AETHIOPICA International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies Edited in th

AETHIOPICA International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies Edited in the Asien-Afrika-Institut Hiob Ludolf Zentrum für Äthiopistik der Universität Hamburg Abteilung für Afrikanistik und Äthiopistik by Alessandro Bausi in cooperation with Bairu Tafla, Ulrich Braukämper, Ludwig Gerhardt, Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg and Siegbert Uhlig 18 (2015) Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden Vignette: Gold coin of King Aphilas, early third century ce, as drawn by A. Luegmeyer after the coin in Rennau collection. Weight 2.48 grams, diameter 17 mm. Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Stud­ - ies is an internationally refereed academic journal, edited at the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Stud­ ies and at the Department of African and Ethiopian Studies of the Asien- Afrika-Institut at Hamburg Universität, Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg, Germany, Tel: +49 40 42838-7730/8380; e-mail: The journal focuses on philology, linguistics, archaeology, history, cultural anthropol- ogy, religion, philosophy, literature, and manuscript studies with a regional emphasis on Er­ itrea, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and related areas. The editors welcome contributions on relevant academic topics as well as on recent research in the respective field. Each issue of Aethiopica contains reviews of books which form a substantial section of the journal. Aethiopica is published mainly in English. Articles in French, German and Italian are also accepted for publication. An English summary for all articles in any language is pro- vided. A series of supplements of monographic or occasional character is also published. Opinions expressed in articles and reviews in Aethiopica are the views of the authors, and not those of the editors, the publishers or the editorial board. Editorial Team Susanne Hummel Thomas Rave International Editorial Board David Appleyard, London Richard Pankhurst, Addis Ababa/London Rodolfo Fattovich, Napoli Alain Rouaud, Paris Alessandro Gori, Copenhagen Shiferaw Bekele, Addis Ababa Marilyn E. Heldman, Silver Spring Rainer Voigt, Berlin Olga Kapeliuk, Jerusalem Publication of this journal was supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. © Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden 2015 This journal, including all of its parts, is protected by copyright. Any use beyond the limits of copyright law without the permission of the publisher is forbidden and subject to penalty. This applies particularly to reproductions, translations, microfilms and storage and processing in electronic systems. Printing and binding by Memminger MedienCentrum Druckerei und Verlags-AG Printed on permanent/durable paper Printed in Germany ISSN 1430-1938 Aethiopica 18 (2015) Table of Contents Editorial ........................................................................................................ 5 Bibliographical abbreviations used in this volume ..................................... 6 Articles JEAN-FRANÇOIS FAÜ, De la sainteté de Kaleb Ǝlla Aṣbǝḥa dans l’iconographie baroque portugaise ......................................................... 7 GABRIELE CIAMPI, Moving to Map and Mapping to Move: The East Africa Colonial Itineraries of the IGM Archives and Library as a Special Genre in Cartography ................................................................ 22 MARIA BULAKH and LEONID KOGAN, Towards a Comprehensive Edition of the Arabic–Ethiopic Glossary of al-Malik al-Afḍal Part III: New Readings from the Third Sheet ..................................... 56 RAINER VOIGT, Bibliographie zur äthiosemitischen und kuschitischen Sprachwissenschaft XVIII: 2013 ............................................................ 81 Proceedings of the ‘18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies: Movements in Ethiopia/Ethiopia in Movement’, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, October 29–November 2, 2012: Panel on Manuscript Studies ........... 85 BOGDAN BURTEA, Traditional Medicine and Magic According to Some Ethiopian Manuscripts from European Collections .................... 87 DANIEL ASSEFA, The Term ʿālam in 1Enoch ............................................ 101 EKATARINA GUSAROVA, Ethiopian Manuscripts in the State and Private Collections of St Petersburg: An Overview ............................. 109 SUSANNE HUMMEL, Searching for the Appropriate Editorial Technique: The Case of Gädlä Śärä eṭros ......................................... 128 MERSHA ALEHEGNE, Regularity and Uniformity in the Ethiopian Hagiographical Tradition: A Particular Focus on Narrating the Childhood of Saints ................................................................................ 145 YOSEF DEMISSIE, Text Emendations in Ethiopic Manuscript NLM 27 (National Archives and Library Agency, Addis Abeba) ...................... 163 Miscellaneous VICTOR M. FERNÁNDEZ et al., Judith and the Dragon: A Jesuit Architectural Relief from Gorgora Iyäsus Church, 1626–1632 ........... 173 MELEY MULUGETTA, Some Notes on Binding Magic (maʾǝsärä ǝgr) in Ethiopia ............................................................................................... 183 Table of Contents Aethiopica 18 (2015) 4 Personalia Getatchew Haile and David Appleyard awarded the British Academy ‘Edward Ullendorff Medal’ ..................................................................... 