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E-ISSN - Reconsidering Acting a few improvised and provisory thoughts on acting today Patrice Pavis University of Kent Canterbury ?? United Kingdom ABSTRACT ?? Reconsidering Acting a few improvised and provisory thoughts on acting today ?? This paper summarizes my thoughts during the presentation of the conference Acting reconsidered The study of the actor in contemporary performances should be reevaluated in the light of the experiments of the last ?fty years particularly performance art post- dramatic theatre participative theatre and many political theatre The new tasks and conceptions of the actor are introduced Stanislavki ? s notion of psychological realism is questioned The suggestion of de-dramatizing delocalizing de-training the actor might help the actor to orient oneself in the world Keywords Acting Staging Actor ? s Training Post-dramatic Theatre RÉSUMÉ ?? Revoir le Jeu de l ? Acteur quelques remarques improvisées et provisoires sur le jeu de l ? acteur aujourd ? hui ?? Cet article résume mes idées présentées pendant la conférence intitulée Acting Reconsidered L ? étude de l ? acteur dans les spectacles contemporains devrait être réévaluée à la lumière des expériences de ces cinquante dernières années notamment le perfomance art le thé? tre postdramatique et les expériences du thé? tre de participation et des nouvelles formes de thé? tre politique Il s ? agit de présenter les t? ches et les conceptions nouvelles de l ? acteur En particulier d ? aller au-delà de la conception du réalisme psychologique d ? inspiration stanislavskienne On propose donc de dédramatiser l ? acteur de le délocaliser de le vider plus que de l ? emplir de le dés-entra? ner bref d ? aider le spectateur à mieux s ? orienter dans le monde Mots-clés Interprétation Mise en Scène Entra? nement de l ? Acteur Postdramatique Thé? tre RESUMO ?? Para Repensar o Trabalho do Ator algumas consideraç? es improvisadas e provisórias sobre a atuação hoje ?? Este artigo retoma algumas ideias apresentadas durante a conferência Acting Reconsidered O estudo do ator em performances contempor? neas deveria ser reavaliado à luz de experiências dos últimos cinquenta anos particularmente a arte da performance o teatro pós-dramático o teatro interativo e muitos teatros políticos Apresentam-se novas tarefas e concepç? es de ator Questiona-se a noção de realismo psicológico de Stanislavski A sugestão de desdramatizar deslocalizar destreinar o ator pode ajudá-lo a orientar-se no mundo Palavras-chave Atuação Encenação Treinamento do Ator Pós-dramático Teatro Patrice Pavis - Reconsidering Acting a few improvised and provisory thoughts on acting today Rev Bras Estud Presença Porto Alegre v n p - Jan Apr Available at http dx doi org - CE-ISSN - One cannot speak in general about acting or about the actor My sole aim here is to provide an overview of current issues with only a few hints at new ?elds of research Has the identity and the function of the actor changed recently and how What are the main factors of change What should we study What kinds of performance for instance For

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