Epsilon Starter Guide 1 Epsilon Starter Guide 2 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Welco

Epsilon Starter Guide 1 Epsilon Starter Guide 2 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Epsilon Command Guide! This guide contains a list of the available Welcome to the Epsilon Command Guide! This guide contains a list of the available commands and will serve as a knowledge base for new and returning players. commands and will serve as a knowledge base for new and returning players. About This Manual About This Manual • • Revision: 2 Revision: 2 • • • • Date published: 19th September 2019 Date published: 19th September 2019 • • Date effective: 19th September 2019 Date effective: 19th September 2019 Author & Contributers Author & Contributers Author: Ross#1832 - Author: Ross#1832 - Ross@EpsilonRP Ross@EpsilonRP Graphic Design & Contribution: Tiariana#0715 - Graphic Design & Contribution: Tiariana#0715 - Tia@EpsilonRP Tia@EpsilonRP Epsilon Starter Guide 3 USEFUL RESOURCES USEFUL RESOURCES • • Epsilon: Epsilon: https://epsilonwow.net/ https://epsilonwow.net/ • • Epsilon Forums: Epsilon Forums: https://forums.epsilonwow.net/ https://forums.epsilonwow.net/ • • Epsilon Discord: Epsilon Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/na6vX9W https://discordapp.com/invite/na6vX9W • • Server Changelogs: Server Changelogs: https://forums.epsilonwow.net/forum/42-changelogs/ https://forums.epsilonwow.net/forum/42-changelogs/ • • • • How to Connect: How to Connect: https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/1269-epsilon-connec­ https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/1269-epsilon-connec­ tion-guide/ tion-guide/ • • TinyClient: TinyClient: https://mega.nz/#!TVNjnABC!8BVNiuL_fp8Rdw4zGd2ZLyDeyzUp­ https://mega.nz/#!TVNjnABC!8BVNiuL_fp8Rdw4zGd2ZLyDeyzUp­ 3Wd4wrdWqvGBjss 3Wd4wrdWqvGBjss • • FAQ & Support: FAQ & Support: https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/1268-735-technical-sup­ https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/1268-735-technical-sup­ port-megathread/ port-megathread/ • • Patreon - If you’d like to support us with our monthly server bills, you can do so Patreon - If you’d like to support us with our monthly server bills, you can do so here: here: https://www.patreon.com/azarchius https://www.patreon.com/azarchius Epsilon Starter Guide 4 COMMON BONUS ITEM IDS COMMON BONUS ITEM IDS Raid Finder: Raid Finder: 451 451 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 451 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 451 Heroic: Heroic: 449 & 566 449 & 566 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 566 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 566 Mythic: Mythic: 450 & 567 450 & 567 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 567 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 567 Stage 1 of 6: Stage 1 of 6: 525 525 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 525 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 525 Stage 2 of 6: Stage 2 of 6: 526 526 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 526 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 526 Stage 3 of 6: Stage 3 of 6: 527 527 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 527 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 527 Stage 4 of 6: Stage 4 of 6: 593 593 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 593 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 593 Stage 5 of 6: Stage 5 of 6: 617 617 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 617 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 617 Stage 6 of 6: Stage 6 of 6: 618 618 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 618 - .additem [$Shift-Click-Link] 1 618 COMMAND INDEX COMMAND INDEX Command Command Syntax Syntax Example Example Sub Command Sub Command Comment Comment Nested Command Nested Command Epsilon Starter Guide 5 Add Item Add Item - - Add an item or multiples of that item to your character’s inventory. Add an item or multiples of that item to your character’s inventory. .additem or .addi .additem or .addi .additem #itemID/#shift-click-item-link #itemcount #bonusListIDs .additem #itemID/#shift-click-item-link #itemcount #bonusListIDs .additem [Battle-Worn Sword] 5 .additem [Battle-Worn Sword] 5 - Adds 5 Battle-Worn Sword to inventory (#shift-click method) - Adds 5 Battle-Worn Sword to inventory (#shift-click method) .addi 38607 .addi 38607 - Adds 1 Battle-Worn sword to inventory (#itemID Method) - Adds 1 Battle-Worn sword to inventory (#itemID Method) Add Item Set Add Item Set - - Adds all of the items contained inside of an item set ID to your character’s inventory. Adds all of the items contained inside of an item set ID to your character’s inventory. .additemset or .additems .additemset or .additems .additemset #itemSetID #bonusListIDs .additemset #itemSetID #bonusListIDs .additemset 1256 .additemset 1256 - Adds the entire normal version of the Felblade Armor set - Adds the entire normal version of the Felblade Armor set .addi 1256 566 .addi 1256 566 - Adds the entire heroic version of the Felblade Armor set - Adds the entire heroic version of the