Bibliographic Tools for Classical Studies I. Major Indexes L’Année philologique
Bibliographic Tools for Classical Studies I. Major Indexes L’Année philologique (APh, Marouzeau) LʹAnnée philologique: Bibliographie critique et analytique de lʹantiquité gréco‐latine. Paris, Société dʹédition ʺLes belles lettresʺ, 1928‐ Classics G2 36, SML (Starr) Z7016 A55 (LC) LʹAnnée philologique on the Internet (Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique with the APA and Database of Classical Bibliography) http://www.Année‐ Marouzeau, Jules.Dix années de bibliographie classique. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1927. 2 vols. SML (Starr) Z7016 M37 1969 (LC) Lambrino, Scarlat. Bibliographie de lʹantiquité classique , 1896‐1914 Paris: Les Belles Lettres. vol. 1 only Classics G2 66; SML (Stacks) Z7016 L35 (LC) Cousin, Jean. Bibliographie de la langue latine, 1880‐1948. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1951. Classics G2 64; SML (Stacks) Xg31 951c The most comprehensive index of classical studies, published in an annual volume and as a searchable database online, with a new interface as of the summer of 2010. Sometimes referred to as Marouzeau after its founder, Jules Marozeau (1878‐1964) it is now an international project, headquartered in Paris with offices in the United States, Germany, Italy, and Spain. It covers both books and periodicals, indexing individual contributions to Festschriften and other collective works as well as journal articles and book reviews. Brief abstracts in French, German, Italian, English, or Spanish are provided for articles, while citations of reviews are provide for books. The language of the abstract is determined by the APh office that processed the publication, not the language of the publication abstracted. Works are classified according to a broad subject taxonomy. The printed version contains some indexes that are not available online: indexes of ancient names, places, and of post‐classical names other than authors. Also, some information indicated by the order of presentation in the print version are not replicated on the web for example the division of work on individual authors into editions and studies, and similar further subdivision of other subject headings. LʹAnnée is supplemented by Marouzeauʹs Dix années de bibliographie classique, which covers the decade (1914‐1924) before the inception of LʹAnnée. Lambrinoʹs Bibliographie was intended to extend this coverage further back, to where Klussmanʹs Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorumceases (1896, see below), “début de la période la plus productive dans la domaine de l’antiquité classique.” However, only the first volume dealing with ancient authors and texts and omitting many important bibliographic details was completed. For the period, Bursianʹs Jahresbericht also needs to be consulted (see below). Cousinʹs more narrowly focused Bibliographie largely Bibliographic Tools for Classical Philology 2 duplicates the coverage of LʹAnnée and Dix Années, but includes earlier material as well. Gnomon Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte klassiche Altertumwissenschaft (Berlin, 1925‐) Classics G1 18 and display shelves. SML (Stacks) G1 18 and periodical room. Gnomon Online: The Eichstätt Information System for Classical Studies (Katholischen Universität Eichstätt‐Ingolstadt) http://www.gnomon.ku‐ Primarily a review journal‐‐the German equivalent of the Classical Review‐‐ odd‐numbered issues of Gnomon include a Bibliographische Beilage which lists recent publications (books and articles in journals and collections, and sometimes from reference works) in a thematic classification. While not as comprehensive as LʹAnnée and largely without abstracts, it is much more current and a useful source of information on new publications. Its subject classification is also more precise and elaborate than that of LʹAnnée, making up somewhat for the lack of abstracts. The information in the Beilage and reviews form the basis of the Gnonom Online database, together with additional sources of bibliographic information. The database now has selective coverage going back to the end of the 19th century for some titles. TOCS‐IN: Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists A volunteer project based at the University of Toronto and the Université Catholique du Louvain that provides online access to the tables of content of Classics and related journals, including religious and ancient‐near‐eastern studies, and some collective works. No abstracts are provided and subject‐indexing is minimal; however links are provided to further information and/or full‐text resources when available. While coverage begins in 1992 or earlier, it is most useful for current awareness. Archäologische Bibliographie Berlin: Reimer, 1914‐ An annual bibliography produced by the Deutsches Archäologische Insitutut(DAI), continuing the bibliographical sections of the Jahrbuch des Deustchen Archäologischen Insitututs (1889‐1912). It provides broad indexing of books, articles, and indexing on the archaeology of classical antiquity and related areas. There are no abstracts, put it does have detailed subject taxonomy. Print publication of the bibliography ceased in 1996, but it continues to be compiled online. The scope of the Bibliographie