190 In memoriam Sven Rubenson (1921–2013) (EZRA GEBREMEDHIN) ........... 190 In memoriam P.T.W. Baxter (1925–2014) (HECTOR BLACKHURST) .......... 192 In memoriam Andrzej Zaborski (1942–2014) (DAVID L. APPLEYARD) ...... 195 In memoriam Gianfranco Fiaccadori (1957–2015) (BEATRICE DASKAS and AGOSTINO SOLDATI) ......................................................................... 200 In memoriam Donald Nathan Levine (1931–2015) (JON ABBINK) ............. 213 Review articles DENIS NOSNITSIN, Churches and Monasteries of Tǝgray: A Survey of Manuscript Collections (GETATCHEW HAILE) ................................ 223 SALEH M. IDRIS and RAINER VOIGT, Remarks on an Encyclopaedic Article on Tǝgre ....................................................................................... 231 Reviews WALTER W. MÜLLER, Südarabien im Altertum: Kommentierte Bibliographie der Jahre 1997 bis 2011 (ALESSIO AGOSTINI) .............. 243 ALESSIA PRIOLETTA, Inscriptions from the Southern Highlands of Yemen (ALESSIO AGOSTINI) .............................................................. 245 JITSE H.F. DIJKSTRA and GREG FISHER, eds, Inside and Out: Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity (ALESSANDRO BAUSI) ............. 248 TIMOTHY POWER, The Red Sea from Byzantium to the Caliphate, AD 500–1000 (ALESSANDRO BAUSI) ..................................................... 251 CURT NICCUM, The Bible in Ethiopia: The Book of Acts (MICHAEL A. KNIBB) ................................................................................. 254 TEDROS ABRAHA, ed., tr., Gädlä Abunä Yonas Zä-Bur. Eritrean Saint of the 15th Century (ALESSANDRO BAUSI) ................................. 257 DENIS NOSNITSIN, ed., Ecclesiastic Landscape of North Ethiopia (DANIEL ASSEFA) ................................................................................... 260 PREDRAG BUKOVEC, ed., Christlicher Orient im Porträt (ALESSANDRO BAUSI) ............................................................................ 263 FASIL YITBAREK, Soaring on Winged Verse: The Life of Ethiopian Poet- Playwright Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin (MAGDALENA KRZYŻANOWSKA) .. 266 Literatura na świecie, 7–8 (2014) (516–517) (MIŁOSŁAWA STĘPIEŃ) ..... 269 ABBAS H. GNAMO, Conquest and Resistance in the Ethiopian Empire, 1880–1974: The Case of the Arsi Oromo (FELIX GIRKE) ..... 272 ELOI FICQUET and WOLBERT G.C. SMIDT, eds, The Life and Times of Lïj Iyasu of Ethiopia: New Insights (STÉPHANE ANCEL) ............... 276 L’Ascension du Ras Tafari & la Naissance de l’Éthiopie Moderne (1916– 1930), Pount, Numéro Spécial 7 (HANNA RUBINKOWSKA-ANIOŁ) ..... 279 Table of Contents Aethiopica 18 (2015) 5 BAHRU ZEWDE, The Quest for Socialist Utopia: The Ethiopian Student Movement c.1960–1974 (BAIRU TAFLA) ................................ 281 SERGE DEWEL, Mouvement charismatique et pentecôtisme en Ethiopie: Identité et religion (STÉPHANE ANCEL) ........................... 283 AWET TEWELDE WELDEMICHAEL, Third World Colonialism and Strategies of Liberation: Eritrea and East Timor Compared (ALEXANDER MECKELBURG) ............................................................... 284 ULRICH BRAUKÄMPER, Fandaanano: The Traditional Socio-Religious System of the Hadiyya in Southern Ethiopia (JON ABBINK) .............. 286 JON ABBINK, MICHAEL BRYANT, and DANIEL BAMBU, Suri Orature: Introduction to the Society, Language and Oral Culture of the Suri People (Southwest Ethiopia) (JEAN LYDALL) ..................... 289 SUSANNE EPPLE, ed., Creating and Crossing Boundaries in Ethiopia (ULRICH BRAUKÄMPER) ....................................................................... 291 SHAUNA LATOSKY, Predicaments of Mursi (Mun) Women in Ethiopia’s Changing World (ANGELA MÜLLER) ................................ 295 GROVER HUDSON, Northeast African Semitic: Lexical Comparisons and Analysis (ALESSANDRO BAUSI) ..................................................... 297 RONNY MEYER, YVONNE TREIS, and AZEB AMHA, eds, Explorations in Ethiopian Linguistics (OLGA KAPELIUK) ................. 300 MELKAMU DURESSO, Wörterbuch Oromo–Deutsch/Deutsch–Oromo (CATHERINE GRIEFENOW-MEWIS) ..................................................... 305 MUSSIE TESFAGIORGIS G., Eritrea – PAULOS MILKIAS, Ethiopia (MAGDALENA KRZYŻANOWSKA) ........................................................ 309 Editorial The present issue of AETHIOPICA is half-monographic, with a substantial section containinig the proceedings of the Panel on Manuscript Studies from the ‘18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies’, held in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, on October 29–November 2, 2012. The proceedings of a further panel are in preparation for a supplement to the journal. It is my pleasant duty to extend a warm welcome to Alessandro Gori, most outstanding scholar on Islam in the Horn of Africa from Copenhagen Uni- versity, who has accepted to join the international board of AETHIOPICA starting from the past issue 17 (2014). Sad news marked also this year, with the passing away of Sven Rubenson, Paul Trevor William Baxter, Andrzej Zaborski, and Donald Nathan Levine. Particularly sad to the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies at Hamburg University was the so untimely death of our colleague and friend Gianfranco Fiaccadori, who has been for more than ten years a more than familiar pres- ence to all of us. Alessandro Bausi uploads/Litterature/ aethiopica-international-journal-of-ethiopian-and-eritrean-studies 3 .pdf

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