BYZANTINOSLAVICA REVUE INTERNATIONAL£ DES ETUDES BYZANTINES fondee en 1929 TOME LXXV (2017) 1-2 Publiee par l'Institut slave de !'Academic des sciences de la Republique Tcheque sous la direction de PETRA MELICHAR secretaire de la redaction MARTINA CECHOVA Comite de redaction Petr BALCAREK, Katefina BocKOVA LouoovA, Julie JANCARKov,\, Marketa KuLHANKOVA, Stefan PILAT Comite international de lecture Stefan ALBRECHT (Mayance), Michail V. BmrKov (Moscou), Leslie BRUBAKER (Binningham), Axinia DzuROVA (Sofia), Simon FRANKUN (Cambridge), Wolfram H6RANDNER (Vienne), Michel KAPLAN (Paris), Taxiarchis G. KouAs (Athenes), Ljubomir MAKS!Movrc (Belgrade), Paolo OooRrco (Paris), Jonathan SHEPARD (Oxford) Priere d'adresser toute correspondance, ainsi que les manuscrits, les revues en echange et les livres pour compte-rendu, a la redaction de la revue a I 'adresse BYZANTINOSLAVICA Slovansky Ltstav AV CR, v. v. i. Valentinska 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Ceska republika e-mail:; Conditions d'abbonement: La diffusion en Republique Tcheque est assuree par EUROSLAVICA distribuce publikaci, e-mail: La diffusion dans tous les autres pays est assuree par Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Booksellers & Subscription Agents D-65174 Wiesbaden- Germany e-mail: Abonnement annue1: 102 EUR La revue paralt dans la maison d'edition EUROSLAVICA, Celetna 12, CZ-110 00 Praha 1 ISSN 0007-7712 Registrovano u MK CR pod c. E I 092 © Slovansky ustav AV CR, V. V. i. 2017 BYZANTINOSLAVICA REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES ETUDES BYZANTINES Publiee par l'Institut slave de l'Acadernie des sciences de la Republique Tchcque sous la direction de PETRA MELICHAR secn~taire de la redaction MART'INA CECHOVA Comite de reclaction Petr BALCAREK, Katei'ina Boc:KOV,c\. LouoovA,JuliejAN(~ARKOVA, Marketa KuuiANKOVA, Stcf~m Comite international de lecture Stefan ALBREC!l'I' (Mayance), Mic:hail V. BIBIKOV (Mosc:ou), Leslie BRUBAKER (Birmingham), Axinia DZUROVA (Sofia), Simon FRANKLIN (Cambridge), Wolfram HbRANDNER (Vienne), Mic:hel K\PLAN (Paris), 'Htxiarchis G. KOL!AS (Athcnes), I:jubomir MAKS!MOVIc': (Belgrade), Paolo ODORIC:O (Paris),Jonathan SHEPARD (Oxford) Collaborateurs pour 1es 1angues etrangeres George BARTLETTT, OliverJ. BREAREY, Nicholas EVANS, Stephanie NOVASIS, Mathieu PANORYIA, Annika Asr-TALWAR La revue Byzantinoslavica est citt~e par ERIH et Sc:opus LXXV jl-2 PRAGUE 2017 264 Panagiotis Manafis the excerptors leave out the description of Beroea. 71 'T'he omissions in the C'E cover a sut~jcct usually mentioned with the phrase ?;r]ret lv rep JTTQl (LookjiJr it in the) f()llowed by the name of the collection. 'T'he phrase appears in the surviving manuscripts when a passage in the main narrative is missing. Based on this sys- tem of cross-rekrences, scholars have been able to restore twenty-six out of the ftfty-three collections. n Concerning geographical materials, the cross-references reveal the existence of three relevant, but now lost, collections: JTEQl iOcvv (On customs), JTBQl NJvcvv (On peoples), and neQl oZKwpcvv (On settlements). And the pos- sibility of yet more collections on the sul~ject cannot be excluded. 'I'he CE and the Ex:cerpta Anonyrni should be seen within the context of the culture ~/Sylloge; the two works share significant similarities in terms of content, format, and methodology. Both enterprises belong to a period in which collec- tions or historical excerpts prevail as an approach towards the transmission of knowledge to succeeding ages by embedding historical texts into the new social, political, and theological context. The CE and the Evxerpta Anor~ymi also reflect a fashion in terms of literary production during the tenth century and onwards; the chief concern of a writer was to collect writings corresponding to a particular subject matter and to extract infimnation that was perceived as essential to be preserved. Panagiotis Manafis Ghent University Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, UFO 9000 Gent jwnagiotis. manajt:1·0.' 71 E'L, 96; On the passage on Beroea in Procopius see: ProcojJii Caesariensis opera J Haury G. Wirth (eel.), Leipzig 1963, 2.7.'2. 7'2 On the number and names of the collections see: P. LEMERLE, Le jJrernier humanimpJ byzantin, Paris 1971, 3'27 3'28; B. FLUSIN, Les excerpta Constantiniens. Logique d'une anti-histoire, in: S. Pitta (eel.), Fragments d'historiens Grecs, Autour de Denys d' Halicarnasse, Rome 200'2, 553--555; P. Sci!REINER, Die Historikerhanclschrift Vaticanus graeCL~~ 977: ein Handexemplar zur Vorbereitung des Konstantinisehen Exzerptenwerkes, JOB 37, 1987, 1+21; NEMETII, lrnjwrial Systematization, op. cit., 65-9'2. Compilation methods of the Excerpta Constantiniana revisited: From one compilator to the three-stage model of teamwork* Andre:is NtMETH (Vatican City) 17lis pajJer divcwses the actual method of comjJilation of the Excerpta Constantinia under Byzantine courtly sujJervision in the tenth century. It demonstrates that scholar.\· who edited historical fragments !!