Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide Wendell Odom • Tom Knott Cisco Network

Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide Wendell Odom • Tom Knott Cisco Networking Academy Program The only authorized Companion Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy Program Cisco Press NEW Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA Companion Guides Cisco Press is publishing a new Companion Guide for each Cisco Networking Academy ® Program CCNA ® course. Using a distinct Companion Guide for each CCNA course will provide you with stronger pedagogy, more focused study, and improved usability in the classroom. New Features ■Rewritten by expert instructors and authors, including Wendell Odom and Wayne Lewis, who bring fresh voices to the textbooks ■“How-T o” quick references for step-by-step tasks ■Real-world examples and all-new illustrations ■Improved readability and additional explanations of key concepts ■Correlations to the CCNA Certification exam in the chapter objectives and “Check Your Understanding” questions Improved Features ■Chapters align 1:1 with online modules—same topics presented with alternative explanations and examples ■Chapter objectives are stated as questions to encourage students to think about and find answers as they read chapters ■End-of-chapter questions and summary align with chapter objectives to emphasize key topics ■Key terms are listed in each chapter opener in the order of occurrence to alert students to upcoming vocabulary words 1-58713- 164- 1 Introduction The Cisco Networking Academy Program is a comprehensive e-learning program that provides students with Internet technology skills. A Networking Academy delivers web-based content, online assessment, student performance tracking, and hands-on labs to prepare students for industry-standard certifications. The CCNA curriculum includes four courses oriented around the topics on the CCNA certification. Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook to be used with v3.1 of the CCNA 1 online curriculum of the Networking Academy. As a textbook, this book provides a ready reference to explain the same networking concepts, technologies, proto- cols, and devices as the online curriculum. This book goes beyond previous editions of the Cisco Press Companion Guides by providing many alternate explanations and examples as compared with the course. You can use the online curriculum as directed by your instructor, and then also use this Companion Guide’s alternate examples to help solidify your understanding of all the topics. Goals of This Book First and foremost, by providing a fresh, complementary perspective on the online content, this book helps you learn all the required materials of the first course in the Networking Academy CCNA curriculum. As a secondary goal, individuals who do not always have Internet access can use this text as a mobile replacement for the online curriculum. In those cases, you can read the appropriate sections of this book, as directed by your instructor, and learn the same material that appears in the online curriculum. Another secondary goal of this book is to serve as your offline study material to help prepare you for the CCNA exam. Audience for This Book This book’s main audience is anyone taking the first CCNA course of the Networking Academy curriculum. Many Networking Academies use this textbook as a required tool in the course, while other Networking Academies recommend the Companion Guides as an additional source of study and practice materials. This book’s secondary audience includes people taking CCNA-related classes from professional training organizations and anyone wanting to read and learn about computer-networking basics. xii Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide Book Features All the features for this edition of this book are either new or improved to facilitate your full understanding of the course material. The educational features focus on supporting topic cover- age, readability, and practice of the course material. T opic Coverage The following features give you a thorough overview of the topics covered in each chapter so that you can make constructive use of your study time. Also see the section “A Word About the Scope of Topics in This Book” on the next page: ■Objectives—Listed at the beginning of each chapter, the objectives reference the core con- cepts covered in the chapter. The objectives match the objectives stated in the correspon- ding modules of the online curriculum; however, the question format in the Companion Guide encourages you to think about finding the answers as you read the chapter. ■(New) Additional topics of interest—Several chapters of this book contain topics that cover more details about previous topics or related topics that are less important to the chapter’s primary focus. The list at the beginning of the chapter lets you know that additional coverage can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM. ■(New) “How-to” feature—When this book covers a set of steps that you need to perform for certain tasks, this book gives the steps as a how-to list. When you are studying, the icon helps you easily refer to this feature as you skim through the book. ■Notes, tips, cautions, and warnings—Short sidebars in the margins point out interesting facts, time-saving methods, and important safety issues. ■Chapter summaries—At the end of each chapter is a summary of the chapter’s key con- cepts. It provides a synopsis of the chapter and serves as a study aid. Readability The authors have completely rewritten the material so that it has a more conversational tone that follows a consistent and accessible reading level. In addition, the following features have been updated to assist your understanding of the networking vocabulary: ■(New) Key terms—Each chapter begins with a list of key terms, along with a page-number reference from the chapter. The terms are listed in the order in which they are explained in the chapter. This handy reference allows you to find a term, flip to the page where the term appears, and see the term used in context. The Glossary defines all the key terms. ■(New) Glossary—This book contains an all-new Glossary with more than 730 terms. The Glossary defines not only the key terms from the chapters, but also terms you might find helpful in working toward your CCNA certification. xiii How T o Practice Practice makes perfect. This new Companion Guide offers you ample opportunities to put what you learn into practice. You will find the following features valuable and effective in reinforcing the instruction you receive: ■(New) Check Your Understanding questions and answer key—Updated review ques- tions are presented at the end of each chapter as a self-assessment tool. These questions match the style of questions you see on the online course assessments. Appendix A, “Answers to Check Your Understanding and Challenge Questions,” provides an answer key to all the questions and explains each answer. ■(New) Challenge questions and activities—Additional—and more challenging—review questions and activities are presented at the end of most chapters. These questions are pur- posefully designed to be similar to the more complex styles of questions you might see on the CCNA exam. This section might also include activities to help prepare you for the exams. Appendix A provides the answers. ■(New) Extra practice problems—Appendix C, “Extra Practice,” includes extra practice problems for some of the math-related topics in this book. You can access the answers from this book’s website ( ■(New) Packet Tracer activities—This book contains many activities to work with the Cisco Packet Tracer tool. Packet Tracer allows you to create networks, simulate how packets flow in the network, and use basic testing tools to determine whether the network would work. Version 3.2 of Packet Tracer is includ- ed on the accompanying CD-ROM. The various Packet Tracer configurations referred to throughout this book are on the website ( When you see this icon, you can use Packet Tracer with the listed configuration to perform a task suggested in this book. ■Lab references—This icon notes good places to stop and perform the related labs from the online curriculum. The supplementary book Networking Basics CCNA 1 Labs and Study Guide from Cisco Press (ISBN: 1-58713-165-x, summer 2006) contains all the labs from the curriculum plus additional challenge labs and study guide material. A Word About the Scope of T opics in This Book The CCNA 1 v3.1 course is chock-full of material to learn. The online curriculum offers an extensive introduction to networking. However, because the curriculum is taught in a range of different instructional settings—from high schools to universities—instructors choose what to cover to ensure their students’ success. This book’s authors help instructors make these choices by prioritizing certain topics and put- ting less emphasis on other topics. This separation is based on directives from the Cisco xiv Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide Packet Tracer Networking Academy Program and instructor feedback in various academic settings. Rest assured, the full scope of the course topics in the curriculum is covered in this Companion Guide, either in the main text or on the accompanying CD-ROM. The objectives in each chapter highlight the core topics that are covered. The section “Additional Topics of Interest,” included at the beginning of some chapters, covers the material that is important for networkers to understand in the world today but tht is not necessarily asso- ciated with the core course objectives. This material is found on the CD-ROM. In addition, the authors have uploads/Litterature/ ccna-guide.pdf

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