Felblade Armor set Announce Announce - - Send a message to the global announcement channel. Links to #Main in Discord. Send a message to the global announcement channel. Links to #Main in Discord. .announce or .ann .announce or .ann .announce $MessageToBroadcast .announce $MessageToBroadcast .announce Hello World! I am writing in announce chat. .announce Hello World! I am writing in announce chat. .ann Hello World! I am writing in ann chat. .ann Hello World! I am writing in ann chat. Appear Appear - - Teleport yourself to another player. Other player must allow you to appear via .toggle appear. Teleport yourself to another player. Other player must allow you to appear via .toggle appear. .appear or .app .appear or .app .appear $characterName .appear $characterName .appear Ross .appear Ross .app Ross .app Ross Aura Aura - - Apply the aura (buff/debuff) from a spell. Apply the aura (buff/debuff) from a spell. .aura or .au .aura or .au .aura #spellID/#shift-click-spell-link [self] .aura #spellID/#shift-click-spell-link [self] .aura [Inky Blackness, rank 1] .aura [Inky Blackness, rank 1] - Applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character - Applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character .aura 185394 .aura 185394 - Also applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character - Also applies the Inky Blackness aura to your character Cast Cast - - Cast a spell at your target. Triggered can be added to force the spell to cast. Cast a spell at your target. Triggered can be added to force the spell to cast. .cast or .ca .cast or .ca .cast spellID/#shift-click-spell-link [triggered] [self] .cast spellID/#shift-click-spell-link [triggered] [self] .cast 133 trig .cast 133 trig - Cast Fireball at your target. If you don’t have a target then you will hit yourself .cast 14517 trig .cast 14517 trig - Cast Crusader Strike - Cast Crusader Strike Distance Distance - - Casts a spell as an AoE spell. Trig can be added to force the spell to cast. Casts a spell as an AoE spell. Trig can be added to force the spell to cast. .cast distance or .ca dist .cast distance or .ca dist .cast dist #spell-ID #dist [triggered] .cast dist #spell-ID #dist [triggered] .cast distance 133 10 trig .cast distance 133 10 trig - Cast fireball as an AoE spell at 10 radius distance .ca dist 133 10 trig .ca dist 133 10 trig - Cast fireall as an AoE spell at 10 radius distance - Cast fireall as an AoE spell at 10 radius distance Destination Destination - - Your target will cast spell at the XYZ coords. Will not work on players. Your target will cast spell at the XYZ coords. Will not work on players. .cast destination or .ca dest .cast destination or .ca dest .cast dest #spell-ID #x #y #z [triggered] .cast dest #spell-ID #x #y #z [triggered] .cast destination 133 0 0 0 trig .cast destination 133 0 0 0 trig - Target casts fireball at X0 Y0 Z0 .ca dest 133 0 0 0 trig .ca dest 133 0 0 0 trig - Target casts fireball at X0 Y0 Z0 - Target casts fireball at X0 Y0 Z0 COMMAND INDEX COMMAND INDEX Command Command Syntax Syntax Example Example Sub Command Sub Command Comment Comment Nested Command Nested Command Epsilon Starter Guide 6 Character Character - - Shows the available subcommands. Shows the available subcommands. .character or .char .character or .char .character $subcommand .character $subcommand .characte .characte .char .char Customize Customize - - Flags your character for an appearance change. Flags your character for an appearance change. .character customize or .char cust .character customize or .char cust .character customize [$name] .character customize [$name] .character customize .character customize .char cust .char cust Cheat Cheat - - Shows the available subcommands. Shows the available subcommands. .cheat or .che .cheat or .che .cheat $subcommand .cheat $subcommand .cheat .cheat .ch .ch Bank Bank - - Opens your character’s bank. Opens your character’s bank. .cheat bank or .che ba .cheat bank or .che ba .cheat bank .cheat bank .cheat bank .cheat bank .che ba .che ba Barber Barber - - Opens the barber interface. You can change your hair style etc. Opens the barber interface. You can change your hair style etc. .cheat barber or .che bar .cheat barber or .che bar .cheat barber .cheat barber .cheat barber .cheat barber .che bar .che bar Cast Cast - - Toggles spell cast times on or off. Toggles spell cast times on or off. .cheat casttime or .che ca .cheat casttime or .che ca .cheat casttime [on/off] .cheat casttime [on/off] .cheat casttime on .cheat casttime on .che ca off .che ca off Cooldown Cooldown - - Toggles cooldown times on or off. Toggles cooldown times on or off. .cheat cooldown or .che cool .cheat cooldown or .che cool .cheat cooldown [on/off] .cheat cooldown [on/off] .cheat cooldown on .cheat cooldown on .che cool off .che cool off Explore Explore - - Reveal or hide all unexplored zone areas on the map. Reveal or hide all unexplored zone areas on the map. .cheat explore or .che ex .cheat explore or .che ex .cheat explore [1/0] .cheat explore [1/0] .cheat explore 1 .cheat explore 1 uploads/Litterature/ command-guide.pdf

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