisé) Fin (réalisé) Lien 01 MNG Management 02 PRO Process 03 ENG Engineering 04 ASS Asset Construction 05 OSU Operationnal Start Up 06 PSC Production - Supply chain 07 ETU ASS Etude 08 ACH ASS Achat 09 CHA ASS Chantier 10 CTS ASS Contrôle & Test 11 MES ASS Mise en Service 12 MEC ASS Mécanique 13 INF ASS Infrastructure 14 UTI ASS Utilités 15 ELC ASS Electrique 16 FOC ASS Foclan 17 SEC ASS Sécurité 18 TOR MNG Terms of References 19 URS MNG Expression des Besoins 20 DIG PRO Diagramme simplifiée 21 FLW PRO Flowsheet 22 BVO PRO BVO 23 HMB PRO Heat & Mass Balance 24 PRA PRO Process Risk Assesment 25 SCH ASS ETU Schéma RI 26 MAQ ASS ETU Maquette 3D 27 ISO ASS ETU Isométrie 28 SPE ASS ACH Spécification 29 AOF ASS ACH Appel d'Offres 30 CMD X ASS ACH Commande 31 FAB ASS ACH Fabrication 32 FAT ASS ACH Réception Usine 33 LIV X ASS ACH Livraison 34 MON ASS CHA Montage 35 C11 ASS CHA COP 11 36 CTM ASS CTS MEC Contrôle & Test Mécanique 37 CTE ASS CTS ELC Contrôle & Test Electrique 12/18/2014 8:54 AM 255090580.xls.ms_office Champ Faire en sorte que tout soit aussi simple que possible, mais pas plus simple : Se limiter au détail utile. Suivi de Projet Avancement du projet par étape Suivi des Travaux Avancement des Travaux par lot technique Codification > langage commun > tri et filtre pour les objets répétitifs > visibilité du planning > pilotage du projet > orientation finalités (livrables / jalons) Structuration (Groupe ; Tâche ; Etape) > Liste de livrables PMI Syngenta Gateway system : Tasks / Deliverables Governance structures : Clear ownership / Lines of responsibility Project Reporting system : Same basis for assesment Project Management Guides : Templates / Checklists PI CD BD DD AP CO RE MP CL Detailed Design Approvisionnement Commisionning Realisation Mise en Production Clôture Project Initiation Conceptual design Basic Design Project Phase Project Milestone Initiation (Lancement) Design (Conception) Operation (Réception) Project Close-out Beneficial Operation Mechanical Completion Implementation (Réalisation) Planning de Projet Visions Maillage différent Project Communication Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Capital Proposal Planning Credit / Terms of Reference Commissionning (Mise en service) Project Integration Management Project Integration Management Objectif : Planifier toutes les actions de façon à représenter leur enchaînement et identifier les tâches significatives pour satisfaire aux exigences du contrat quant à sa réalisation, son démarrage et son achèvement. Project Integration Management Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resource Management 12/18/2014 8:54 AM 255090580.xls.ms_office Guide Service Poste Direction Propriétaire du Projet Direction Sponsor du Projet Ingénierie Chef de Projet Production Chimiste Production Exploitant T&P Ingénieur Procédé Ingénierie Ingénieur Projet Ingénierie Chantier Coordinateur Chantier Ingénierie MSRT Ingénieur MSRT Ingénierie MSRT Programmeur Maintenance Ingénieur Maintenance SHE Risk Assessor R : Responsable P : Participant Rôle BVO PRA CdC Pilote le projet P Apporteur du procédé R P P Gestionnaire des interactions Production / Process P Propriétaire du procédé R Exécute la réalisation du projet P Pilotage mise en service et en production P Exécute la réalisation du projet P Réalise la programmation R Exécute la réalisation du projet P Pilotage process Risk Assesment R Livrables Fonction Fluide Transfert Produit / Solvant / Lavage / … Equilibre Récupération Recirculation Bypass Quench Neutralisation Service N2 / Air comprimé /… Energie Vapeur, Saumure, … De "départ ligne" (=sortie unité-position) à "arrivée ligne" (=entrée unité-position) WBS Projet 2/23/2009 # Description # Description # Description 1 Project management 1.1 Project Integration 1.1.1. Terms of Reference MNG 1.1.2 Strategy & Execution Plan 1.1.3 Global Steering 1.1.4 Technical Steering 1.1.5 Project Meetings 1.2 Financial Process 1.2.1. Charter & Planning Credit 1.2.2 Planning Credit II 1.2.3 Capital Proposal 1.2.4 Completion Report 1.3 Project Planning 1.3.1 Level 1 - Milestone 1.3.2 Level 2 - Integrated 1.3.3 Level 3 - Detailed 1.4 Project Costs 1.4.1 Indicative estimate 1.4.2 +/-30% estimate 1.4.3 +/-10% estimate 1.4.4 Expenditure profile 1.4.5 Cost report 1.4.6 Change control 1.4.7 Capitalisation 1.5 Project Quality 1.5.1 Project reviews 1.6 Project resource plan 1.6.1 Organisation 1.6.2 Job profiles 1.6.3 Recruitment 1.6.4 External engineering 1.7 Communications 1.7.1 Stakeholder management plan 1.8 Project risk management 1.8.1 Risk register 1.9 Project procurement 1.9.1 Supply Positioning 1.9.2 Procurement plan 1.9.3 Contract plan 1.9.4 Pre-qualification 1.9.5 Administration procedures 1.1 Authorizations 1.10. 1 Permis de construire 1.10. 2 Environmental impact 1.10. 3 Permis d'installer 1.10. 4 Exploitation 1.10. 