Apa citation guide 1 APA Citation Guide APA American Psychological Association style is most frequently used within the social sciences in order to cite various sources This APA Citation Guide revised according to the th edition of the APA manual provides

APA Citation Guide APA American Psychological Association style is most frequently used within the social sciences in order to cite various sources This APA Citation Guide revised according to the th edition of the APA manual provides the general format for in-text citations and the reference page For more information please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association th ed APA Book Citation How to Cite a Book in APA Use the following template to cite a book using the APA citation format We also provide style guides for the MLA Chicago and Turabian styles To have your bibliography or works cited list automatically made for you check out our free APA citation generator Citing a book in print APA format structure Author A A Year of Publication Title of work Publisher City State Publisher APA format example Finney J Time and again New York NY Simon and Schuster Notes When citing a book in APA keep in mind Capitalize the ?rst letter of the ?rst word of the title and any subtitles as well as the ?rst letter of any proper nouns The full title of the book including any subtitles should be stated and italicized Citing an e- book from an e-reader E-book is short for ??electronic book ? It is a digital version of a book that can be read on a computer e-reader Kindle Nook etc or other electronic device APA format structure Author A A Year of Publication Title of work E-Reader Version Retrieved from http xxxx or doi xxxx APA format example Eggers D The circle Kindle Version Retrieved from http www amazon com Citing a book found in a database APA format structure Author A A Year of Publication Title of work Retrieved from http xxxx or doi xxxx APA format example Sayre Rebecca K Devercelli A E Neuman M J Wodon Q Investment in early childhood development Review of the world bank ? s recent experience doi - - - Notes When citing an online book or e-book in APA keep in mind A DOI digital object identi ?er is an assigned number that helps link content to it ? s location on the Internet It is therefore important if one is provided to use it when creating a citation All DOI numbers begin with a and are separated by a slash APA Magazine Citation How to Reference a Magazine in APA Use the following template to cite a magazine using the APA citation format We also provide style guides for the MLA Chicago and Turabian styles To have your bibliography or works cited list automatically made for you check out our free APA citation maker Citing a magazine article in print APA format structure Author A A Year month of Publication Article title Magazine Title Volume Issue pp - pp APA format example Tumulty K April Should they stay or should they go Time - CNotes When citing a magazine in APA keep in mind You can ?nd the

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