A closer look wiring guide

Wiring Guide I - Subject to change ? Belimo Aircontrols USA Inc Special Wiring A CLOSER LOOK ? Application Information and Wiring Diagrams for Belimo Products Line Volts VAC Transformer qq Common Hot Line Volts VAC Transformer Blk Red Common ?? is valid foTrhsewiintcdhicpaotisointioonf d i rection Notes Provide overload protection Wht Line VAC TransformSetrandard Wiring Volts q C otnotr o l Signal VDC ?? Blk Red Common Hot to VDC Feedback signal GWrnht UYY OuIntppuutt toto V V LNAFFF UUUSSS Line Volts VAC Transformer q q C otnotr o l ?? Signal VDC q q Adjusted for IRM to A VDC range Common Hot Input to V Output IRM- Vtoo lBt aIaRgmseMeAdS - eoS tnit ginngasl q q mA VDC Adjusted for IRM to B Common VDC range Hot q q Input Output to V IRM- dC teAr oratPec anntrqiussoluerufaveoidtlritrosdemiircednsoea tsoonrntsvardt erliolfcrallosolteinia as AdjustedAfoCrT UAtoTO RVDAC range Common Hot Y Y Input to V U ANGLFFMM BB -- S S RR--SSUURRSS Ad justeCdoAfmoCrmT UotAonT O RVBDC range Hot Y Y Input to V U ANGLFFMM BB -- S S RR--SSUURRSS The Belimo Di ?erence q Basic Electricity q Understanding Wiring Diagrams q Analog Outputs q Wiring Diagrams for Belimo Products q Applications q Speci ?cations CWiring Guide INDEX I BASIC ELECTRICITY A Abbreviations B Current C Voltage D Resistance E Ohm ? s Law F Power G Power Calculations H Series Connection of Resistors I Parallel Connection of Resistors J Impedance K Power Consumption L Wire Sizing M Multi-conductor Wire Types N Ground Loops II UNDERSTANDING WIRING DIAGRAMS A Electrical Symbols B Compatibility of Di ?erent Power Supplies C Connection of Actuators D Long Distance Wiring E Wiring Mistakes III ANALOG OUTPUTS A to V Analog Output B Sourcing to mA Analog Output C Sinking to mA Analog Output D Parallel Operation E Master-Slave Operation F Remote Position Monitoring G One Output Multiple Transformer IV WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR BELIMO PRODUCTS A On O ? Control V B On O ? Control V C Floating Point Control V D Floating Point Control V E Proportional Control V F Proportional Control V G Multi-Function Technology Control H to Control I Auxiliary Switch Wiring J Accessories V APPLICATIONS A Wiring for Multiple Actuators on a Single Shaft E Floating Point Control Using Proportional Spring Return Actuators F Operating Two to VDC Actuators with the Higher of Two Control Signals G Minimum Position with to VDC Actuators H Wiring to Johnson Controls A P Controller I Wiring to Honeywell T Controller I - Subject to change ? Belimo Aircontrols USA Inc C Basic Electricity I BASIC ELECTRICITY I-A Abbreviations DC Direct Current AC Alternating Current VDC Direct Current Voltage VAC Alternating Current Voltage I-B Current A Ampere mA Milliampere Thousandths of an ampere Example mA A I The symbol for current in mathematical formulas I-C Voltage V Volt mV Millivolt Thousandths of a volt Example mV V E The symbol for voltage in mathematical formulas I-D Resistance Ohm Resistance k Kilo ohm Thousands

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