5 CIMO 2 Process 2.1 Process package 2.1.1 Process Description PRO 2.1.2 Block diagram 2.1.3 Process Flowsheets 2.1.4 Main equipment list 2.1.5 Heat & Mass Balance 2.1.6 Control & Operating Philosophy 2.1.7 Utility Requirements 2.1.8 Waste streams 2.1.9 Materials of construction 2.1.1 0 Sampling requirements 2.1.1 1 Data sheets for non standard equipment 2.1.1 2 Pressure relief and venting 2.1.1 3 Protective systems 2.2 Manufacturing procedure (BVO) 2.2.1 Chap. 1 2.2.2 Chap. 2 2.2.3 Chap. 3 2.3 Health, Safety Environment 2.3.1 Preliminary area classification 2.3.2 Occupational Health requirements 2.3.3 Fire/smoke detection, fire protection and fire fighting philosophy. 2.3.4 Philosophy on noise and smell (at boundary, in plant). 2.3.5 Site/plant/building security requirements. 2.3.6 Environmental Impact 2.3.7 Operational and Chemical Hazard Assessments 2.4 Process Risk Assessement (PRA) 2.4.1 PRA 1 2.4.2 PRA 2 2.4.3 PRA 3 2.4.4 PRA 4 2.4 Process control 2.5.1 Cahier des charges mécaniques (FUN) 2.5.2 établissement des recettes 2.5.3 programmation 2.5.4 tests et validation 2.5 Quality control 2.6.1 Analytical methods 2.6.2 Equipment identification / needs 2.6.3 On-line analysis 3 Engineering 3.1 Project engineering 3.1.1 Plant Equipment layout ENG 3.1.2 Services routing, major supports, pipe racks 3.1.3 Site Clearance: dismantling, demolition 3.1.4 Condition of existing equipment: overhauls, repairs 3.1.5 Permanent lifting equipment requirements 3.1.6 Define Packaged equipment and PAUs Civil & Building Site surveys, soil investigations, buried services Floor Plans, sections and elevations Foundations, structural frame and floors Finishes schedules Demolition Buried Services Loading Criteria Compartmentation, means of escape Effluent containment systems Drainage philosophy Protection of Ground and Groundwater requirements High Containment areas Plant Structures and Pipebridges requirements Lifting equipment, cranes, etc Room data sheets and room layouts for buildings Key standards and specifications to be used Building Services Key standards and specifications to be used Schematic of pressure regimes and direction of air movements Schedule of required environmental conditions Types, numbers and sizes of air handling systems Types, numbers and sizes of piped services systems Line diagrams for each service Single line ductwork and piping layouts with preliminary sizes Location of major equipment items, including heating and cooling plant Location of air intakes and exhausts Schedule of main plant items, including standby plant, and their capacities Proposals for energy conservation Types, numbers and sizes of fume cupboards, fume extract hoods, special extract cabinets and their extract and supply philosophies. Size, location and internal segregation of plant areas and distribution voids Co-ordination drawings (plans and sections) Building management/control systems schematics and description Main Equipment Detailed equipment list Enquiry specifications Equipment data books Piping Piping standards and specifications Line list PED analysis Valve and special item list Break-in or Tie-in schedule Insulation schedule Testing philosophy Control Instrument list Instrument data sheets Special requirements for in-line items Control system user requirements Control system architecture Trip and alarm system philosophy Instrumented protectiv systems On-line and off-line analysis equipment Control cabling routing/segregation/protection/support Communication systems - telecons, PA, data Fire/gas/special alarm systems Access control, CCTV, intruder alarm, syntime Electrical Key standards and specification to be used Electrical design philosophy Electrical one-line diagrams (main feeder cables, distribution, switchgear) Drives list and loads/motor control centres/motor starters/variable speed drives Electrical trace heating specification Earthing (grounding) and bonding (static and power requirements) Lightning protection Main and external lighting/special lighting control systems Emergency/escape lighting Emergency power supplies/generators/uninterruptible power supplies Small power supplies HV systems, transformers and main switchgear Electrical cabling routing/segregation/protection/support Lifts and Hoists Electrical safety requirements Construction COP11 Access for Construction Temporary construction services requirement Siting and specification of Contractors compound Maintenance Criticality assessment Spare parts Preventive maintenance Maintenance contracts 4 Asset 4.1 Enabling works Dismantling ASS Site clearance Service diversions 4.2 Building construction Excavations Piling Galleries Foundations Structure Cladding Lightning protection Control Block HVAC Power & Lighting Energy distribution Tank farm construction Excavations Piling Foundations Concrete External works Road Rail Landscaping Electrical supply HV Transformers Switchgear LV distribution MCCs Pipied services 6bar steam 12bar steam process air instrument air nitrogen natural gas Industrial water Towns water Potable water uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ planning-organisation-mo-2010-06-10.pdf
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- Publié le Jui 26, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
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