SOMMAIRE The Apocalypse of Peter: a Jewish Christian Apocalypse from the Time o
SOMMAIRE The Apocalypse of Peter: a Jewish Christian Apocalypse from the Time of Bar Kokhba, par Richard BAUCKHAM 7 -Introduction. 7 -I. The literary and historical context. 16 -II. Judgment. 43 -III. The Destiny of the Elect 86 -IV: Peter. 97 -Bibliography. 106 Une nouvelle citation des Actes de Paul chez Origene, parFran~oisBovoN 113 Genre of the Acts of Paul: One Tradition Enhancing Another, parAnnG.BRocK 119 Un manuscrit syriaque de Teheran contenant des apocryphes, parAlainDEsREUMAUX 137 A propos d'une refonte de la Narratio Iosephi, jadis confondue avec les Acta Pilati, et d'un drame religieux qu'elle a inspire, par Remi GOUNELLE 165 Sells et usage d'apocryphus dans la Legende doree, par Remi GOUNELLE 189 Les Vies de la Vierge: etat de la question, par Simon C. MIMOUNI 211 Themes apocryphes de l'iconographie des eglises de Tarentaise et de Maurienne (Savoie), parCatherinePAuPERT 249 Les apocryphes dans la tragedie Christus Patiens, parMarekSTAROWIEYSKI 269 - Colloque sur la litterature apocryphe chretienne Lausanne-Geneve 22-25 mars 1995 Ce colloque est organise par leg Facultes de theologie des Universites de Lausanne et de Geneve, it l'initiative des membres du groupe suisse romand de l' Association pour l'etude de la litterature apocryphe chretienne. Le programme est maintenant definitivement etabli. La centaine de savants qui ont annonce leur partici- pation concentreront leurs travaux autour de deux grands themes. Reecriture et image La reecriture et la mise en image comme phenomenes constants de la production et de la reception des apocryphes. Comment se transforment et survivent ces textes dans la litterature medievale, l'iconographie, Ie folklore? La litterature apocryphe face au questionnement theologique Les problemes souleves par leg divers types de rapport que leg ecrits apocryphes entretiennent avec 1 , Ecriture et avec la formation du canon biblique. Quelles sont leg caracteristiques theologiques de chacun de ces textes et comment leg reperer et leg eva- luer? Le colloque s'ouvrira Ie mercredi soir par une conference de Michel Tardieu (College de France) intitule Le proces de Jesus vu par les Manicheens. Pendant leg deux jours suivants, it Geneve et it Lausanne, leg participants travailleront en sessions paralleles. Le jeudi, ils visiteront la Bibliotheque Bodmer it Cologny, et Ie vendredi soir, ils pourront assister it un debat sur la question «Pourquoi publier leg apocryphes it desti- nation du grand public?». Les exposes de la session pleniere du samedi, ouverte it un public plus large, reprendront leg themes principaux du colloque. La publication des actes ducolloque est prevue. Pour Ie Comite d'organisation Institut des sciences bibliques I.-D. Kaestli Universite de Lausanne Batiment central CH-IO15 Lausanne tel.: (41 21) 692 27 39 fax: (4121) 692 2735 E-mail: Afrey@clsuni51.bitnet APOCRYPHA APOCRYPHA Revue Internationale des Litteratures Apocryphes International Journal of Apocryphal Literatures Comite de redaction P. GEOLTRAIN, R. GOUNELLE, E. JUNOD, S. C. MIMOUNI, J .-C. PICARD Secretariat de redaction S. C. MIMOUNI Revue publiee avec Ie concours scientifique de l' Association pour l'etude de la litterature apocryphe chretienne (A.E.LA.C.) et de la Societe pour l'etude de la litterature apocryphe chretienne (S.E.LA.C.) BREPOLS @ 1994 BREPOLS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic; mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Depot legal: 4e trimestre 1994 D/1994/0095/43 Imprime en Belgique ISSN 1155-3316 ISBN 2-503-50398-5 SOMMAIRE 7 7 16 43 86 97106 The Apocalypse of Peter: a Jewish Christian Apocalypse from the Time of Bar Kokhba, par Richard BAUCKHAM -Introduction. -I. The literary and historical context. -II. Judgment """""""""""""""'" -III. The Destiny of the Elect -IV: Peter. -Bibliography. Une nouvelle citation des Actes de Paul chez Origene, par Fran~ois BOYaN. 113 Genre of the Acts of Paul: One Tradition Enhancing Another, parAnnG.BRocK 119 Un manuscrit syriaque de Teheran contenant des apocryphes, par Alain DESREUMAUX 137 A propos d'une refonte de la Narratio Iosephi, jadis confondue avec les Acta Pilati, et d'un drame religieux qu'elle a inspire, par Remi GOUNELLE 165 Sens et usage d'apocryphus dans la Legende doree, par Remi GOUNELLE 189 Les Vies de fa Vierge: etat de la question, par Simon C. MIMOUNI .211 Themes apocryphes de l'iconographie des eglises de Tarentaise et de Maurienne (Savoie), parCatherinePAuPERT 249 269 Les apocryphes dans la tragedie Christus Patiens, par Marek STAROWIEYSKI . Richard BA UCKHAM University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland. THE APOCALYPSE OF PETER A JEWISH CHRISTIAN APOCALYPSE FROM THE TIME OF BAR KOKHBA Dans cette etude, I' Apocalypse de Pierre, trap longtemps negligee par les critiques, apres une mise en contexte litteraire et historique, est presen- tee en insistant sur les nombreuses thematiques concernant Ie jugement eschatologique. The Apocalypse of Peter deserves to be rescued from the extreme scholarly neglect it has suffered. This is not because it is a work of any great literary or theological merit. But, of course, texts of historical importance for our understanding of the history of religion frequently have no great literary or theological merit. INTROD{!JCTION 1. Why study the Apocalypse of Peter? The Apocalypse of Peter dese~es to be studied for the follow- ing reasons: 1.