has narrowed over time, but it remains useful if unwieldy even for classical topics that are not strictly archaeological. It’s currently available online from two sources each with different additional content Project Dyabola (Verlag Biering & Brinkmann) Archäologische Bibliographie and some additional material Bibliographic Tools for Classical Philology 3 ZENON‐DAI The online catalog of the DAI’s nine libraries in Berlin, Bonn, Rome, Athens, Madrid, Istanbul, and Cairo. In addition to serving as a union Catalog of these libraries, it includes the Archäologische Bibliographie and some additional bibliographies produced by the DAI. II. Specialized Databases and Indexes BAHR Bulletin Analytique d’Histoire Romaine. Strasbourg, Association pour l’Étude de la Civilisation Romaine, 1962‐ A bibliographic database of Roman history and archaeology (excluding Roman Law and “la “philologie pure” subjects, but including the auxiliary sciences) derived from the abstracting and indexing annual, focusing on European publications. It ceased publishing abstracts (which were generally fuller than those in l’Année) and providing (detailed) indexing only in 1992—the database does seem to contain some retrospective indexing as well. All material after this point is included in the online database. It includes some material not covered by l’Année, but like l’Année publications are indexed a few years after they are publication. DAPHE Données en Archéologie, Préhistoire et Histoire sur le Net. Paris: Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Portal that allows cross‐searching of Bulletin Analytique d’Histoire Romaine (BAHR) database, the Prehistory and Protohistory, Art and Archaeology files and part of the History and Science of Religion of FRANCIS database, and FRANTIQ‐CCI, the union catalog of the Fédération et ressources sur l’Antiquité DRANT DRoits ANTiques Database. Paris: Centre de Documentation des Droits Antiques. A bibliographic database of law and legal institutions in the ancient Mediterranean and Near‐ East. Books, articles in journals and collective works, and reviews are indexed, though no abstracts are provided. NESTOR Bibliography of Aegean and Related Areas Cincinnati: Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, 1957‐. Currently edited by Carol R. Hershenson, this is a bibliographic database of Aegean Bronze Age including Homeric Society, Indo‐European Linguistics and related Fields. Only bibliographic information is included; there are no abstracts or subject indexing. Bibliographic Tools for Classical Philology 4 III. Selected Works for pre‐Twentieth‐Century Bibliography Before 1700 Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca Graeca Hildesheim : Olms, 1966‐1970; Reprint of the Hamburg ed., 1790‐1809. 12 vols. Divinity (Stacks) Oversize Z7021 .F12 1790 (LC). ‐‐‐‐‐. Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis. Graz: Akademische 1962 reprint. 6 volumes in 3. LSF. Extensive bibliographic handbooks on Greek and Latin literature compiled by Johann Albert Fabricius (1668‐1736). Arranged largely chronologically by author (as classical chronology was understood in the late 17th Century.). Partially digitized texts of both titles are available from Documenta Catholica Omnia‐1736‐ _Fabricius_JA.html 15th Century to 1820 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics. 4th ed.London: Harding and Lepard, 1827. 2 Vols. Classics G20 60, LSF Important source of bibliographic information for early printed editions of classical texts from a bibliophilic perspective. Vol. 1 from the Internet Archive Vol. 2 from the Internet Archive 1700‐1878 Engelmann, Wilhelm. ed. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum. 8. Aufl., umfassend die Literatur von 1700 bis 1878, neu bearb. Dr. von E. Preuss (Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1880‐1882). 2 vols. SML (Starr) Z7016 E58 1880 (LC) Vol. 1 (Greek) in Hathi Trust Digital Library: Vol. 2 (Latin) in Hathi Trust Digital Library: The primary bibliography of philological publications of the 18th and 19th centuries. 1878‐1896 Klussmann, Rudolph ed. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum Leipzig: Reisland, 1909‐1913. 2 vols in 4. Classics G2 11. SML (Stacks) Z7016 K58 (LC) Hathi Trust Digital Library: The successor to Englemann, and, like its predecessor, divided into separate volumes for Greek and Latin. Bibliographic Tools for Classical Philology 5 IV. Sources for Literature Reviews and Surveys of Scholarship ANRW Temporini, Hildegard, ed. Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt : Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1972–Classics DG209 A84 (LC), SML (Stacks) DG209 A84. Substantial (over 60 volumes) collection of survey articles on all aspects of Roman Antiquity, with extensive bibliographic references. Articles may be in German, French, English, or Italian. Tables of contents for each volume are available online from the Institute for the Classical Tradition at Boston University. A searchable index is available from the University of Kentuky: Greece and Rome. New Surveys in the Classics. Oxford, Cambridge 1967–. Classics G10 G78— cataloged individually A monographic supplement to the uploads/Litterature/ bibliographictools-for-classical-studies-pdf.pdf
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