{classical and I~yzantine historiansjiwn the Excerpta have projected their own jJhilological practices, changing over the centuries, onto the imjJerial employees' actual activi~y of excerpting. From the view of one comjJilator, thr:y gmdually arrived at the concensus seeing a teamwork ~j'expertparticijwnts and scribes who procesw:d the historical texts in two consecutive staBes. In the jirst stage, jwrticipants classified short coherent sections of texts, each coresponding to one of the .fi.fiy-three preselected su~jects, by marking them in the rrumzJScnpts including comjJ!ete texts. In the second stage, scribes co- pied the sections already ascribed to the the same su~ject heading into separate rrwrwscripts, dZ:rtinguZ:rhed by suqject, and in groups ofautlwrs. Based on the surviving evidence of the Excerpta s manuscripts, this pajJer describes a range ofpherwmena that do not .fit the two-stage model and ascribes them to an additional drajl stage. In addition, it extendv the chronologicalframework ~/the Excerpta project.from the early 940s to the 970s and 980s when the Suda j· comjlilers used the Excerpta j· drafts. When launching the ambitious project of the Excerpta, later named the Excerpta Constantiniana after him, Emperor Constantine VH (b. 905, sole r. 945- 959) was very generous to collect and conserve a massive body of historical works which he chose to cut into short sections and rearrange into ftfty-three thematic collections of excerpts. 1 From a wide selection of historians (Tab. #I), each of the imperial collections assembled all the passages that belonged to one of fifty-three preselected topics (Tab. #2), and it did so in the sequence of the original narra- * This study was fimded as part of the pr(~jeet (K 112283), supported by the Hunga- rian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFI-EPR). · I On the general context, see A. NJ::METll, The Excerpta Cow'lantiniana and the By- zantine Appropriation of the Past, Cambridge '20 18, idem, The Imperial Systematisation of the Past in Constantinople: Constantine VII and his Historical ExcerfJls, in:J Ki:inig and G. Woolf (eels.), The Enryclopaedia from Antiqui~y to the Enlightenment, Cambridge 20 13, 232 '258. See the editions of the five surviving collections in Excerpta historica iussu impera- toris Constantini Porplryrogeniti conjfcta, I. I. Excerpta dt: legationibus Rornanorurn ad gentes, I. 2. Excerpta de legationibus gentium ad Romanos, eel. C. de Boor, Berlin 1903 (hereafter ELr and ELg); vol. II. l-2. EtcetjJta de virtutibus et vitiis I--II, eel. Th. Biittner-Wobst ..... A. G. Roos, Berlin 1906 1910 (hereafter EV); III. Excerpta de insidiis, eel. C. de Boor, Berlin 1905 (hereafter EI); IV. Er:cerpta de sententiLr (hereafter ES), eel. U. Ph. Boissevain, Berlin 190G (hereafter ES). 265 266 Andras Nemeth tives and in blocks of excerpts from each historian in turn. Five such of the Excrrpta survive, all incomplete and truncated: On Virtues and Vices On Gnomic Statements (ES), On Embassies ofthe Romans and to the Romans (E and On Ambushes (El). Two preserved a well-known and often-cited proem describes the rm~jor goal of the Excerpta prc~ject, outlines its method, and u"'''-"-LCN a clear indication that the sum total of the collections was fifty-three.~ Despite relatively small size of the surviving portion, the systematically dispersed sections of the historical works shed light both on the contents of their often lost wholeS and on the compilation method of their production. My paper invites the on a journey through various hypotheses that rely on theoretical models of reconstmction of incomplete or imperfect texts such as the concept of fragments and the stemmatic method, as well as on practical aspects such as auxiliary disciplines (palaeography, codicology) and the analogy of or philological collaboration f(Jr a superior authority.:> When confronting these hypotheses with the actual evidence of the Excerpta, I will argue for a three-stage model of transmission of texts from the complete works to the surviving fbrms of the Excmpta, proposing a draft version as an intermediate phase, instead of the commonly accepted model of a two-stage transmission. Table #1. Historians in the Excerpta name period work Herodotus (BC '~85 425) Histories Thucydides (BC 45+ 399) His Lip by kfarcdlirws, History ofPelojl. War Xenophon (BC 428-354) Cyr., An. Polybius (BC 200118) Roman Histmy (220-768 BC) Diodorus of Sicily (BC 90 30) Bibliotheca l!Z:1·torica Dionysius of Hal. (1st c BC- AD) Ant. Rorn. Nicolas of Damascus (1st c BC AD) Autobiography, Histories, Liji: ~f'Augustus .Josephus Flavius (AD 37 lOO) AJ, llf, Ap., De lvfacdwbez:1·, Vit. 2 This proem precedes ELr (eel. C. de Boor, I 2) and EV I (eel. T'h. Bi.ittner-Wobst, See previous French trans. P. LEMERI.E, Le premier lwmanisme byzantine, Notes et re- marques sur ense(gnernent fl wlture a Byzaru:e des origim•s au Xe sii:de, Paris 1971, 2B 1--282. U. RoBER'I'O, Byzantine collections oflate antique authors: Some remarks on the Excerpta histor~ra Constantiniana, in: M. Wallralf and L. Mecella, Die Kestoi desjulius Aji·iamus und ihre Uberliejerung uploads/Litterature/ byzantinoslavica.pdf

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