- It is probably the most neglected of all Christian works written before 150 C.E. It has, of course, suffered the general stigma and neglect accorded to apocryphal works by comparison with those in the canon of the New Test~ment or even those assigned to the category of the Apostolic Fathers. But whereas other Christian apocryphal literature of the earliest period - such as apocryphal Gospels or the Ascension of Isaiah -have very recently been studied in some depth and are beginning to be rescued as significant evidenQe of the early development of Christianity, the Apocalypse of Peter has been given very little serious scholarly attention. Sureltj for those who are interested in Christian origins any Christian work from the first century or so of Christian history deserves the closest study. Apocrypha 5,1994, p. 7-111 R R. BAUCKHAM 2.- In section II of this book I shall argue that the Apocalypse of Peter derives from Palestinian Jewish Christianity during the Bar Kokhba war of 132-135 C.E. This makes it a very rare example of an extant work deriving from Palestinian Jewish Christianity in the period after the New Testament literature. It deserves an important place in any attempt to consider the very obscure matter of what happened to Jewish Christianity in Palestine in the period after 70 C.E. 3.- Outside Palestinian Jewish Christianity, the Apocalypse of Peter evidently became a very popular work in the church as a whole, from the second to the fourth centuries 1. It seems to have been widely read in east and west. In some circles at least it was treated as Scripture. Along with the Shepherd of Hermas, it was probably the work which came closest to being i:ncluded in the canon of the New Testament while being eventually excluded. After an early period of popularity, however, it almost disappear- ed. This must have been largely because in its major function - as a revelation of the fate of human beings after death -it was superseded by other apocalypses: in the Latin west and in the Coptic and Syriac speaking churches of the east by the Apocalypse of Paul, in the Greek east by the Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary. For a number of reasons these proved in the long run more acceptable, and the Apocalypse of Peter very nearly perished altogether. But the fact that for two or three centuries it seems to have appealed strongly to the Christian religious imagination makes it an important historical source. 4.- The Apocalypse of Peter preserves Jewish apocalyptic traditions. Because of the prevalent artificial distinction between the Jewish apocalypses and the Christian apocalypses, this is the respect in which the Apocalypse of Peter has been neglected even more than in other respects. But there is in fact relatively little that is distinctively Christian about the Apocalypse of Pete!: Much of its content reproduces Jewish apocalyptic traditions. It can therefore be used, of course with appropriate caution, as a source for Jewish apocalyptic ideas of the early second century C.E. And it reminds us how very much Judaism and Christianity had in common at that period. 1. R. BAUCKHAM, «The Apocalypse of Peter: An Account of Research », in W. HAASE ed., Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt, vol. 2.25/6 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1988), p. 4739-4741; D. D. BUCHHOLZ, Your Eyes Will Be Opened,' A Study of the Greek (Ethiopic) Apocalypse of Peter (SBLDS 97; Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1988), p. 20-80. 9 APOCALYPSE OF PETER As these four reasons for studying the Apocalypse of Peter suggest, our study of the work in this article will focus on the ori- ginal work in the context in which it was first written. This is only one aspect of the way in which the Christian apocryphal literature needs to be studied. Many Christian apocryphal works (and the same is true of Jewish apocryphal literature) are best understood as developing literature: works which developed as they were transmitted over many centuries in uploads/Litterature/ apocrypha-5-1994-pdf.pdf
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